Page 23 - ATA
P. 23
Thursday 15 March 2018
Aruba Celebrates Green and Blue Weekend
ORANJESTAD/PALM BEACH Patrick (c. AD 385–461), and
– It will be a green and blue although he was not born
weekend, coming Saturday Irish, he has become an im-
and Sunday! Saturday is St. portant part of the Irish heri- nection with St. Patrick. The
Patrick’s Day, celebrated tage, mostly through his ser- three-leaf clover was said to
mainly in the hotels and vice across Ireland in the 5th be used by the saintly bishop
bars that are popular by century. to explain the Trinity to the
Americans. The color that Celebrations within the Unit- pagans, which is why it is
represents this day is green. ed States concentrate on Irish such a common St. Patrick’s
Sunday is the Day of the Na- themed parties, drinks and Day symbol today. Another
tional Anthem and Flag, in food. Many people get into legend has Patrick driving
Papiamento Dia di Himno y the spirit by dressing in green all the snakes out of Ireland;
Bandera and you will see a clothing and eating green snakes were a popular symbol
lot of blue this day, the blue colored food. Irish clubs and among the Irish pagans. He is
color of the flag to be pre- pubs often hold parties or certainly one of the most re-
cisely. Just go wild and dive have special deals. Large vered saints in the Catholic
into these colorful festivities, street parades mark St Pat- Church.
a bit of your own (culture) rick’s Day in places like: Savan- In Aruba you will find most at-
and a bit of them (Aruba)! nah, Chicago, Boston, Hous- tention to this tradition in the
ton, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, hotels and bars around Palm
St. Patrick’s Day Denver, Detroit, Toronto, New Beach.
St Patrick’s Day, on March York, New Orleans and Se-
17, remembers one of Ire- attle. Water is dyed green in Day of the National Anthem
land’s patron saints, St Pat- public places in some towns. and Flag
rick. It largely celebrates The most notable body of wa- Probably the most popular
Irish-American culture in the ter that was dyed green was national holiday on Aruba is
United States. This day is the the Chicago River in 2005. the day of the national an-
traditional death date of Saint Many stories are told in con-
them and flag, Dia di Himno Tera” composed by Padu del
y Bandera .Everywhere on the Caribe , Hubert Booi and Rufo
island there are bake sales, Wever.
games and special celebra- March 18th was also chosen
tions and a lot of locals are for the celebration of the na-
proudly wearing their tee- tional anthem and flag of Aru-
shirts with the Aruban flag. ba because during the round
A strong sense of pride is dis- table conference in the Neth-
played allover as Arubans cel- erlands, on that date in 1948,
ebrate their Flag and Anthem for the first time a motion
Day. The Flag of Aruba was was presented to her Majesty
officially adopted on March Queen Juliana, which called
18th 1976, along with the of- for the self-determination of
ficial anthem ”Aruba Dushi the Aruban people.q