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locAl           Friday 22 May 2020

            Foreign Trade, First Quarter 2020

            ORANJESTAD — The Central  mln)  compared  to  the  Import  to  the  free  circu-       kg),  “Works  of  art,  collec-
            Bureau of Statistics in Aruba  same  period  in  2019  (Afl.  lation  area  of  Aruba*  by  tors  pieces  and  antiques”
            presents  the  most  impor-  524.7 mln). Fourteen (14) of  Large companies**           (-0.1 mln kg) and “Transport
            tant findings for the Foreign  the  twenty-  one  (21)  sec-  Import  by  “Large  compa-  equipment” (-0.1 mln kg).
            Trade  of  the  1st  quarter  tions,  registered  decreases  nies”, in terms of weight, in-
            2020.                        in  terms  of  value  in  import  creased by 17.2% from 20.8  Export from the free circula-
                                         to the free circulation area  mln kg in the first quarter of  tion area of Aruba* (value)
            Total Import                 of  Aruba.  The  largest  de-  2019  to  24.4  mln  kg  in  the  Export  from  the  free  cir-
            The  total  import,  in  terms  creases  are  observed  for  first quarter of 2020, while, in  culation  area  of  Aruba,  in
            of weight, registered a de-  the  sections  “Machinery  &  terms of value, i t increased  terms  of  value,  registered
            crease  of  8.2%  in  the  first  electro  technical  equip-  by 13.5% from Afl. 47.8 mln  a decrease of 14.5% in the
            quarter  of  2020  (146.8  mln  ment  (new  &  renewed)”  to Afl. 54.3 mln.            first  quarter  of  2020  (Afl.
            kg) compared to the same  (Afl. -7.0 mln), “Real pearls                                15.4 mln) compared to the
            period  in  2019  (159.9  mln  (natural)  and  other  pre-  *  Free  circulation  area  of  same  period  in  2019  (Afl.
            kg), while, in terms of value,  cious stones” (Afl. -5.6 mln.)  Aruba:  all  goods  entering  18.0  mln).  Eight  (8)  of  the
            the total import decreased  and “Transport equipment”  or  leaving  the  economic  twenty-one  (21)  sections,
            by 5.8%, from Afl. 541.5 mln  (Afl.  -5.2  mln).  The  largest  territory  of  Aruba,  exclud-  registered  decreases  in
            to Afl. 509.9 mln.           increase is seen for the sec-  ing the Free Zone          terms of value in the export
                                         tion  “Chemical  products”  **  Large  companies  refers  from  the  free  circulation
            Import  to  the  free  circula-  (Afl.  2.9  mln).  Furthermore,  to  the  following  compa-  area  of  Aruba.  The  largest
            tion area of Aruba* (weight)  increases  were  registered  nies:  Valero,  Arugas,  Web,  decreases  are  observed
            Import  to  the  free  circu-  for  the  “Base  metals  and  Elmar and Setar           for  the  sections  “Transport
            lation  area  of  Aruba,  in  derivated  works”  (Afl.  2.1                            equipment”  (Afl.  -3.4  mln),
            terms of weight, registered  mln)  and  “Artificial  plas-  Total Export               “Chemical  products”  (Afl.
            a  decrease  of  8.2%  in  the  tic  elements”  (Afl.  1.5  mln)  The  total  export,  in  terms  -1.0 mln) and “Works of art,
            first  quarter  of  2020  (145.7  sections.               of weight, registered a de-  collectors  pieces  and  an-
            mln  kg),  compared  to  the  The  abovementioned  Im-    crease  of  1.5%  in  the  first  tiques” (Afl. -0.6 mln).
            same period in 2019 (158.7  port (to the free calculation  quarter  of  2020  (4.9  mln  The  largest  increases  are
            mln  kg).  During  this  period  area of Aruba) is the result  kg) compared to the same  observed  for  the  sections
            eleven  (11)  of  the  twenty-  of  Import  by  Sea  and  Im-  period of 2019 (5.0 mln kg),  “Machinery & electro tech-
            one  (21)  sections  regis-  port by Air, which had the  while, in terms of value, the  nical  equipment  (new  &
            tered decreases in terms of  following effects:           total  export  decreased  by  renewed)”  (Afl.  0.8  mln),
            weight in import to the free   1.   Import  to  the  free  17.2% from Afl. 31.6 mln to  “Base  metals  and  deri-
            circulation  area  of  Aruba.  circulation  area  of  Aruba*  Afl. 26.2 mln.           vated  works”  (Afl.  0.5  mln)
            The  largest  decreases  are  by Sea                                                   and “Miscellaneous manu-
            observed  for  the  sections  Import  by  Sea  to  the  free  Export  from  the  free  cir-  factured  articles”  (Afl.  0.4
            “Mineral  products”  (-14.3  circulation  area  of  Aruba,  culation  area  of  Aruba*  mln).q
            mln.  kg),  “Machinery  &  in  terms  of  weight,  regis-  (weight)
            electro  technical  equip-   tered  a  decrease  of  8.1%  Export  from  the  free  cir-
            ment  (new  &  renewed)”  in  the  first  quarter  of  2020  culation  area  of  Aruba,  in
            (-0.6  mln.  kg)  and  “Miscel-  (144.8  mln  kg)  compared  terms of weight, registered
            laneous      manufactured  to the same period in 2019  an  increase  of  3.8%  in  the
            articles” (-0.3 mln. kg). The  (157.5  mln  kg),  while,  in  first quarter of 2020 (4.2 mln
            largest  increases  are  seen  terms  of  value,  the  import  kg) compared to the same
            for  the  section  “Wood,  by Sea decreased by 4.5%  period in 2019 (4.0 mln kg).
            charcoal  and  woodwork”  from  Afl.  421.3  mln  to  Afl.  Ten (10) of the twenty-one
            (0.7  mln.  kg)  and  “Chemi-  402.3 mln.                 (21) sections, registered in-
            cal products” (0.7 mln kg).  2.     Import  to  the  free  creases  in  terms  of  weight
            Furthermore,      increases  circulation  area  of  Aruba*  in the export from the free
            were  registered  for  the  by Air                        circulation  area  of  Aruba.
            “Food  products”  (0.6  mln  Import by Air to the free cir-  The  largest  increases  are
            kg)  and  “Vegetable  prod-  culation  area  of  Aruba,  in  observed  for  the  sections
            ucts” (0.2 mln kg) sections.  terms of weight, decreased  “Materials  for  the  manu-
                                         by  25.7%  from  1.17  mln  kg  facture  of  paper,  paper-
            Import  to  the  free  circula-  in the first quarter of 2019 to  work”  (0.4  mln.  kg),  “Food
            tion area of Aruba* (value)  0.87 mln kg in the first quar-  products” (0.2 mln. kg) and
            Import  to  the  free  circula-  ter  of  2020,  while,  in  terms  “Fats  and  oils”  (0.1  mln.
            tion area of Aruba, in terms  of value, the import by Air  kg).  The  largest  decreases
            of  value,  registered  a  de-  decreased  by  7.6%  from  are  observed  for  the  sec-
            crease  of  5.1%  in  the  first  Afl.  103.5  mln  to  Afl.  95.6  tions  “Base  metals  and
            quarter  of  2020  (Afl.  497.9  mln.                     derivated  works”  (-0.4  mln
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