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A28    u.s. news
                 Diasabra 12 Februari 2022

                            Why cage-free eggs becoming norm: It’s what people want

                                                                      chains  as  well  as  dozens  of                          versity,  found  that  after  a
                                                                      grocers  and  food  manufac-  The  egg  industry  also  ini-  mandatory shift on Jan. 1 to
                                                                      turers responded to pressure  tially  sought  national  stan-  cage-free  in  California,  the
                                                                      from  animal  welfare  groups  dards that would allow larger  price of a dozen eggs in the
                                                                      by  announcing  their  com-  cages but ultimately relented,  state jumped by 72 cents —
                                                                      mitment  to  cage-free  eggs.  said J. T. Dean, president of  or 103% — over the average
                                                                      That  was  followed  by  laws  Iowa-based  Versova,  a  lead-  U.S. price, although the gap
                                                                      requiring  cage-free  hous-  ing  egg  producer.  Egg  com-  could  shrink  as  the  market
                                                                      ing in California and similar  panies house about 325 mil-  adapts.
                                                                      rules  in  at  least  seven  other  lion  laying  hens,  so  shifting
                                                                      states  —  Colorado,  Massa-  many  out  of  cages  where  At  Des  Moines’  Gateway
                                                                      chusetts,  Michigan,  Nevada,  they couldn’t move and into  Market, which specializes in
                                                                      Oregon, Utah and Washing-    spaces where they could walk  organic  and  specialty  food,
                                                                      ton.                         and  roost  was  an  expensive  shoppers  said  they  think  it’s
                                                                                                   proposition, Dean said.      worth paying more for eggs if
                                                                      McDonald’s,  which  buys                                  it improves lives for hens.
            (AP)  —  Without  much  major  grocers,  egg  produc-     about  2  billion  eggs  annu-  Besides  building  structures
            fuss  and  even  less  public  ers are freeing chickens from  ally,  said  it  gradually  shifted  with more space, companies  “I  feel  as  though  I  want
            attention, the nation’s egg  cages and letting them move  to cage-free after concluding  had to figure out how to feed  the  chicken  to  be  happy,”
            producers are in the midst  throughout hen houses.        it was desired by customers.  birds that could move about  said  Mary  Skinner,  of  Des
            of  a  multibillion-dollar                                Many companies widely pro-   and how to collect their eggs.  Moines. “How would we feel
            shift to cage-free eggs that  “What we producers failed to  moted  their  move  to  cage-  More workers and more feed  if we were stuck in a cage?”
            is  dramatically  changing  realize early on was that the  free as good for their brand’s  were  also  needed  because
            the  lives  of  millions  of  people funding all the animal  image.                    hens  moving  around  would  Gregg  Fath,  a  Des  Moines
            hens  in  response  to  new  rights  activist  groups,  they                           work up more of an appetite.  resident  who  enjoys  eating
            laws  and  demands  from  were  our  customers.  And  at  Earlier,   animal   welfare                               three eggs for breakfast, said
            restaurant chains.           the  end  of  the  day,  we  have  groups,  especially  the  Hu-  The key, said Dean, was get-  he  thinks  “people  are  learn-
                                         to  listen  to  our  customers,”  mane Society, had organized  ting long-term commitments  ing to be more aware.”
            In  a  decade,  the  percentage  said  Marcus  Rust,  the  CEO  shareholder campaigns, con-  for guaranteed buyers of eggs
            of hens in cage-free housing  of  Indiana-based  Rose  Acre  ducted undercover investiga-  at  a  higher  price  and  then  Looking years into the future,
            has soared from 4% in 2010  Farms,  the  nation’s  second-  tions  of  chicken  farms  and  finding financing that would  egg  company  leaders  said
            to 28% in 2020, and that fig-  largest egg producer.      filed  federal  complaints.  A  work for his company.     they  think  the  demand  for
            ure is expected to more than                              Gallup poll from 2015 found                               cheaper eggs from caged hens
            double  to  about  70%  in  the  Josh Balk, vice president for  that  nearly  two-thirds  of  “When you start talking about  will  remain  roughly  25%  or
            next four years.             farm animal protection at the  Americans  thought  animals  needing  billions  of  dollars,  more of the market, but Balk
                                         Humane Society of the Unit-  deserved  protection  from  you have to try every avenue  at  the  Humane  Society  said
            The change marks one of the  ed  States,  noted  the  abrupt-  harm and exploitation.  you can,” Dean said.         he expects it to become a tiny
            animal  welfare  movement’s  ness of the about face. This is                                                        percentage of overall sales.
            biggest  successes  after  years  “an entire industry that at one  Animal  rights  groups  have  The exact cost of the switch
            of  battles  with  the  food  in-  point  fought  tooth  and  nail  made allowing animals room  on  egg  producers  is  hard  Balk  notes  that  hundreds  of
            dustry. The transition has cost  not to make any changes,” he  to  move  a  priority  in  their  to  estimate,  in  part  because  national retailers, restaurants,
            billions of dollars for produc-  said.                    campaigns  but  the  results  some  updating  of  buildings  grocers  and  food  manufac-
            ers who initially resisted calls                          have  been  mixed.  The  pork  and  equipment  is  done  pe-  turers  either  have  imple-
            for  more  humane  treatment  To a great extent, the industry  industry  is  fighting  to  block  riodically  anyway.  The  cost  mented  cage-free  require-
            of  chickens  but  have  since  concluded it didn’t have an-  the  California  initiative  that  to people at grocery stores is  ments or plan to do so within
            fully embraced the new reali-  other choice.              required  more  space  for  clearer.                      a few years.
            ty. Pushed by voter initiatives                           breeding pigs and veal calves,
            in California and other states  Beginning  in  about  2015,  and a state judge recently de-  Jayson  Lusk,  who  heads  the  “This  is  the  future  of  every
            as well as pressure from fast  McDonald’s,  Burger  King  layed implementation of new  Agricultural  Economics  De-  state in America,” he said.
            food  restaurant  chains  and  and other national restaurant  rules.                   partment  at  Purdue  Uni-

