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U.S. NEWS Friday 24 July 2020
Continued from Front virus' spread, such as clos-
The poll was conducted ing bars and indoor dining
before Trump, who for at restaurants, and getting
months was dismissive of workers back on the job af-
masks, said this week that ter many businesses were
it's patriotic to wear one. idled and millions of people
"Not wearing a mask, to were left jobless by the ini-
me, poses a greater risk of tial stay-at-home orders.
spreading the COVID," said The U.S. has more than 3.9
Darius Blevins, a 33-year-old million known cases of the
Republican-leaning inde- coronavirus, with many
pendent from Christians- more undetected, and
burg, Virginia, who works more than 140,000 people
in bank operations. Blevins have died of it this year. The
said he wears a mask in U.S. leads the world in con-
public because "it's much firmed cases and deaths
more effective than not and ranks near the top on
wearing the mask." a per-capita basis. Califor-
It's an opinion echoed by nia, which earned plaudits
data analyst James Shaw, from health officials for ag-
an independent who tilts gressive early action that
Democratic. "If you under- included the first state-
stand the facts, there is re- wide stay-at-home order,
ally no issue," said Shaw, 56, is among states seeing a A bartender pours a beer while wearing a mask and face shield amid the coronavirus pandemic
of Noble, Illinois. "The data is surge. On Wednesday, Cal- at Slater's 50/50 Wednesday, July 1, 2020, in Santa Clarita, Calif.
crystal clear." ifornia passed New York for Associated Press
For months health officials the most confirmed cases
have said several simple with 409,000. About half say they favor they do what's right, this ment of masks came after
steps could save lives — About half of Americans requiring people to stay in economy could come he said in April that "I just
washing hands frequently, now say they're extremely their homes except for es- back," said Greenan, 67, don't want to wear one."
staying away from crowds, or very worried about them- sential trips. That number a Republican and former The Republican president
especially while indoors, selves or someone in their remained about steady accountant and teacher was not seen wearing a
and pulling on a mask families being infected with since June. About half also from Santee, in the San Di- mask in public until July 11,
when heading out to the the virus — about the same favor requiring bars and ego suburbs. months after the corona-
supermarket, the office or as in March, but a steep restaurants to close. While tough steps were virus took hold in the U.S.
a restaurant. And despite increase from June, when Nearly three-quarters of needed initially, "for the Trump has recently sug-
heated rhetoric about just 32% said they were that Americans said restrictions most part people are ready gested the virus is under
masks in some corners, 95% concerned. Republicans to slow the spread of the to get on with their lives," control, but he changed
of Democrats and 75% of were less likely to be anx- virus should override con- she said. "I don't think tying course Tuesday, saying it
Republicans said they're ious about the illness, but cerns about damaging the everyone down is the right will "get worse before it gets
wearing face coverings concern rose among mem- economy, but California re- move." better."
when leaving the house. bers of both parties. tiree Kimberly Greenan said The poll finds that only 24% Democratic California
Overall, 86% of Americans There were other signs of she favors relaxing rules of Americans approve of Sen. Dianne Feinstein on
say they're doing so, com- continued unease. Sup- and allowing people to the federal government's Wednesday again called
pared with 73% in May. port for limiting the size of get back to work. Greenan response to the outbreak, for a national mask require-
As the tally of coronavi- gatherings ticked back up says she wears a mask on with disapproval hitting ment. "We need a man-
rus infections continues to to 66%, after sliding for sev- trips to the grocery store 55%, ticking up 7 percent- date at the federal level
climb, state and local gov- eral months to a low of 59% and at church, but not age points from May. The that will uniformly require
ernments have tried to find in June. Eighty-five percent if she's walking in a park, remainder did not have an masks across the country,"
a balance between restric- of Americans say they're away from other people. opinion either way. she said in a statement.
tions intended to limit the avoiding large groups. "If people are vigilant, if Trump's recent endorse- "This isn't a political issue."q
Trump calls off Florida segment of GOP National Convention
By ZEKE MILLER Trump had hoped would Trump said thousands of his
Associated Press be a "four-night infomer- supporters and delegates
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- cial" for his reelection. wanted to attend the
dent Donald Trump an- "It's a different world, and events in Florida, but "I just
nounced Thursday that he it will be for a little while," felt it was wrong" to attract
has scrubbed his planned Trump said, explaining his them to a virus hotspot.
Republican National Con- decision. "To have a big Some of them would have
vention scheduled for convention is not the right faced quarantine require-
Florida next month, citing time," Trump added. ments when they returned
a "flare-up" of the corona- Trump moved the ceremo- to their home states from
virus. nial portions of the GOP the convention.
Trump's formal renomina- convention to Florida last "We didn't want to take
tion will still go forward in month amid a dispute with any chances," he added.
North Carolina, where a North Carolina's Democrat- "We have to be vigilant. we
small subset of GOP del- ic leaders over holding an have to be careful and we
egates will still gather in event indoors with maskless President Donald Trump speaks during a news conference at have to set an example."
Charlotte, North Carolina, supporters. But those plans the White House, Thursday, July 23, 2020, in Washington. The Biden campaign
for just four hours on Aug. were steadily scaled back Associated Press did not immediately re-
24. Florida was to have as virus cases spiked in Flor- spond to messages seek-
hosted four nights of pro- ida and much of the coun- Trump said he would deliv- in an alternate form, poten- ing comment on Trump's
gramming and parties that try over the last month. er an acceptance speech tially online. announcement.q