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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 29 December 2020

                           Browns' COVID contact players eligible to return Thursday

            (AP)  —  Browns  coach  after a whirlwind 24 hours —  VID symptoms. He had been
            Kevin Stefanski said some  put  the  Browns  in  jeopardy  placed on the COVID list last
            of the players who missed  of  missing  the  postseason  week after close contact with
            Sunday's    loss   because  and  in  a  win-or-miss  situa-  someone outside the organi-
            of  COVID-19  protocols  tion this weekend against the  zation and then activated on
            will  be  eligible  to  return  Steelers,  who  clinched  the  Saturday.
            to  practice  Thursday  as  AFC  North  title  and  could
            Cleveland  prepares  to  rest some players in the sea-    Also, rookie linebacker Jacob
            play  Pittsburgh  with  a  son finale.                    Phillips  was  ruled  out  after
            playoff spot riding on the                                having  close  contact  with
            outcome.                     Cleveland's  trying  to  end  a  Goodson.
                                         playoff drought stretching to
            The  Browns  (10-5)  were  2002, the NFL's current lon-   Stefanski said none of the six
            beaten  23-16  by  the  New  gest dry spell.              has tested positive.
            York  Jets,  who  took  advan-
            tage of Cleveland being with-  Landry  was  ruled  ineligible  The  players  had  spent  time
            out its top four wide receiv-  along with receivers Rashard  together in the recovery pool
            ers,  including  leading  target  Higgins,  Donovan  Peoples-  area  inside  the  team's  facil-  ty guidelines, but said he ad-  games  with  a  sprained  an-
            Jarvis  Landry,  starting  left  Jones  and  KhaDarel  Hodge  ity, which wasn't a violation.  dressed the situation with the  kle,  and  the  Browns  missed
            tackle  Jedrick  Wills  and  two  after they had come in close  However,  it  was  deemed  as  offending players.   him Sunday when they only
            linebackers  after  they  were  contact  with  starting  line-  high-risk close contact by the                      rushed  for  45  yards.  Rookie
            placed on the COVID list.    backer  B.J.  Goodson,  who  league and necessitated them  “We absolutely have to learn  Nick  Harris  made  his  first
                                         tested  positive  for  the  virus  being held out of Cleveland's  from this,” he said.  career start in Teller's spot.
            They'll be able to return this  and  will  also  miss  the  Pitts-  biggest game to date this sea-
            week as long as they test neg-  burgh game.               son.                         Stefanski is also hopeful start-  Harris  injured  his  knee
            ative, Stefanski said.                                                                 ing  right  guard  Wyatt  Teller  against the Jets and is day to
                                         Wills  was  kept  out  Sunday  Stefanski wouldn't say if the  will  practice  on  Wednesday.  day  along  with  linebackers
            Sunday's loss — which came  because he was showing CO-    players had skirted team safe-  He's  missed  the  past  two  Sione Takitaki and Tae Davis.

