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                      Tuesday 31 July 2018

            ARUBA ART FAIR 2018

                                                                                                   only  the  buildings  but  also  gal has majestic work of art
                                                                                                   the  streets  will  get  a  com-  in over 40 countries around
                                                                                                   plete  new  look  to  make  it  the world. Pariz One, visual
                                                                                                   extraordinary.               artist  also  from  Portugal
                                                                                                                                has  become  very  popular
                                                                                                   Since  the  start  of  Aruba  internationally  recently  for
                                                                                                   Art  Fair  in  2016,  the  build-  his  painting  “What  goes
                                                                                                   ing  of  the  National  library  around”  which  received
                                                                                                   has been on top of their list  numerous awards and was
                                                                                                   to  get  a  complete  make-  sold  for  a  gigantic  sum  at
                                                                                                   over.  Since  2016  this  build-  the  Catawiki  International
                                                                                                   ing  has  been  undergoing  Street  Art/Urban  Art  Auc-
                                                                                                   renovation  and  finally  this  tion 2018. Pariz One is also
                                                                                                   year  the  renovation  have  well known all over Europe
                                                                                                   been  completed.  The  en-   for  his  sports  clothing  line
                                                                                                   tire building has been paint-  with colors and designs just
                                                                                                   ed white and awaits now 3  as remarkable as his paint-
                                                                                                   artists from Europe to trans-  ings.
                                                                                                   form  it  into  a  magnificent
                                                                                                   artwork.  The  3  artists  from  Aruba  Art  Fair  wants  to  in-
                                                                                                   Kazakhstan,   Czech    Re-   vite  the  whole  community
                                                                                                   public  and  Portugal  have  of Aruba to send their wish
                                                                                                   already  worked  together.  of  what  they  want  to  see
                                                                                                   Dmitrij  Proskin,  ChemiS  of  on  the  murals  of  the  Na-
                                                                                                   Kazakhstan  is  well  known  tional  Library  in  San  Nico-
                                                                                                   in Aruba for his piece of art  laas on their website www.
                                                                                                   “House of Cards”.    of  mail
                                                                                                   He  is  a  writer  and  philan-  Aruba  Art  Fair  2018  is  pos-
                                                                                                   thropist  who  recently  of-  sible  thank  to  the  numer-
                                                                                                   fered  all  his  profits  of  his  ous  sponsors    Aruba  Tour-
            SAN NICOLAAS — This year  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  the tourist that are seeking      masterpiece  Pink  Croco-    ism  Authority  Sui  Generis,
            Aruba Art Fair will be trans-  Sui Generis and a dynamic  for something more during    dile  to  establish  a  hospice  Prins Bernard Fonds Caribe,
            forming  the  streets  of  San  team, are one step ahead  their stay. Since the first Art   in  Czech  Republic.  Mr.  Unoca,  Divi  Resorts  Aruba,
            Nicolaas once again into a  anticipating  the  changes  Fair back in 2016 more and     Dheo,  self-educated,  from  Kooyman  BV,  AIS  y  VNO.
            spectacular work of art. The  and taking action in order  more  tourists  are  consider-  an  early  age  has  been  Aruba Art Fair 2018 will take
            National Library building in  for  Aruba  to  continue  be-  ing San Nicolaas in their out-  converting his work in spec-  place in the streets of San
            San Nicolaas will be turned  ing an island that has more  ing. A Strategic planning in-  tacular  pieces  of  arts  ac-  Nicolaas October 5, 6 & 7,
            into a masterpiece.          to  offer  than  just  the  per-  cluding  international  artists   claimed around the world.  2018. q
                                         fect beaches.                is what they are working on.   This young artist from Portu-
            It is known that many trav-  Art  &  Culture  is  something  The world’s best of the best
            elers nowadays will seek a  that more and more tourists  are  being  searched  for  in
            different  experience  when  are seeking.                 order  to  generate  more
            looking for a destiny to go                               and more spectacular mu-
            to  for  amusement.  Aruba,  San Nicolaas in just 2 years  rals on the buildings in the
            thanks  to  the  big  effort  of  has become a key point for  streets of San Nicolaas. Not
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