Page 18 - AHATA
P. 18
Tuesday 31 July 2018
Aruba Ray’s Comedy
The shows are at 830pm,
every night, from July 8th
to August 10th, in the Am-
sterdam Ballroom at the
Marriott Resort, down the
hall from the casino. Doors
open at 8pm.
It is suggested to arrive
early - seating is first come
first serve. The showroom is
intimate - - it is suggested
you purchase tickets in ad-
vance at www.ArubaCom- You can also
purchase tickets (subject to
availability!) at the Amster-
dam Ballroom showroom
door at 730pm. The tickets
PALM BEACH — The “Aruba This is the same caliber 10TH: edy shows on the island. He are $36 online, and $40 at
Ray’s Comedy” features show you would find at the is a popular comedian in the door.
some of the funniest Ameri- top comedy clubs in NYC. DAN NATURMAN FROM New York, and has brought Plus, audience members
can standup comedians in The comedians are truly “AMERICA’S GOT TALENT,” his talent and colleagues can purchase an OPTION-
a terrific 90-minute show. some of the best from the PETE LEE FROM “THE JIMMY to Aruba. AL four hour premium open
United States, and perform FALLON SHOW,” ERIN JACK- Ray has appeared on bar for only $20!
Celebrating five year’s of in a relaxed, intimate set- SON FROM “LAST COMIC many television programs;
Excellence in Aruba, Aruba ting at the Marriott. STANDING,” BRIAN SCOTT he has hosted the popu- The premium open bar
Ray’s Comedy is the num- MCFADDEN FROM CBS’ lar talk show Late Net, and continues after the show in
ber one rated Night Time In addition, there is an op- “THE LATE SHOW” and RAY hosted the television shows the casino until midnight.
Activity on TripAdvisor, the tion to purchase a four- ELLIN FROM COMEDY CEN- The Movie Loft, Brain Fuel,
number one rated Show on hour premium open bar for TRAL and New York Now. He This is an incredible deal!
TripAdvisor, and the num- only $20. also produced and direct- Anyone can attend, how-
ber one rated Fun Activity This wonderful show is a ed the very successful film ever the show is suggested
on TripAdvsior. great way to spend a night Ray Ellin hosts and produc- The Latin Legends of Com- for a mature audience.
out. es the shows. Considered edy, distributed by 20th Ask your concierge for as-
And was named as one of by his peers to be the best Century Fox. sistance, or call the Aruba
USA Today’s “10 Best!” Top American standup host in NYC, Ray is known Marriott Resort and Stellaris
comics perform in Aruba as "Aruba Ray" because of Ray is executive producer Casino at 520-6225, or call
Advance tickets are sug- Ray Ellin's phenomenal his passion for Aruba. Ray and is co-starring in the 749-4363.
gested - - and are less ex- show at the Marriott Resort has been coming to Aruba new television show This
pensive - - at www.Aruba- and Stellaris Casino! every month for the past six Week at the Cellar, which THE #1 RATED NIGHT TIME years, and produces and will premiere on Comedy ACTIVITY AND #1 RATED
APPEARING UNTIL AUGUST hosts these incredible com- Central on October 26th. SHOW ON TRIPADVISOR!q