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A32    sports
                 Diasabra 12 Februari 2022

                              Doping hearing to decide Russian skater’s Olympic fate

                                                                                    at  the  national  championships.  On  everybody  concerned,  not  least  the
                                                The ITA confirmed reports that Va-  Wednesday,  a  RUSADA  disciplinary  15-year-old athlete that’s concerned,
                                                lieva  tested  positive  for  the  banned  panel  upheld  her  appeal  and  over-  that  we  have  due  process,  that  it’s
                                                substance  trimetazidine  at  the  Rus-  turned the skater’s interim ban.  seen  to  be  done  properly  and  that
                                                sian  national  championships  in  St.                                  people can have confidence in the de-
                                                Petersburg six weeks ago.           The rushed hearing at CAS will only  cisions that are taken.”
                                                                                    consider  the  question  of  the  provi-
                                                The  positive  test  was  flagged  by  a  sional ban at these Olympics, said the  Valieva will likely be stripped of her
                                                laboratory in Sweden only on Tues-  International  Testing  Agency,  which  Russian  national  title  from  Decem-
                                                day — the day after Valieva helped the  is prosecuting on behalf of the IOC.  ber.
                                                Russians win the team event and just  The ITA was formed by the IOC in
                                                hours  before  the  medal  ceremony,  2018 in the wake of the Russian dop-  The  Russian  Olympic  Committee
                                                which was then postponed. Whether  ing  scandal  to  manage  international  said it would defend Valieva and fight
                                                the Russians will lose that gold medal  testing and to design the anti-doping  to keep the team event gold she con-
            (AP) — Russian figure skater Ka-    will be decided later.              program for the Olympics.           tributed to. It added that a doping test
            mila  Valieva’s  right  to  compete                                                                         Valieva  took  while  at  the  Olympics
            in the women’s event at the Bei-    The Russian anti-doping agency said  “The  IOC  will  exercise  its  right  to  came  back  clean.  All  medalists  are
            jing Olympics will be decided at  it was told the delay was caused by the  appeal  and  not  to  wait  for  the  rea-  tested at the Olympics.
            an urgent hearing at the Court of  coronavirus, with lab staff in Sweden  soned decision by RUSADA, because
            Arbitration for Sport.              having been either ill or in isolation.  a decision is needed before the next  Kremlin  spokesman  Dmitry  Peskov
                                                The  agency,  known  as  RUSADA,  competition the athlete is due to take  was  vocal  in  calling  for  support  for
            Both the World Anti-Doping Agency  added  that  it  was  also  investigating  part in,” the testing agency said.  Valieva.
            and the International Testing Agency  Valieva’s entourage “to identify all the
            — on behalf of the IOC — said Fri-  circumstances involved in a possible  As  a  15-year-old,  Valieva  has  pro-  “We’re  waiting  for  the  proceedings
            day they would fight the decision by  breach of anti-doping rules.”     tections  in  the  World  Anti-Doping  to end. And infinitely, absolutely in-
            Russia’s anti-doping agency to allow                                    Code.  Under  the  guidelines,  she  finitely,  and  completely  and  in  any
            the 15-year-old Valieva to skate. The  It  also  said  it  was  first  told  of  the  could ultimately receive just a simple  case  we  are  supporting  our  Kamila
            Russian agency provisionally banned  positive result by lab on Monday, not  reprimand.                      Valieva,” he told reporters Friday.
            Valieva on Tuesday because she failed  Tuesday, as reported by the ITA.
            a  doping  test  in  December.  After                                   When a minor is implicated in dop-  “And we call on everyone to support
            an  appeal,  the  agency  lifted  the  ban  The hospital that oversees the Swed-  ing rules violations, the rules say her  her. And we say to Kamila: ’Kamila,
            Wednesday.                          ish lab said in an emailed statement  entourage, such as coaches and team  do not hide your face, you are a Rus-
                                                that “the laboratory is not allowed in  doctors,  must  be  investigated,  too.  sian  woman,  walk  proudly  every-
            Valieva  is  the  heavy  favorite  in  her  any  way  to  comment  on  a  pending  That isn’t typically the case for ath-  where and most of all, compete and
            event,  which  begins  Tuesday.  She  case,” when asked by The Associated  letes 18 and over.               win against everyone.”
            set  world  record  scores  this  season  Press to explain the weekslong delay
            and landed the first quad jump by a  in testing the sample. It is not clear  “Such  cases  are  not  helpful  to  the  For  the  second  straight  day,  Valieva
            woman at an Olympics as the Russian  when  Russian  anti-doping  officials  Games,” IOC spokesman Mark Ad-  worked  out  early  at  the  main  rink
            athletes competing as ROC, short for  sent the sample or when it arrived at  ams  said.  “These  cases  need  to  be  inside  Capital  Indoor  Stadium  as  if
            Russian  Olympic  Committee,  won  the lab.                             prosecuted  properly,  taken  care  of  nothing was amiss. She was flanked
            the team event. The ROC said it will                                    properly and due process needs to be  by  Russian  teammates  Alexandra
            fight to keep that gold medal, and Va-  Valieva was hit with an immediate in-  gone through. Otherwise I think the  Trusova  and  world  champion  Anna
            lieva has passionate support from the  terim ban from the Beijing Olympics  confidence of people would be even  Shcherbakova, both of whom are also
            Kremlin.                            by RUSADA, which oversaw testing  less. So I think it’s very important for  coached by Eteri Tutberidze.

