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A26    U.S. NEWS
                       Tuesday 12 May 2020
            AP source: MLB owners approve plan to start season in July

            Continued from Front                                                                                                playing  games  in  the  ab-
                                                                                                                                sence  of  spectators  or  at
            Teams would prefer to play                                                                                          appropriate  neutral  sites.”
            at their regular-season ball-                                                                                       Manfred  has  said  about
            parks  but  would  switch  to                                                                                       40% of MLB revenue is tied
            spring  training  stadiums                                                                                          to gate, including conces-
            or  neutral  sites  if  medical                                                                                     sions, parking, ballpark ad-
            and  government  appro-                                                                                             vertising,  luxury  suites  and
            vals can’t be obtained for                                                                                          programs.
            games  at  home.  Toronto                                                                                           Union  officials  and  play-
            might  have  to  play  home                                                                                         ers  have  cited  the  March
            games in Dunedin, Florida.                                                                                          26  agreement  as  setting
            The  All-Star  Game,  sche-                                                                                         economic  terms  and  say
            duled  for  Dodger  Stadium                                                                                         they  have  no  inclination
            in  Los  Angeles  on  July  14,                                                                                     for  additional  cuts.  Players
            likely would be called off.                                                                                         are more interested in me-
            Teams  will  propose  that                                                                                          dical protocols and testing
            players  receive  the  per-                                                                                         designed  to  protect  them
            centage of their 2020 sala-                                                                                         from  and  detect  the  new
            ries  based  on  a  50-50  split                                                                                    coronavirus.  The  proposal
            of  revenues  MLB  receives                                                                                         will detail the plan for dea-
            during  the  regular-season                                                                                         ling  with  players  and  staff
            and postseason, which like-                                                                                         who test positive.
            ly  will  be  among  the  most   In this Sunday, Aug. 4, 2019, file photo, Boston Red Sox right fielder Mookie Betts makes a leaping   Because  players  accrue
            contentious aspects of the   catch on a ball hit by New York Yankees' DJ LeMahieu during the eighth inning of a baseball   salaries for the regular sea-
                                         game in New York.
            proposal  during  negotiati-                                                                       Associated Press   son only and not for spring
            ons  with  the  players’  asso-                                                                                     training  or  the  postseason,
            ciation.                     to  a  7  1/2-month  strike  in  pear to be leaning toward  earned in 2019.            the  union  may  counter  by
            That  proposal  would  take  1994-95 that wiped out the  that  option,  while  Arizona-  But that deal is contingent  asking  for  more  regular-
            into  account  fans  being  World Series for the first time  based  clubs  are  inclined  there  being  no  restrictions  season  games  during  ne-
            able  to  return  to  ballparks  in 90 years.             to work out at home rather  on  mass  gatherings  at  the  gotiations that could signifi-
            at  some  point,  perhaps  Rosters     would   be    ex-  than deal with June heat in  federal,  state,  city  and  lo-  cantly alter or possibly even
            with a small percentage of  panded from 26 to around  the Phoenix area.                cal level; no relevant travel  scuttle the restart plan.
            seats sold at first and then  30. With minor leagues shut-  Players and teams agreed  restrictions  in  the  U.S.  and  The  DH  was  adopted  by
            gradually increasing.        tered,  there  likely  will  be  to a deal on March 26 that  Canada;  and  Commissio-  the  American  League  for
            Baseball  players  have  re-  the  addition  of  about  20  called  for  each  player  to  ner Rob Manfred after con-  the  1973  season  but  has
            fused to consider even the  players per club akin to the  receive  only  a  portion  of  sulting  the  union  and  me-  been  resisted  by  National
            frameworks for the type of  NFL’s practice squad.         salary, determined by what  dical  expects,  determines  League  owners.  The  play-
            revenue  splits  that  have  Teams would have the op-     percentage of a 162-game  there is no risk to playing in  ers’  union  has  favored  it
            been agreed to by unions  tion of holding the resump-     schedule is played. As part  front of fans at regular-sea-  because  it  would  create
            in  the  NFL,  NBA  and  NHL.  tion  of  spring  training  at  of that deal, if no season is  son ballparks.        more  jobs  for  high-paying
            The  last  attempt  by  base-  home or at their facilities in  played each player would  Players and teams commit-  hitters in their 30s, but MLB
            ball owners to gain a salary  Florida  and  Arizona.  Most  receive  2020  service  time  ted to “discuss in good faith  has looked at it as an eco-
            cap with a revenue split led  teams based in Florida ap-  matching  what  the  player  the economic feasibility of  nomic issue.q

              White House recommends tests for all nursing home residents

                                                                      White  House  strongly  rec-  the  federal  government's  the U.S. that have been at-
                                                                      ommended  to  governors  strong      recommendation  tributed to the virus.
                                                                      Monday  that  all  residents  that such testing be done.  Nursing  home  operators
                                                                      and  staff  at  such  facilities  "We  really  believe  that  all  have said the lack of test-
                                                                      be tested for the coronavi-  1 million nursing home resi-  ing  has  left  them  nearly
                                                                      rus in the next two weeks.   dents  need  to  be  tested  powerless to stop the virus
                                                                      Why  the  government  is  within  next  two  weeks  as  from  entering  their  facili-
                                                                      not ordering testing at the  well  as  the  staff,"  added  ties because they haven't
                                                                      the  nation's  more  than  Dr.  Deborah  Birx,  the  task  been able to identity silent
                                                                      15,000  nursing  homes  was  force   coordinator,   ac-  spreaders  among  already
                                                                      unclear.  Nor  was  it  clear  cording  to  a  recording  of  sick residents and staff not
                                                                      why  it  is  being  recom-   the  call  obtained  by  The  showing symptoms.
                                                                      mended  now,  more  than  Associated Press.              Charlene  Harrington,  a
                                                                      two  months  after  the  na-  More than 26,000 residents  professor  emeritus  of  nurs-
                                                                      tion's  first  major  outbreak  and  staff  have  died  from  ing  at  the  University  of
              White  House  coronavirus  response  coordinator  Dr.  Deborah
              Birx listens as President Donald Trump holds a meeting about   at a nursing home outside  outbreaks  of  the  virus  at  California,  San  Francisco,
              the coronavirus response with Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas, in   of  Seattle  that  eventually  the nation's nursing homes  said nursing homes should
              the Oval Office of the White House, Thursday, May 7, 2020, in   killed 43 people.    and  long-term  care  facili-  have been prioritized from
              Washington.                                             Vice President Mike Pence,  ties,  according  to  an  AP  the  start  given  their  vul-
                                                     Associated Press  who leads the White House  tally based on state health  nerable  populations  and
              DARLENE  SUPERVILLE  and  WASHINGTON (AP) — With        coronavirus   task   force,  departments  and  media  questioned why the testing
              BERNARD CONDON              deaths  mounting  at  the   told governors on a video  reports.  That  is  about  a  recommendation  is  only
              Associated Press            nation's nursing homes, the   conference  call  that  it's  third of all 76,000 deaths in  happening now.q
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