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locAl           Friday 24 July 2020

            Join us for Conservation Week Aruba

            ORANJESTAD  —  Conserv-                                   Tuesday July 28
            ing biodiversity is essential:  Sunday July 26            World  Conservation  Day
            not  only  because  plants  Junior Ranger activity        is  celebrated  internation-
            and animals have a right to  7am – 10am                   ally  to  create  awareness
            survive,  but  also  because  Today  is  International  Day  about  the  best  practices
            conservation  supports  the  for  the  Conservation  of  how  to  protect  our  na-
            well-being of people. After  Mangrove       Ecosystems.  tional resources. Each and
            all,  nature  is  our  founda-  Mangroves are rare, spec-  every  activity  in  the  world
            tion.  Aruba’s  national  park  tacular  and  prolific  eco-  depends  upon  nature  so
            Arikok  organizes  their  first  systems  on  the  boundary  people  should  understand
            Conservation  Week.  Join  between  land  and  sea.  that  any  activity  they  do
            them  and  learn  how  you  These  extra  ordinary  eco-  will  affect  the  earth.  Con-                           World Ranger Day offers a
            can be part of nature con-   systems  contribute  to  the  servation of nature is of ut-  Wednesday July 29         chance to support their vi-
            servation on Aruba.          wellbeing,  food  security,  most importance to all hu-   Conservation quiz on social  tal work, which ranges from
                                         and  protection  of  coastal  man  beings  and  their  life  media.                    environmental  campaign-
            Nature calls                 communities     worldwide.  on  Earth.  Earth  has  given                              ing to education. The day is
            The  Arikok  Aruba  National  They  support  a  rich  biodi-  essential  need  to  live  like  Thursday July 30     also an opportunity to pay
            Park  is  worth  the  ride.  We  versity and provide a valu-  water,  air,    trees,  animals,  Webinar:  Foundation  Na-  tribute to rangers who have
            love  the  hikes  that  are  able nursery habitat for fish  food,  soil,  minerals,  etc.  tional  Park  Aruba  about  lost their lives in the line of
            guided by the park’s rang-   and  crustaceans.  Man-      so its people duty to keep  nature    conservation    in  duty. (
            ers whose job is to maintain  groves  also  act  as  a  form  the  environment  safe  and  practice.
            trails  and  protect  natural  of natural coastal  defense  clean.  There  are  so  many                            Saturday August 01
            resources.  The  flora  and  against  storm  surges,  tsu-  threats  to  nature,  such  as  Friday July 31          Today  you  may  join  us  on
            fauna  are  beautiful  and  namis, rising sea levels and  deforestation,  illegal  trade  World  Ranger  Day:  cel-  a  rough  hike.  Discover  the
            the  historical  sites  tell  you  erosion. Their soils are highly  in wildlife, pollution, plastics  ebrating  all  the  work  that  wild  side  of  our  national
            about  the  island’s  indig-  effective  carbon  sinks,  se-  use,  chemicals,  industrial  rangers  do  around  the  park  during  a  strenuous
            enous roots. If you are not  questering  vast  amounts  developments,  and  many  world  to  protect  the  cul-     guided hike.
            up  to  walking,  you  can  of  carbon.  Yet  mangroves  more factors. So, it is impor-  tural  heritage  and  natu-  More  details  of  the  above
            drive through the park, one  are  disappearing  three  to  tant to protect nature and  ral  treasures  of  the  planet.  program will be shared on
            way or another this park is  five times faster than over-  to  create  a  healthy  envi-  Around  the  globe,  park  the  park’s  social  media:
            a great place to spend an  all global forest losses, with  ronment  for  present  and  rangers  are  on  the  front  Facebook  Aruba  National
            entire day. Cruising through  serious   ecological   and  future  generations.  (fresh-  line  in  the  fight  to  pro-  Park,  website  www.aruba-
            the landscape you end up  socio-economic  impacts.                       tect  our  natural  heritage.
            at  some  of  the  most  stun-  Current  estimates  indicate
            ning beaches like Dos Pla-   that  mangrove  coverage
            ya or Daimara Beach. In to-  has been divided by two in
            tal the park consists of 7907  the past 40 years. The Inter-
            acres  protected  nature  national  Day  for  the  Con-
            with  a  richness  of  animals  servation of the Mangrove
            living in it. The Aruban whip-  Ecosystem,  adopted  by
            tail lizard (cododo), Aruban  the  General  Conference
            cat eye snake (santanero)  of UNESCO in 2015 and cel-
            and  endangered  rattle  ebrated  each  year  on  26
            snake  (cascabel)  are  just  July,  aims  to  raise  aware-
            some of them, you can also  ness  of  the  importance  of
            admire  these  close  in  the  mangrove  ecosystems  as
            park’s Visitors’ Center.     “a unique, special and vul-
            From  this  Sunday  on  the  nerable ecosystem" and to
            park  has  scheduled  some  promote  solutions  for  their
            activities to celebrate their  sustainable  management,
            first  Conservation  Week.  conservation    and    uses.
            Check  out  the  program  (
            and feel welcome to join.
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