                              Exam finds no definitive cause of Medina Spirit’s death

            (AP)  —  A  necropsy  on  cardiac cause of death.”        The  report  said  no  other  idence of abnormalities.    view of the necropsy report,
            2021 Kentucky Derby win-                                  drugs,  heavy  metals  or  toxi-                          which  will  be  done  by  Dr.
            ner Medina Spirit showed  Medina  Spirit’s  Kentucky  cants were detected.             Liver  tissue  was  tested  for  Alina  Vale.  A  safety  steward
            no  definitive  cause  of  Derby victory last May came                                 heavy metals, anticoagulants,  and a member of the board of
            death.                       under scrutiny after he tested  The necropsy included gross  pesticides,   environmental  stewards will also participate
                                         positive  for  betamethasone,  examination of the body and  contaminants,  drugs,  and  in the review.
            The  California  Horse  Rac-  a legal medication that is not  internal  organs,  and  speci-  other  products.  Blood  and
            ing Board on Friday released  allowed on race day in Ken-  men  collection  for  micro-  urine samples were screened  Any potential rule violations
            the results of the examination  tucky.                    scopic  examination,  toxicol-  for the presence of hundreds  uncovered in the review pro-
            done after the colt collapsed                             ogy, drug testing, and genetic  of  substances,  both  legal  cess  will  be  investigated  by
            and died after a workout on  As  a  result,  Baffert  was  sus-  testing,  with  specimens  also  medications  and  prohibited  the CHRB and would result
            Dec. 6 at Santa Anita.       pended by Churchill Downs  stored  for  possible  future  drugs,  including  erythropoi-  in  a  complaint  and  possible
                                         and  barred  from  entering  testing.                     etin (EPO), clenbuterol, and  disciplinary action.
            Trainer  Bob  Baffert  said  the  horses in the 2022 and 2023                          betamethasone.
            colt  suffered  a  heart  attack.  Kentucky  Derbies.  He  also  After  the  examination  was
            Medina Spirit had just com-  was banned by the New York  completed,  Medina  Spirit  Next  comes  a  required  re-
            pleted  five  furlongs  in  his  Racing Association from en-  was  cremated,  the  CHRB
            second workout since finish-  tering horses at its Belmont,  said.
            ing  second  in  the  Breeders’  Saratoga   and   Aqueduct
            Cup Classic in November.     tracks.                      During  the  necropsy,  the
                                                                      horse was examined for obvi-
            The necropsy report said Me-  The  necropsy  on  Medina  ous causes of death and visu-
            dina  Spirit’s  swollen  lungs  Spirit  found  the  anti-ulcer  ally  apparent  abnormalities.
            and foam in his windpipe, as  medication  omeprazole  and  Tissue samples were collect-
            well  as  enlarged  spleen  and  the  diuretic  Lasix  in  blood  ed from the heart, lungs, liv-
            congestions  and  mild  hem-  and urine samples consistent  er,  spleen,  kidney,  stomach,
            orrhages in other tissues “are  with  the  medication  report  intestines, muscle, brain, spi-
            common  in  horses  dying  filed with CHRB by the at-     nal cord, testicles, and other
            suddenly, and are compatible  tending veterinarian.       glands,  and  were  examined
            with,  but  not  specific  for  a                         under the microscope for ev-
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