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a30 feature
Friday 22 May 2020
Film: ‘Roe’ plaintiff says her anti-abortion switch was act
By JESSICA GRESKO ken with the religious right
Associated Press and now supports Roe v.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Nor- Wade, confirms that Mc-
ma McCorvey loved the Corvey was coached on
limelight. Better known as what to say and paid.
"Jane Roe," her story was "Money was a constant
at the center of the 1973 source of tension. Norma
Supreme Court case Roe would complain that she
v. Wade that legalized wasn't getting enough
abortion nationwide. At money. Her complaints
first she was an abortion were met with checks,"
rights advocate, but, in a Schenck says, adding:
twist, she became a born- "There was some worry that
again Christian in 1995 and if Norma wasn't paid suffi-
switched sides. ciently, that she would go
Now, three years after her back to the other side."
death of heart failure at He also expresses some
age 69, she's making head- misgivings of his own, ac-
lines again. In a documen- knowledging he wondered
of McCorvey: "Is she play-
ing us?"
"What I didn't have the guts
to say was: 'Because I know
In this April 26, 1989 file photo, Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe in the 1973 court case, left, and her damn well we're playing
attorney Gloria Allred hold hands as they leave the Supreme Court building in Washington after her.' What we did with Nor-
sitting in while the court listened to arguments in a Missouri abortion case.
Associated Press ma was highly unethical.
The jig is up," he says.
tary being released Friday, eight years working on a v. Wade. She gave birth to McCorvey, for her part,
McCorvey says she was book about McCorvey due her third child, whom she says both parties used the
paid to speak out against out next year. In a tele- put up for adoption, before other.
abortion. phone interview, he said the Supreme Court ruled in As the star of "AKA Jane
"This is my deathbed con- McCorvey made her living her case. Roe," she is wry, some-
fession," she says, chuckling giving speeches and writ- McCorvey has had other times crass and occasion-
as she breathes with the aid ing books on both sides of bombshell moments be- ally emotional. On election
of oxygen during filming at the abortion debate and fore. Initially she said that night in 2016, viewers see
a nursing home where she was coached by both the pregnancy she wanted her hoping that Hillary Clin-
lived in Katy, Texas. sides. She had conflicted to end was the result of ton will win.
"I took their money and feelings about each, he rape. Later, she said it was "I wish I knew how many
they put me out in front of said, but was consistent not. That admission, and abortions Donald Trump
the cameras and told me throughout her life in one the fact McCorvey was un- was responsible for. I'm sure
what to say," she says in thing: supporting abortion educated and not, as she he's lost count," she says.
"AKA Jane Roe," which pre- through the first trimester. tells it "a demure, quiet, pic- "You know, if he can count
mieres Friday on FX. Prager, who has not seen ture-perfect white-gloved that high."
Asked whether it was an the new documentary, said lady," meant the abortion McCorvey didn't live to see
"all an act," she responds: he believes that if leaders rights movement kept her Trump's two Supreme Court
"Yeah." of the abortion rights move- at arm's length. That, she nominees join the high
"I did it well, too. I am a ment had embraced Mc- says, "really set me on fire." court, shifting it right and
good actress. Of course, Corvey, "I don't think there's But if one side of the abor- worrying abortion rights
I'm not acting now," she any chance that she would tion debate didn't em- supporters that the court
says in the documentary, have switched sides." brace her, the other did. could ultimately overturn
which was filmed in 2016 But, he said, she was des- Two leaders of the an- Roe. Earlier this year, the
and 2017. perate for acceptance ti-abortion movement, justices heard arguments
As for her feelings on abor- and "liked being in front of Flip Benham and Robert in one case involving abor-
tion, McCorvey says: "If a the camera." Schenck, are interviewed tion that could reveal how
young woman wants to "I like attention," she ac- in the documentary. willing they are to do so.
have an abortion, fine. knowledged in the new Schenck, an evangelical A decision is expected by
You know, it's no skin off my documentary. minister who has since bro- early summer.q
ass. You know that's why If the film confirms any-
they call it choice. It's your thing, it is that McCorvey
choice." was complicated. She
Filmmaker Nick Sweeney grew up poor and was sex-
said the documentary con- ually abused by a relative.
densed hundreds of hours She was a lesbian. At 22,
of film he shot over the last she was unemployed and
year of McCorvey's life and living in Texas when she be-
that he hoped it gave her came pregnant with her
the chance to tell her own third child.
complex story. McCorvey wanted an
McCorvey's true feelings abortion, but it was illegal
about abortion have al- in Texas and most states.
ways been nuanced, said That led her to become the This image released by FX shows Norma McCorvey from the
documentary "AKA Jane Roe."
Joshua Prager, who spent anonymous plaintiff in Roe Associated Press