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A32    sports
                 Diamars 29 December 2020

                            Barcelona: Messi will miss Eibar game due to ankle injury

                                                                      (AP) — Soccer great Lio-     match.”                      their clubs.
                                                                      nel  Messi  will  miss  Bar-
                                                                      celona's  Spanish  league  Messi  is  reportedly  in  Ar-  As of Jan. 1, Messi can nego-
                                                                      game  against  Eibar  on  gentina taking a short winter  tiate  with  other  clubs  as  his
                                                                      Tuesday while he recovers  break after Barcelona gave its  contract with Barcelona is set
                                                                      from an unspecified ankle  players some time off follow-  to expire in June.
                                                                      injury.                      ing their last game on Dec. 22
                                                                                                   against Valladolid.          After Eibar, Barcelona's next
                                                                      In a statement Sunday, fifth-                             league match is at Huesca on
                                                                      place  Barcelona  said  “first  Messi  played  the  entire  90  Jan. 3.
                                                                      team player, Lionel Messi, is  minutes of the 3-0 win over
                                                                      completing the treatment for  Valladolid  and  scored  his  Messi  made  his  debut  for
                                                                      his right ankle, and is expect-  644th  career  goal  for  Barce-  Barcelona in 2004.
                                                                      ed to return to training after  lona  to  overtake  Pelé’s  all-
                                                                      the FC Barcelona v SD Eibar  time  scoring  milestone  for

                          Baseball Hall of Famer, knuckleballer Phil Niekro dies at 81

            (AP)  —  Baseball  Hall  of  Famer  didn't  even  know  where  it  was  go-  Truist Park, the Braves' stadium.  swept in three games by New York's
            Phil  Niekro,  who  pitched  well  ing  —  he  was  a  five-time  All-Star                                  Amazin' Mets.
            into  his  40s  with  a  knuckleball  who  had  three  20-win  seasons  with  Niekro  didn't  make  it  to  the  big
            that baffled big league hitters for  Atlanta.                           leagues until 1964, when he pitched  Niekro  also  led  the  league  in  losses
            more  than  two  decades,  mostly                                       10 games in relief for the then-Mil-  four straight seasons, losing 20 games
            with the Atlanta Braves, has died  Niekro also pitched for the New York  waukee  Braves.  He  made  only  one  in both 1977 and '79.
            after a long fight with cancer, the  Yankees,  Cleveland  Indians  and  To-  start over his first three years in the
            team announced Sunday. He was  ronto Blue Jays late in his career.      big leagues but finally blossomed as a  He  finished  with  a  career  record  of
            81.                                                                     starter in 1967 — the Braves' second  318-274 an a 3.35 ERA. Niekro was
                                                “We  are  heartbroken  on  the  passing  year in Atlanta — when he went 11-9  inducted  into  the  Baseball  Hall  of
            The Braves said Niekro died Satur-  of  our  treasured  friend,”  the  Braves  and  led  the  National  League  with  a  Fame in 1997.
            day night in his sleep. He lived in the  said  in  a  statement.  “Knucksie  was  1.87 ERA.
            Atlanta  suburb  of  Flowery  Branch,  woven  into  the  Braves  fabric,  first                             His younger brother, Joe, also had a
            where a main thoroughfare bears his  in  Milwaukee  and  then  in  Atlanta.  With a fluttering knuckleball that re-  long  baseball  career  with  an  arsenal
            name.                               Phil baffled batters on the field and  quired catchers to wear an oversized  that  included  the  knuckleball.  He
                                                later was always the first to join in our  mitt, Niekro went 23-13 as the Braves  won 221 games over 22 years in the
            Niekro won 318 games over his 24-   community  activities.  It  was  during  won the first NL West title in 1969.  big leagues, making the Niekros base-
            year career, which ended in 1987 at  those  community  and  fan  activities                                 ball's winningest set of siblings, with
            age  48 after he made one  final  start  where  he  would  communicate  with  He also had 20-win seasons in 1974  a total of 539 victories, just ahead of
            with the Braves.                    fans as if they were long lost friends.”  and 1979, despite pitching for a team  Gaylord and Jim Perry.
                                                                                    that fell on hard times after its appear-
            Known  for  a  pitch  that  befuddled  A  statue  of  Niekro  delivering  his  ance in the inaugural NL Champion-  Joe Niekro died in 2006 at age 61.
            hitters and catchers — heck, Niekro  trademark pitch is located outside of  ship  Series,  where  the  Braves  were

