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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 29 December 2020

                            More than 190,000 ceiling fans recalled after blades fly off

            (AP) — More than 190,000  sold  in  the  U.S.  and  8,800  and  inspect  them  for  blades
            ceiling fans sold at Home  were  sold  in  Canada.  They  aren't secure or have a gap be-
            Depot  are  being  recalled  cost about $150.             tween them and the base of
            after  reports  that  the                                 the fan, the CPSC said.
            blades fell off while spin-  The  U.S.  Consumer  Prod-
            ning,  hitting  people  and  uct  Safety  Commission  said  King  of  Fans,  which  makes
            causing property damage.     it  received  47  reports  of  the  the  ceiling  fans,  published  a
                                         blades falling off, two reports  video on its website with in-
            The Hampton Bay Mara in-     of people being hit by them  structions on how to inspect
            door and outdoor ceiling fans  and four reports of the blades  the fan. The company said it
            were  sold  this  year  between  causing property damage.  will replace any of the faulty
            April  and  October  at  Home                             ceiling fans for free.
            Depot stores and its website.  Owners  of  the  fans  should
            About 182,000 of them were  stop using them immediately

                            Southwest pulls threat of furloughs after relief bill signed

                                                                      loughs  at  American,  United  cuts in 2021. But, he added,  caused  a  nosedive  in  travel,
                                                                      and smaller carriers.        the airline is "still overstaffed  airlines  warned  of  massive
                                                                                                   in  many  areas,”  and  he  ap-  layoffs unless Congress pro-
                                                                      Delta  and  Southwest  avoid-  pealed to employees to con-  vided federal aid. That led in
                                                                      ed  furloughs  by  convincing  sider voluntary time off.  March  to  the  first  round  of
                                                                      thousands of workers to take                              taxpayer  assistance  –  up  to
                                                                      voluntary  buyouts  or  early  A spokesman for United said  $25  billion  to  cover  payrolls
                                                                      retirement  and,  in  the  case  Monday  the  airline  was  still  for  six  months,  and  another
                                                                      of Delta, negotiating contract  working  on  details  for  tem-  $25  billion  in  low-interest
                                                                      concessions from pilots. This  porarily bringing back 13,000  loans.  Some  airlines  turned
                                                                      month,  Southwest  warned  furloughed workers through  down the government loans.
                                                                      nearly  7,000  workers  that  March.
                                                                      their jobs could be in danger                             This fall, with travel still well
                                                                      if their unions did not accept  Last  week,  after  Congress  below  half  of  2019  levels,
                                                                      pay cuts of about 10%.       passed  the  latest  relief  mea-  airlines  lobbied  Washington
                                                                                                   sure, American Airlines CEO  for another round of aid, and
            (AP)  —  Southwest  Air-     will bring those workers back  Southwest  Chairman  and  Doug  Parker  said  his  car-  they were rewarded.
            lines is lifting the threat of  temporarily.              CEO  Gary  Kelly  told  em-  rier would recall 19,000 fur-
            furloughs  or  pay  cuts  for                             ployees  Monday  that  fed-  loughed  workers  and  make  The  rapid  development  of
            thousands of workers now  The $900 billion relief pack-   eral  relief  “was  always  our  their pay and benefits retro-  vaccines  has  again  raised
            that  U.S.  airlines  will  get  age  signed  after  some  delay  preferred plan, and it means  active to Dec. 1. A spokesman  hopes for a recovery in travel,
            up  to  $15  billion  more  in  by  President  Donald  Trump  we  can  stop  the  movement  said  Monday  that  American  maybe in time to salvage the
            taxpayer aid contained in  on  Sunday  night  includes  toward  furloughs  and  pay  also  intends  to  soon  restore  key summer vacation season.
            the coronavirus-relief bill.  $15  billion  for  airlines  to  cuts  that  we  previously  an-  flights  to  smaller  cities  that  However, a new strain of the
                                         keep  all  their  employees  on  nounced.”                were dropped this fall after a  coronavirus  in  the  United
            American  and  United  Air-  the  payroll  through  March                              federal requirement to main-  Kingdom has led to new trav-
            lines,  which  together  fur-  31. A previous round of $25  Kelly   said   Dallas-based  tain those flights expired.  el restrictions in Europe and
            loughed 32,000 employees in  billion in payroll aid expired  Southwest doesn’t expect the                           sent  another  shiver  through
            October,  said  Monday  they  Sept.  30,  leading  to  the  fur-  need for any furloughs or pay  This spring, as the pandemic  the airline industry.

                               US stocks higher after Trump signs $900B aid package

            (AP)  —  Stocks  began  His signature helped to clear  pean Union - United King-       which  Alibaba  owns  a  33%  to $48.00 per barrel in elec-
            the  final  week  of  2020  away uncertainty as reinstat-  dom trade deal as part of the  stake.                    tronic  trading  on  the  New
            moderately  higher  after  ed travel and business curbs  U.K.'s  exit  from  the  trade                             York Mercantile Exchange.
            President  Donald  Trump  threaten  to  weigh  on  global  bloc.                       In  energy  markets,  bench-
            signed a $900 billion eco-   economic activity.                                        mark U.S. crude fell 23 cents
            nomic  aid  package  that  Companies  that  were  hit  In Asia, the Shanghai Com-
            helps  reduce  uncertainty  the hardest by the pandemic  posite  Index  rose  less  than
            amid the re-imposition of  —  restaurants,  airlines  and  0.1%  to  3,397.29  while  the
            travel  and  business  curbs  the  cruise  industry  —  were  Nikkei  225  in  Tokyo  added
            in response to a new coro-   among  the  biggest  gainers.  0.7% to 26,854.03.
            navirus variant.             American  Airlines  was  up
                                         2.5%,  Norwegian  Cruise  The  Hang  Seng  in  Hong
            The  S&P  500  index  was  up  Lines rose 4.6% and Carnival  Kong  declined  0.3%  to
            0.9% as of 1:05 p.m. Eastern.  gained more than 4%.       26,314.63  after  e-commerce
            The  Dow  Jones  Industrial                               giant  Alibaba  Group  an-
            Average  rose  196  points,  or  Trading  is  expected  to  be  nounced  it  was  expanding  a
            0.7%, to 30,429 and the Nas-  light this week, as most fund  share  buyback  from  $6  bil-
            daq composite was up 0.9%.   managers and investors have  lion to $10 billion.
                                         closed  their  books  for  the
            Trump  signed  the  measure,  year.  It  will  be  another  hol-  Alibaba  shares  declined  7%
            which  also  includes  money  iday-shortened  week,  with  following  last  week's  an-
            for  other  government  func-  New Year's Day on Friday.  nouncement  of  an  anti-
            tions  through  September,                                monopoly  investigation  and
            despite  expressing  frustra-  European   indexes   were  the  suspension  of  the  stock
            tion  that  $600  payments  to  broadly  higher,  helped  by  market debut of Ant Group,
            the  public  weren’t  bigger.  more details about the Euro-  an online finance platform in
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