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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 12 Februari 2022

                         High energy prices send Europe’s businesses, homes reeling

            (AP)  —  Mehmet  Bogday  on social media to show how  raised  electricity  tariffs  on
            says his jaw dropped when  costs  are  untenable.  Shop-  Jan. 1, spiking prices by 50%
            he  saw  his  electricity  bill  keepers are displaying notices  for many people and as much
            —  it  was  higher  than  the  decrying  high  bills  on  shop  as  127%  for  businesses  and
            rent he pays for his Istan-  windows,  while  others  have  high-consumption   house-
            bul restaurant selling tra-  gathered   outside   electric  holds.
            ditional  Turkish  wraps,  companies and set their bills
            and  more  than  double  on fire.                         The leader of Turkey’s main
            what he paid a month ago.                                 opposition  party  this  week
                                         Like the rest of Europe, elec-  joined  a  torrent  of  demands
            “This  is  unsustainable,”  said  tricity  generation  in  Turkey  to withdraw the price hikes,
            Bogday,  who  owns  the  As-  requires  energy  sources  that  saying he would not pay his
            mali Mescit Durumcusu res-   have surged in price, includ-  electricity bill until the tariffs
            taurant.  “If  it  continues  this  ing  natural  gas,  whose  sup-  are  lowered.  Kemal  Kilicda-
            way,  we  will  have  to  lay  off  ply is low. A huge drop in the  roglu also called for reducing
            staff. If it continues this way,  value of Turkey’s currency is  taxes on electricity rates.  get  about  half  of  the  extra  eries and other businesses to
            we won’t be able to make this  driving the price spike in im-                          cost shaved off.             the point many had to close.
            work. We’ll either downsize,  ported gas.                 Faced  with  mounting  criti-
            or close and go sit at home.”                             cism, President Recep  Tayy-  Likewise,  Italian  households  The  right-wing  government
                                         As  Europe’s  energy  demand  ip  Erdogan  made  changes  are bracing for a record 55%  temporarily lowered taxes on
            Spiking  energy  prices  are  roared back from the depths  this month so the price rises  increase  in  electricity  and  electricity,  gas,  engine  fuels,
            raising  utility  bills  from  Po-  of the coronavirus pandemic,  kick in when households use  42% in gas in coming weeks,  some food staples and fertil-
            land to the United Kingdom,  it ran up against gas reserves  more  energy,  but  it’s  failed  energy regulators say.  izer.  That’s  expected  to  cut
            leaving  people  struggling  to  sapped  by  a  cold  winter  last  to  provide  relief.  With  price               energy  costs  for  a  family  of
            make  ends  meet  and  small  year,  a  lack  of  renewable  hikes threatening to hurt Er-  To  draw  attention  to  the  is-  four by some 120 zlotys (26.5
            businesses  uncertain  about  energy  generation  over  the  dogan ahead of elections next  sue,  mayors  plunged  the  euros) this year. The govern-
            how  much  longer  they  can  summer and Russia not sell-  year,  his  administration  has  historic  city  halls  of  Rome  ment  also  is  introducing  a
            stay afloat. In response, gov-  ing  as  much  gas  as  usual  to  said  it’s  working  on  a  pos-  and  Florence  into  darkness  bonus  to  households,  rang-
            ernments  across  Europe  are  Europe.                    sible  readjustment  or  other  Thursday  night.  The  Italian  ing  from  20  to  1,450  zlotys
            rushing to pass aid to ease the                           measures to help people.     mayors’  association  said  the  (4.5  to  320  euros)  annually,
            hit as energy prices drive a re-  Utilities are passing the costs                      government’s response so far  depending on income.
            cord rise in inflation.      along to customers, and peo-  It’s  something  that  govern-  has been insufficient to help
                                         ple are getting hit twice: with  ments  through  Europe  are  cities  confront  hundreds  of  Businesses   say   it’s   not
            Nowhere is that squeeze felt  higher bills at home and ris-  doing  as  rising  utility  costs  millions in additional energy  enough  to  balance  their  in-
            more acutely than in Turkey,  ing  prices  from  businesses  draw widespread outcry.   costs,  making  them  choose  creased costs.
            where inflation has soared to  also paying more for energy.                            between  balancing  budgets
            nearly  50%  and  exorbitant                              In  Britain,  energy  prices  are  or cutting services.   A  majority  of  left-leaning
            electricity  bills  are  stirring  It’s  led  to  a  cost-of-living  set to go up by a record 54%                   lawmakers   in   Denmark
            protests and fears about how  crisis  in  some  places,  but  —  some  700  pounds  ($940)  Premier  Mario  Draghi  this  agreed Friday to spend 1 bil-
            small  businesses,  like  Bog-  especially  in  Turkey,  where  per year — starting in April.  week said Italy’s government  lion  kroner  ($153  million)
            day’s restaurant, can survive.  households  and  businesses  The  government  says  cus-  was  determined  to  draw  up  for  a  temporary  program  to
                                         were  already  reeling  from  tomers will get a discount on  broad  measures  soon  that  help the most affected house-
            Protests over electricity price  eye-watering  inflation  and  a  their bills to be paid back in  will provide relief to families  holds  cope  with  high  elec-
            hikes broke out across Turkey  currency that lost some 44%  small  installments  over  the  and businesses.         tricity bills. Roughly 320,000
            this  week,  including  some  of  its  value  last  year,  eating  next few years, and most also                    households in Denmark will
            where police fired tear gas to  away  savings  and  making  it  will  get  money  off  another  Polish  regulators  approved  be  eligible  for  3,750  kroner
            disperse  crowds.  People  are  difficult  to  buy  even  basics  local tax. In total, the govern-  energy  prices  going  up  by  ($576).
            posting  their  electricity  bills  like  food.  Authorities  then  ment  said  most  people  will  37% this year, pinching bak-