                       Worker pleads guilty to abusing inmates at US women’s prison

            (AP) - A former employee  prison  recycling  technician,  evidence  pertained  to  both                             a lookout.
            at a federal women’s pris-   pleaded guilty in federal court  Klinger  and  Warden  Ray  J.  Klinger  was  arrested  last
            on  in  California  pleaded  in Oakland to three counts of  Garcia’s cases.            June and accused of sexually  Klinger  told  the  women  he
            guilty Thursday to charg-    sexual  abuse  of  a  ward.  He                           abusing at least two inmates  wanted  to  marry  them  and
            es  he  sexually  abused  at  faces up to 15 years in pris-  Klinger’s  lawyer,  John  Paul  between March and Septem-  father  their  children,  even
            least two inmates, the first  on, though in other cases the  Reichmuth,  declined  com-  ber  2020,  including  inside  a  proposing  to  one  of  them
            conviction in a wave of ar-  sentences  have  ranged  from  ment.                      warehouse and in a shipping  with a diamond ring after she
            rests at a lockup known to  three  months  to  two  years.                             container on prison grounds  was  discharged  to  a  halfway
            prisoners  and  workers  as  Klinger remains free pending  An  Associated  Press  investi-  while another inmate acted as  house, prosecutors said.
            “the rape club.”             sentencing.  A  status  confer-  gation  published  this  week
                                         ence is scheduled for May 11.  found a permissive and toxic
            Ross  Klinger,  36,  is  one  of                          culture at the prison, enabling
            four  employees,  including  Klinger  signed  a  plea  agree-  years  of  sexual  misconduct
            the  warden  and  chaplain,  ment in connection with his  by  predatory  employees  and
            who’ve  been  arrested  in  in  guilty plea, but the document  cover-ups  that  have  largely
            the  past  seven  months  for  was  not  published  to  the  kept  the  abuse  out  of  the
            sexually  abusing  inmates  at  public docket. A court official  public eye.
            the federal correctional insti-  said it was sealed. Because the
            tution in Dublin, California.  agreement is not public, it is  FCI Dublin, about 21 miles
            Several  other  Dublin  work-  not clear whether it includes  (34 kilometers) east of Oak-
            ers  remain  under  investiga-  a clause requiring him to co-  land, was opened in 1974. It
            tion.                        operate with authorities. In a  was converted in 2012 to one
                                         court filing last month, pros-  of  six  women-only  facilities
            Klinger,  a  former  Dublin  ecutors  said  some  of  their  in the federal prison system.
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