Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200522
P. 26
Friday 22 May 2020
Divided Senate confirms Ratcliffe as intelligence chief
By MARY CLARE JALONICK Congress in 2014, Ratcliffe
and ERIC TUCKER was mayor of Heath, Texas,
Associated Press and a U.S. attorney in the
WASHINGTON (AP) — A Eastern District of Texas.
sharply divided Senate When he was first nomi-
confirmed John Ratcliffe nated, senators questioned
as director of national intel- whether he had enough in-
ligence on Thursday, with telligence experience and
Democrats refusing to sup- whether he was picked be-
port the nomination over cause of his willingness to
fears that he will politicize defend Trump.
the intelligence commu- But given a second
nity's work under President chance, Ratcliffe worked
Donald Trump. to separate himself from
All Democrats opposed the president at his confir-
Ratcliffe, making him the mation hearing, including
first DNI to be installed on a by saying he believed Rus-
partisan vote since the po- sia interfered in the 2016
sition was created in 2005. presidential election, a
The tally was 49-44. conclusion Trump has re-
Ratcliffe will take over sisted. He said he would
the agency at a tumultu- communicate to Trump the
ous time. The nation faces intelligence community's
threats from Iran and North In this May 5, 2020, photo, Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, testifies before the Senate Intelligence findings even if he knew
Korea, Russian disinforma- Committee during his nomination hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. Associated Press Trump disagreed with them
tion campaigns to interfere and might fire him.
in the U.S. elections and wanted a permanent, con- gress but left the post last into Russian interference. Still, the position carries
tensions with China over firmed director. summer after clashing with Maine Sen. Angus King, unique challenges, given
rising competition and the Ratcliffe will replace Rich- the president. an Independent who cau- the president's seeming
spread of the coronavirus. ard Grenell, the current Democrats allowed a quick cuses with Democrats and inclinations to politicize in-
At the same time, Trump acting director who has vote on Ratcliffe's nomina- a member of the Senate telligence and bend intel-
has viewed the intelligence overseen some of the per- tion, dropping their usual intelligence panel, said he ligence agencies to his will.
agencies with distrust and sonnel changes. Grenell, procedural delays in a sig- has concerns that Ratciffe Trump has openly rejected
ousted or fired multiple of- the U.S. ambassador to nal that despite their skepti- has limited experience in intelligence community as-
ficials. The Texas Republi- Germany, has a thin intel- cism, they prefer him in the the intelligence community sessments at odds with his
can seemed unlikely to get ligence background and is job over Grenell. yet extensive experience in own viewpoint, including
the position when he was seen as a loyalist to Trump. Ratcliffe insisted during his politics. "A dangerous com- on the Russian interference.
nominated in February, as As acting director, he or- confirmation hearing that bination," he said. Trump has also shown
he had already been nomi- dered a review of the DNI he would be an indepen- "Now more than ever it is vi- himself as eager to have
nated for the job last year office that Trump's critics dent leader, but faced tal that the DNI respect the intelligence agencies in-
and then withdrew after feared was an attempt to skepticism. A member of critical firewall that must vestigate matters that he
Republicans questioned clean house. the House intelligence and exist between intelligence hopes will support his politi-
his experience. But sena- The last Senate-confirmed judiciary committees, he and political calculations cal positions, with agencies
tors warmed to him as they intelligence director, for- has been an ardent de- — especially if the truth now trying to determine
grew concerned about mer Indiana Sen. Dan fender of the president isn't what the boss wants to whether the coronavirus
the upheaval in the intel- Coats, was popular with his through House impeach- hear," King said. emerged in a laboratory in
ligence community and former colleagues in Con- ment and investigations Before being elected to China or at a market.q
Forecasters predict busy 2020 Atlantic hurricane season
son with as many as 13 to what is in your go-kit, evac- administrator of the Na-
19 named storms, disas- uation routes, shelters, and tional Oceanic and At-
ter preparedness experts more," Castillo said. "With mospheric Administration's
say it's critically important tornado season at its peak, Climate Prediction Center.
for people in evacuation hurricane season around The agency will update
zones to plan to stay with the corner, and flooding, the forecast in August as
friends or family, rather earthquakes and wildfires the Atlantic region heads
than end up in shelters a risk year-round, it is time into its most active months.
during the coronavirus to revise and adjust your An average Atlantic sea-
pandemic."Shelters are emergency plan now." son has 12 named storms,
meant to keep you safe, Six to 10 of these storms but last year was the fourth
not make you comfort- could develop into hur- consecutive season to
able," said Carlos Castillo, ricanes, with winds of 74 have more, with 18 named
acting deputy administra- mph or more, and three storms, including three in-
In this May 15, 2020, photo, the Miami skyline is shrouded in tor for resilience at FEMA. to six could even become tense hurricanes — Dorian,
clouds as a cyclist rides along Biscayne Bay at Matheson "Social distancing and oth- major hurricanes, capable Humberto and Lorenzo.
Hammock Park, in Miami. er CDC guidance to keep of inflicting devastating The only other period on
Associated Press you safe from COVID-19 damage. record that produced
By FREIDA FRISARO (AP) — With forecasters may impact the disaster "It is not possible to predict four consecutive above-
Associated Press predicting another intense preparedness plan you how many will hit land," normal seasons was 1998-
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. Atlantic hurricane sea- had in place, including said Neil Jacobs, acting 2001. q