                             South Africa bats its way back into 1st test vs. Sri Lanka

            (AP) - af du Plessis played  a  rapid  rate  of  four  runs  or  But  Sri  Lanka,  missing  two  “It was a rewarding day for all
            a  crucial  role  in  his  first  more an over.           bowlers  to  injury,  produced  of us today,” Elgar said. “I re-  Fast  bowler  Kasun  Rajitha
            test  since  giving  up  the                              a  burst  of  three  wickets  for  ally thought we changed the  pulled up having bowled just
            captaincy  to  put  South  Replying to Sri Lanka's first-  20 runs after tea to shake the  momentum  today  and  we  13 deliveries in South Africa's
            Africa  back  on  track  in  innings 396 — its best total in  South Africans.          had the momentum back in  first innings, and hobbled off
            response to a challenging  a test in South Africa — the                                our dressing room."          the field with what appeared
            first-innings total from Sri  Proteas had fought their way  Bustling  fast  bowler  Lahiru                          to be a groin problem.
            Lanka in the series opener  to just 79 runs behind.       Kumara  had  Rassie  van  der  Resuming on 340-6, Sri Lan-
            on Sunday.                                                Dussen  caught  behind,  Da-  ka's 396 was built on 85 from  That  followed  on  from  all-
                                         South  Africa  made  a  whirl-  sun  Shanaka  reacted  with  Dinesh  Chandimal  and  79  rounder de Silva being forced
            Du Plessis' 55 not out guided  wind  start  with  a  141-run  a  sharp  caught  and  bowled  from Dhananjaya de Silva on  to  retire  hurt  while  batting
            South  Africa  out  of  trouble  opening   stand   between  to deny Elgar a century, and  Day  1.  Allrounder  Shanaka  on Saturday with a left thigh
            and  to  317-4  at  stumps  on  Dean  Elgar  (95)  and  Aiden  legspinner  Wanindu  Hasa-  added  a  forceful  66  not  out  injury.  He  was  out  for  two
            Day  2  of  a  fast-moving  first  Markram (68), and was 200-  ranga collected a memorable  from No. 7, hammering five  weeks,  the  Sri  Lanka  team
            test  at  SuperSport  Park,  1 at one stage.              first test wicket on his debut  sixes  in  his  first  test  half-  said,  meaning  he  won't  be
            where  both  teams  scored  at                            when he beat new South Af-   century and making sure Sri  able  to  take  part  in  the  rest
                                                                      rica captain Quinton de Kock  Lanka's  hard  work  with  the  of  this  test  unless  Sri  Lanka
                                                                      (18)  with  a  googly  to  have  bat  on  the  first  day  wasn't  faces a desperate batting situ-
                                                                      him caught at slip.          wasted on the second.        ation  and  he's  needed.  But
                                                                                                                                Sri Lanka won't be able to call
                                                                      Du Plessis was calm to reach  He propelled his team to the  on his useful off-spin bowl-
                                                                      a 22nd test half-century and  brink  of  400  with  some  big  ing, putting the tourists two
                                                                      was supported by Temba Ba-   blows  on  the  second  morn-  bowlers down.
                                                                      vuma (41 not out) in an un-  ing  before Sri  Lanka  was  all
                                                                      broken  97-run  stand.  That  out before lunch.           “It's  a  bit  hard  but  it’s  test
                                                                      left the South Africans upbeat                            cricket,” Shanaka said.
                                                                      despite still trailing, and after  But  Sri  Lanka,  after  that
                                                                      Sri Lanka was clearly on top  highly promising batting per-  Sri  Lanka  retained  hopes  of
                                                                      for the first day-and-a-half in  formance,  had  unforeseen  early wickets on the third day,
                                                                      Centurion.                   problems  with  its  bowling  Shanaka  said,  with  the  new
                                                                                                   attack.                      ball just eight overs away.
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