Page 24 - ATA
P. 24

                Thursday 15 March 2018
            Aruba to Me                                                                               Aruba to me is... missing two


            ORANJESTAD  –  Aruba  Today  likes  to      Sue Tedesco from
            welcome participation of our readers in     Saratoga Springs New
            the newspaper. You can see that in our
            Honored  Guest-publications,  specials      York shared some
            like on Valentine’s Day and on other oc-
            casions. Throughout the year you are al-    precious vacation
            ways welcome to send us your vacation       memories with us,
            picture(s) together with completing the
            sentence: Aruba to me is …….. (email:       thank you Sue!
             Aruba to me is... love                         Aruba to me is a

                                                         celebration of family

                                                                                                         Aruba to me is tranquility
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