Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200724
P. 28

                        Friday 24 July 2020
            Child abduction, forced labor scandal widens in south Mexico

            MEXICO  CITY  (AP)  —  A                                                                                            families. The Chiapas state
            scandal  involving  the  ab-                                                                                        prosecutors'  office  said  in
            duction  and  exploitation                                                                                          a  statement  the  children
            of young children in  a  co-                                                                                        "were forced through physi-
            lonial  Mexican  city  popu-                                                                                        cal and psychological vio-
            lar  with  tourists  widened                                                                                        lence  to  sell  handicrafts  in
            Wednesday  when  prose-                                                                                             the center of the city," add-
            cutors  released  additional                                                                                        ing the kids showed signs of
            evidence  that  an  adult                                                                                           "malnutrition  and  precari-
            apparently used other chil-                                                                                         ous conditions."
            dren to help kidnap a miss-                                                                                         According  to  video  pre-
            ing 2-year-old boy.                                                                                                 sented  by  the  prosecu-
            The  search  for  Dylan  Esaú                                                                                       tors,  many  of  them  slept
            Gómez Pérez led prosecu-                                                                                            on  what  appeared  to  be
            tors  in  southern  Chiapas                                                                                         sheets  of  cardboard  and
            state,  on  the  Guatema-                                                                                           blankets on a cement floor.
            lan  border,  to  a  house  in                                                                                      Three  other  women  have
            San Cristobal de las Casas                                                                                          been detained in that case
            where  23  abducted  chil-                                                                                          and may face human traf-
            dren  were  being  kept  in                                                                                         ficking  and  forced  labor
            deplorable  conditions  and                                                                                         charges.
            forced  to  sell  trinkets  and                                                                                     Dylan was with his mother,
            handicrafts in the street.   Juana  Perez,  whose  2  1/2  year-old  son  Dylan  is  missing,  holds  a  poster  of  him  outside  of  the   Juana  Pérez,  at  the  mar-
            But  Dylan,  who  turns  3  in   presidential palace that asks for President Manuel Andres Lopez Obrador to help her find him, in   ket  on  the  day  he  was
            November, was not among      Mexico City, Wednesday, July 22, 2020.                                                 snatched.
            them.                                                                                              Associated Press  Pérez,  who  traveled  to
            Reviewing      surveillance                                                                                         Mexico  City  to  ask  Presi-
            cameras,  state  prosecutor  the  public  market  where  day,  apparently  related  at the house," Llaven said.     dent Andrés Manuel López
            Jorge  Llaven  said  that  a  Dylan's  mother  worked  in  to  Dylan's  disappearance,  San  Cristobal  is  a  pictur-  Obrador  to  help  find  her
            boy and a girl, both appar-  the colonial city. Dylan ap-  had  revealed  a  house  esque,  heavily  Indigenous  son,  works  at  the  market
            ently around 12, were seen  pears  to  follow  the  boy,  where children — most be-    city that is popular among  selling fruit and vegetables.
            talking  to  a  woman  who  and  then  the  girl  takes  tween 2 and 15 years old,  tourists.  It  is  not  unusual  to  She  said  her  son  would
            is a suspect in the June 30  Dylan  by  the  back  of  the  but three infants aged be-  see  children  and  adults  sometimes  wander  off  to
            abduction.  Llaven  identi-  jacket and walks out of the  tween 3 and 20 months —  hawking  local  crafts  like  play,  but  that  no  children
            fied  the  woman  as  only  market  with  him.  The  girl  is  were  forced  to  sell  things  carvings and embroidered  had  ever  been  snatched
            as  "Ofelia,"  and  offered  a  later  seen  returning  alone,  on the street.         cloth on its narrow cobble-  from the market before.
            $13,500 reward for informa-  apparently  having  hand-    "Moreover,    they    were  stone streets.                The boy's father emigrated
            tion  about  the  location  of  ed the missing boy over to  forced to return with a cer-  But  few  visitors  to  the  city  to  California  to  find  work,
            her or the missing boy.      someone else.                tain  minimum  amount  of  suspected that some of the  and thus Pérez, 23, has had
            In  photos  from  cameras,  Llaven  said  Tuesday  that  money  for  the  right  to  get  kids  doing  the  selling  had  to care for Dylan and his sis-
            the  boy  and  the  girl  enter  a search carried out Mon-  food and a place to sleep  been  snatched  from  their  ter by herself.q

            China cites 'malicious slander' as Houston consulate closes

                                                                      "This  is  breaking  down  the  punitive measures at China  trade,  human  rights,  Hong
                                                                      bridge  of  friendship  be-  ahead of the U.S. presiden-  Kong  and  Chinese  asser-
                                                                      tween  the  Chinese  and  tial election in November.      tiveness in the South China
                                                                      American  people,"  Wang  Wang did not comment on  Sea.
                                                                      told  reporters  at  a  daily  speculation about whether  China's relations with Britain
                                                                      briefing.                    a  U.S.  consulate  in  China  have also become increas-
                                                                      He  dismissed  U.S.  allega-  would  be  ordered  closed  ingly  strained,  in  part  over
                                                                      tions  of  espionage  and  in-  in response, and which one  Hong Kong, a former British
                                                                      tellectual  property  theft,  might be targeted.          colony returned to China in
                                                                      calling  them  "completely  "China will surely take nec-  1997.
                                                                      malicious slander."          essary  measures  to  safe-  Wang criticized the U.K. for
                                                                      The U.S. on Tuesday ordered  guard  its  legitimate  rights  opening a pathway to citi-
                                                                      the consulate closed within  and interests," he said, with-  zenship  for  up  to  3  million
                                                                      72 hours, alleging that Chi-  out elaborating.            residents  of  the  city  of  7.5
            Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin gestures for ques-
            tions  during  the  daily  briefing  in  Beijing  on  Thursday,  July  23,   nese  agents  had  tried  to  The  U.S.  has  an  embassy  million people. He said Chi-
            2020.                                                     steal  data  from  facilities  in  in  Beijing  and  consulates  na  might  stop  recognizing
                                                     Associated Press  Texas,  including  the  Texas  in  five  other  mainland  cit-  the  British  National  Over-
                                                                      A&M  medical  system  and  ies: Shanghai, Guangzhou,  seas  passport  that  those  3
            BEIJING (AP) — China said  Foreign  ministry  spokes-     The  University  of  Texas  MD  Chengdu,  Shenyang  and  million  hold  or  are  eligible
            Thursday  that  "malicious  person  Wang  Wenbin  said  Anderson  Cancer  Center  Wuhan.  It  also  has  a  con-    to get.
            slander" is behind an order  the move against the con-    in Houston.                  sulate in Hong Kong, a Chi-  Britain  on  Wednesday  an-
            by  the  U.S.  government  to  sulate,  the  first  one  China  The move was a dramatic  nese territory.            nounced  a  January  start
            close its consulate in Hous-  opened in the U.S. after the  escalation  of  the  grow-  Relations   between   the  date for new rules that will
            ton, Texas, maintaining that  establishment  of  diplomat-  ing  tensions  between  the  U.S. and China have nose-  allow  holders  of  the  pass-
            its officials never operated  ic ties in 1979, goes against  world's  two  largest  econo-  dived  in  recent  months  port to live and work in the
            outside ordinary diplomatic  the basic norms of interna-  mies  as  President  Donald  over  the  coronavirus  pan-  U.K. and eventually obtain
            rules.                       tional relations.            Trump  directs  blame  and  demic  and  disputes  over  citizenship. q
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