Page 19 - AHATA
P. 19
LOCAL Tuesday 31 July 2018
The Aruba Tourism Authority proudly presents Goodwill Ambassadors
Certificate to Carl & Mary Hultman.
PALM BEACH — Recently, The symbolic honorary consecutive years. land. resentative of Aruba Tour-
Ms. Darline S. de Cuba had title is presented on be- Mr. Carl Hultman is Presi- ism Authority Ms. Darline S.
the great pleasure to honor half of the Minister of Tour- The honorees were: Mr. dent Board Member at La de Cuba in the presence
a Loyal and friendly visi- ism, Transportation, as a Carl & Mrs. Mary Hultman Cabana Beach Resort. of members at La Cabana
tors of Aruba as their home token of appreciation to honored as Goodwill Am- Beach Resort. q
away from home. the guests who visit Aruba bassadors for 25 years of The certificate was pre-
between 10-20 and more consecutive visit to our is- sented to them by the rep-