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WORLD NEWS Friday 24 July 2020
WHO chief upbraids Pompeo over 'unacceptable' allegations
JAMEY KEATEN remarks, which included
GENEVA (AP) — The direc- blaming partisan politics for
tor-general of the World worsening the pandemic.
Health Organization up- "One of the greatest threats
braided U.S. Secretary of we face continues to be
State Mike Pompeo on the politicization of the pan-
Thursday for "untrue and demic. COVID-19 does not
unacceptable" allega- respect borders, ideologies
tions during the coronavirus or political parties," Tedros
pandemic after British me- said Thursday. "I have said
dia reported that Pompeo it many times: COVID poli-
made a comment about tics should be quarantined,
the health agency chief and I'm appealing again to
having been "bought" by all nations to work togeth-
China. er. Politics and partisanship
In one of his most defensive have made things worse."
and full-throated replies yet Tedros' defensiveness was
to months of criticism from echoed by other WHO of-
Washington, Director-Gen- ficials, who rallied around
eral Tedros Adhanom Ghe- the agency's integrity and
breyesus said WHO was actions — and its chief.
focused on "saving lives" as "We are proud, proud to be
he condemned the report- WHO. And we will remain
ed comments by Pompeo In this Feb. 24, 2020, file photo, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World so. And we will serve the
Health Organization (WHO), addresses a press conference about the update on COVID-19 at the
at a closed-door event this World Health Organization headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. vulnerable people of the
week in London. Associated Press world, regardless of what
"The comments were done, is said about us," said Dr.
I think on Tuesday -- last "bought" by the Chinese deaths in the world. appearance, The Times of Michael Ryan, the WHO's
Tuesday. And the com- government, an unusually In recent months, the ad- London, citing unidenti- emergencies chief, clear-
ments are untrue and un- personal accusation fol- ministration has repeatedly fied attendees, reported ing his throat.
acceptable, and without lowing the many broad- criticized WHO's handling he told a gathering of Brit- Added Maria Van Kerk-
any foundation for that sides the Trump administra- of the pandemic and its al- ish lawmakers that the hove, the technical lead
matter," Tedros told report- tion has directed at WHO in leged deference to Beijing. U.S. had intelligence sug- on the WHO's emergencies
ers in Geneva. "If there is recent months over its re- President Donald Trump gesting Tedros had been program: "I feel the need
one thing that really mat- sponse to the emergence has ordered the United "bought" by China's gov- to say something as an
ters to us and which should of the coronavirus in China. States to withdraw next ernment and that his elec- American, as a proud WHO
matter to the entire inter- Critics say the Trump ad- year from the agency it has tion as WHO chief in 2017 employee. I have had the
national community, it's ministration has been trying bankrolled and supported had led to the death of Brit- honor and privilege to sit
saving lives. And WHO will to distract attention from its for decades. ish nationals. next to Dr. Tedros and Dr.
not be distracted by these own failings in managing Pompeo was not asked The State Department did Mike Ryan for I-don't-know-
comments." the coronavirus outbreak about his reported com- not immediately respond how-many days since the
British newspapers reported in the United States, which ments at a news con- to queries from The As- beginning of this pandem-
Wednesday that Pompeo has the most confirmed ference in Denmark on sociated Press about the ic, and I have never been
claimed Tedros had been cases and virus-related Wednesday. Before that British reports and Tedros' more proud to be WHO."q
Greece will do 'whatever necessary' in dispute with Turkey
By DEREK GATOPOULOS Emmanuel Macron joining Those responsible must be
and SUZAN FRASER calls for European Union sanctioned," Macron said
Associated Press sanctions against Ankara before talks in Paris with
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — if the dispute escalates fur- Cypriot counterpart Nicos
Greece warned Thursday it ther. Anastasiades at the presi-
will do "whatever is neces- Greek government spokes- dential Elysee Palace
sary" to defend its sovereign man Stelios Petsas de- Greece and Turkey have
rights in response to plans scribed the mission as a di- been at odds for decades
by neighboring Turkey to rect violation of Greek sov- over sea boundaries but
proceed with an oil-and- ereignty and that of Greek recent discoveries of natu-
gas research mission south ally Cyprus. ral gas and drilling plans
of Greek islands in the east- "The government is un- across the East Mediterra-
ern Mediterranean. derlining to all parties that nean have exacerbated
The dispute over seabed Greece will not accept a the dispute.
mineral rights has led to in- violation of its sovereignty Turkey argues Greek islands In this photograph taken from the Mediterranean shores near
creased navy deployments and will do whatever is should not be included in the city of Antalya, Turkey, a merchant ship, top right, sails past
by both NATO members in necessary to defend its sov- calculating maritime zones the research vessel Oruc Reis, Thursday, July 23, 2020.
the region, where a Turkish ereign rights," Petsas said. of economic interest — a Associated Press
research vessel, the Oruc Macron said sanctions now position that Greece says is
Reis, is being prepared for appeared necessary. a clear violation of interna- Seas, more than 200 of Turkey, but a navigational
a survey mission. "It is not acceptable for tional law. them inhabited. telex issued by the port
Turkey has drawn growing the maritime space of a Greece has around 6,000 The survey ship Oruc Reis re- says the mission planned
criticism from Western al- Union member state to be islands and smaller islets mains anchored off the port through Aug. 2 remains
lies, with French President violated or threatened. in the Aegean and Ionian of Antalya, in southeastern "valid and effective."q