                              Argentina’s Puerta 8: the barrio and the deadly cocaine

            (AP) — A dozen children stare as if hypno-      the toxic cocaine were found.                   gentina’s Ministry of Education said 1 million stu-
            tized at the fire heating a large pot of meat                                                   dents, especially in poor communities, dropped out
            and  vegetable  stew.  Martín  Benítez  tosses  The 35-year-old prepares food provided by a com-  of school in 2020 when attendance was suspended
            spices into the pot and stirs its contents with  munity  organization.  He  said  he  shut  down  the  due to pandemic measures.
            a long wooden spoon. Women with containers  soup kitchen eight months ago because of gunfire
            to be filled appear from a dimly lit hallway,  from drug dealers.                               Young people in Puerta 8 find “easy money” selling
            drawn by an aroma they haven’t smelled in a                                                     drugs, said Benítez. “They earn more than they can
            long time.                                      Around the fire that heats the pot, neighbors wait-  earn working legally.”
                                                            ing for their share of the stew whispered in low
            After eight months, Benítez has reopened the soup  voices: “Everything got worse with the pandemic.”
            kitchen in front of his home in Puerta 8, the poor                                              Soledad Campos is the mother of Nicolás, 18, the
            neighborhood  northwest  of  Buenos  Aires  that  Puerta 8 is one of dozens of slums that grew in the  only Puerta 8 resident arrested in the adulterated
            gained notoriety last week when police said it was  suburbs  of  Argentina’s  capital  following  succes-  cocaine case. She said her son was paid 2,000 pesos
            the  source  of  adulterated  cocaine  that  killed  24  sive economic crises. Its precise population is not  (US$18) a day as a lookout for the neighborhood
            people and hospitalized almost 100.             known, but it encompasses 150 to 200 houses.    drug bunker.

            Benitez’s humble house of exposed brick with a tin  It emerged in the 1980s in the district of San Mar-  Police say Puerta 8’s location at the intersection of
            roof is right next to the “bunker” where doses of  tín  but  was  never  fully  developed.  There  are  no  two major roads make it an ideal point for selling
                                                            sewers and at times the air in its narrow streets and  drugs.
                                                            alleyways is almost unbreathable. Besides the sew-
                                                            age, foul smells waft over from nearby slaughter-  Investigators say the cocaine was adulterated with
                                                            houses and a garbage processing and recycling site.  carfentanil, an opioid more powerful than heroin
                                                                                                            that is used to anesthetize large animals. Authori-
                                                            More than 40% of Argentines lived in poverty in  ties say they still do now know why it was put into
                                                            2021, with this figure exceeding 50% among chil-  the cocaine — whether it was to increase the high
                                                            dren and adolescents, according to UNICEF. Ar-  or as part of a war between drug gangs.
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