                           Florida's Grimes, Toney opt out of Cotton Bowl, enter draft

            (AP)  —  Florida  receiv-    They  are  the  second  and  bonds  I  have  created  along  my career.”               ished his college career with
            ers  Trevon  Grimes  and  third  Florida  players  to  opt  my  journey.”  He  added  that                          100  catches  for  1,464  yards
            Kadarius  Toney  are  skip-  out  of  the  bowl,  following  “playing football at the high-  Grimes  and  Toney  already  and 13 touchdowns.
            ping  the  Cotton  Bowl  to  tight  end  Kyle  Pitts.  So  the  est level in the NFL has been  accepted invitations to play in
            prepare for their NFL fu-    Gators will be without their  my lifelong dream.”         the  Senior  Bowl  in  Mobile,  Toney was at his best this sea-
            tures.                       top three pass catches against                            another  chance  to  impress  son, finishing with 70 catches
                                         the Sooners.                 Toney,  a  6-foot  senior  from  NFL  executives.  They  also  for 984 yards and 10 touch-
            Grimes  and  Toney  made                                  Mobile,  Alabama,  thanked  are  expected  to  attend  the  downs. He also ran 19 times
            their  announcements  Mon-   Grimes,  a  6-foot-4  se-    his family and both coaching  NFL combine in Indianapo-   for 161 yards and a score. He
            day  on  Twitter,  leaving  the  nior  from  Fort  Lauderdale,  staffs  for  helping  him  dur-  lis.               ended his college career with
            program two days before No.  thanked coaches for allowing  ing  his  time  in  Gainesville.                         1,590  yards  receiving,  715
            10 Florida (8-3) plays eighth-  him  to  transfer  from  Ohio  He  said,  “I  cannot  imagine  Grimes had 38 receptions for  yards  rushing  and  16  total
            ranked  Oklahoma  (8-2)  in  State in December 2017 and  another  program  better  pre-  589  yards  and  nine  touch-  touchdowns.
            Arlington, Texas.            thanked  teammates  for  “the  paring me for the next step in  downs  this  season.  He  fin-

                            Leicester draws 1-1 at Palace, moves into 2nd place in PL

            (AP)  —  Leicester  settled  the  58th  minute  when  An-  six of seven penalty attempts  very good team as well, let's  played in the second half will
            for  a  1-1  draw  at  strug-  dros  Townsend’s  cross  over  for  Leicester  this  season  but  not  forget,  they  knocked  us  stand us in good stead going
            gling Crystal Palace  after  the  Leicester  defense  found  was on the bench when Luke  back  a  little  bit,  too,”  Palace  forward.”
            Harvey Barnes' late equal-   Wilfried Zaha, who volleyed  Thomas was fouled by James  manager Roy Hodgson said.
            izer  on  Monday  in  the  it  past  Kasper  Schmeichel.  Tomkins  in  the  area  in  the                           Palace  moved  up  a  spot  to
            Premier League.              It was his eighth goal of the  17th minute. Iheanacho stut-  “To face Leicester today was  13th  and  hosts  last-place
                                         Premier League season — al-  ter-stepped and shot with his  going to be a daunting task,”  Sheffield  United  on  Satur-
            Still,  the  point  was  good  ready doubling his tally from  left foot but Guaita dove and  he continued, “but I thought  day. Leicester is at Newcastle
            enough  to  move  Leicester  2019-20.                     saved it with his right hand.  we handled it very well. The  on Sunday.
            into second place on goal dif-                                                         point  today  and  the  way  we
            ference over Everton, whose  “I thought after we conceded  “You can’t play Jamie or some
            match  later  Monday  was  the  goal,  some  of  our  play,  of  these  guys  every  single
            postponed  after  Manchester  the  speed  of  our  game,  was  night," Rodgers said.
            City reported new coronavi-  really  good,”  Leicester  man-
            rus  cases.  Leicester  is  three  ager  Brendan  Rodgers  said.  Vardy came on as a substitute
            points behind first-place Liv-  "We end up frustrated that we  in the second half.
            erpool.                      haven’t won the game.”
                                                                      The  draw  extended  Palace's
            Barnes fired a left-footed shot  Playing their second game in  winless streak to five games,
            into the bottom right corner  three days, both teams rested  but  it  was  a  welcome  point
            in  the  83rd  minute,  beating  regulars  with  Rodgers  mak-  following   back-to-back
            Vicente  Guaita,  who  earlier  ing  seven  changes  from  the  drubbings: 3-0 to Aston Villa
            boosted Palace's hopes when  starting lineup that drew 2-2  on Saturday and 7-0 to Liver-
            he saved Kelechi Iheanacho's  against  Manchester  United  pool the week before.
            first-half penalty.          on Saturday.
                                                                      “Liverpool  knocked  us  back
            Palace opened the scoring in  Jamie  Vardy  has  converted  and  Aston  Villa  who  are  a
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