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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 12 May 2020
            Trump faces virus at White House amid push to ‘reopen’ U.S.

            By ZEKE MILLER and                                                                                                  travel to the state on Thurs-
            KEVIN FREKING                                                                                                       day,  according  to  adviso-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ries from the Federal Avia-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — As he                                                                                             tion Administration.
            encourages the country to                                                                                           Alongside  Trump's  encour-
            "reopen," President Donald                                                                                          agement  to  reopen,  the
            Trump  is  confronting  cases                                                                                       administration     moved
            of  the  coronavirus  in  his                                                                                       Monday  to  address  signifi-
            own home, spotlighting the                                                                                          cant  death  rates  in  nurs-
            challenge the White House                                                                                           ing homes and other senior
            faces  in  instilling  confi-                                                                                       care  facilities.  On  the  call
            dence in a nation still reel-                                                                                       with governors, Pence and
            ing from the pandemic.                                                                                              Birx recommended that ev-
            Two  known  cases  of  CO-                                                                                          ery  occupant  and  staffer
            VID-19  among  staffers  in                                                                                         be  tested  for  COVID-19  in
            one  of  the  most-protect-                                                                                         the  next  two  weeks,  with
            ed  complexes  in  America                                                                                          vigilant  monitoring  going
            have sent three of the na-                                                                                          forward, especially of staff.
            tion's  top  medical  experts                                                                                       Decisions  about  how  fast
            into  quarantine  and  Vice                                                                                         to reopen are being made
            President  Mike  Pence  into                                                                                        with  the  general  election
            "self-isolation."  The  scare                                                                                       less  than  six  months  away,
            comes as the White House                                                                                            and  Trump  and  other  in-
            this week is emphasizing to   Vice President Mike Pence reacts to audience members after a roundtable with agriculture and   cumbents  facing  it  in  the
            the  American  people  the   food supply leaders about steps being taken to ensure the food supply remains secure in response   midst  of  a  public  health
            steps being taken to assure   to the coronavirus pandemic, Friday, May 8, 2020, in West Des Moines, Iowa.  Associated Press  and economic crisis.
            their safety — in hopes that                                                                                        "If  we  do  this  carefully,
            will  coax  them  to  resume  with governors from an iso-  lergy and Infectious Diseas-  tration officials taking such  working  with  the  gover-
            normal activities.           lated  room,  after  his  press  es,  Dr.  Robert  Redfield,  di-  precautions come as states  nors,  I  don't  think  there's  a
            "This week - you'll hear the @  secretary tested positive Fri-  rector of the CDC, and the  seek  to  loosen  economic  considerable  risk,"  Treasury
            WhiteHouse talk about pre-   day.  Dr.  Deborah  Birx  and  commissioner  of  the  Food  restrictions  put  in  place  to  Secretary  Steven  Mnuchin
            paredness  &  confidence,"  other  staffers  participated  and  Drug  Administration,  mitigate the virus' spread.   said  on  "Fox  News  Sun-
            tweeted  Alyssa  Farah,  the  as usual from a conference  Dr.  Stephen  Hahn,  were  Trump  on  Monday  was  day." "Matter of fact, I think
            White  House  director  of  room in the Situation Room,  all  quarantining  after  ex-  complaining  that  Demo-    there's  a  considerable  risk
            strategic  communications.  Pence said, explaining the  posure to the White House  cratic  governors  were  too  of  not  reopening.  You're
            "The  Trump  Admin  is  work-  "slightly  different  circum-  staffer.                 slow  in  lifting  restrictions  in  talking  about  what  would
            ing  around  the  clock  to  stance."                     The   three   experts   are  their states.                be  permanent  economic
            build  our  testing  capacity,  "We  are  taking  the  appro-  scheduled to testify before  "The great people of Penn-  damage  to  the  American
            grow  our  PPE  stockpiles,  priate    countermeasures  a  Senate  panel  Tuesday  sylvania  want  their  free-     public."
            distribute  therapeutics,  &  to  protect  the  president's  on "Safely Getting Back to  dom  now,  and  they  are  Mnuchin  was  one  of  sev-
            get $ to states to SAFELY re-  health," Pence added, ac-  Work and Back to School."  fully  aware  of  what  that  eral economic advisers the
            open  in  a  way  Americans  cording to a recording ob-   However,  they,  along  with  entails,"  he  tweeted.  "The  White  House  dispatched
            can have CONFIDENCE in."     tained by the AP. The White  committee  chairman  La-     Democrats    are   moving  on  Sunday  to  place  the
            Yet, that message was un-    House was moving to daily  mar  Alexander,  R-Tenn.,  slowly,  all  over  the  USA,  focus on the merits of loos-
            dercut  by  the  exposure  of  testing of some staff mem-  will all participate remotely.  for  political  purposes.  They  ening  restrictions  on  the
            senior government officials  bers to detect the disease.   Alexander  is  quarantining  would wait until November  economy. Yet attention to
            to  positive  cases  at  the  The stepped-up protective  after a staff member of his  3rd  if  it  were  up  to  them.  possible  risks  of  infection
            White House itself.          measures comes as Dr. An-    own tested positive for CO-  Don't play politics. Be safe,  also turned to how the virus
            Pence on Monday led the  thony Fauci, the director of  VID-19.                         move quickly!"               even found its way into the
            White  House's  weekly  call  the National Institute of Al-  The images of top adminis-  Trump  was  scheduled  to  White House.q
            Park: Crowds stayed manageable during reopening of Smokies

            GATLINBURG,  Tenn.  (AP)                                                               some restroom facilities be-  across  open  areas  in  the
            —  Crews  had  to  rescue                                                              came  accessible  for  the  park.
            one  hiker  and  dealt  with                                                           first time Saturday when the  She  said  the  park  would
            congestion in a few popu-                                                              attraction  became  one  of  continue to push its #Smok-
            lar places when the Great                                                              the  country's  first  national  iesSafe  messages  online
            Smoky     Mountains     re-                                                            parks to reopen after clos-  and  on  social  media  to
            opened over the weekend,                                                               ing in March to prevent the  help  people  plan  a  safe
            but  crowds  stayed  man-                                                              spread of the coronavirus.   visit. She said that includes
            ageable,  a  park  spokes-                                                             Popular areas including Ca-  adhering to social distanc-
            woman said Monday.                                                                     des  Cove  and  Newfound  ing guidelines of staying at
            "The  Smokies  was  a  busy                                                            Gap were open along with  least 6 feet apart.
            place  this  weekend,  but                                                             more than 50 trails.         The  reopening  was  an-
            conditions  never  became                                                              Some spots were crowded,  nounced after making sure
            overwhelming  for  staff  or                                                           including   Rainbow   Falls  the  park  was  aligned  with
            visitor  congestion,"  spokes-  This  Wednesday,  May  6,  2020  image  from  a  tweet  by  Interior   Trail, where the parking lot  federal, state and local au-
                                         Secretary  David  Bernhardt,  the  Interior  Secretary  talks  with
            woman  Dana  Soehn  said     Cassius  Cash,  the  park  superintendent,  as  he  visits  National   overflowed  and  people  thorities  and  had  enough
            after officials evaluated the   Parks  Service  employees  at  Great  Smoky  Mountains  National   parked roadside.   personal  protective  gear
            weekend's  events.  Major    Park.                                                     But  overall,  Soehn  said  for  employees,  Soehn  has
            roadways,  most  trails  and                                          Associated Press  visitor  use  was  dispersed  said.q
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