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                                                                                                      SCIENCE Friday 24 July 2020
            U.S. wildlife agency rejects protections for rare fish species

            By MATTHEW BROWN                                                                                                    tion of warmer water tem-
            BILLINGS,  Mont.  (AP)  —                                                                                           peratures that can hurt the
            U.S.  wildlife  officials  on                                                                                       fish.  Those  measures  also
            Wednesday  rejected  spe-                                                                                           will  help  protect  them  go-
            cial  protections  for  a  rare,                                                                                    ing forward, they said.
            freshwater  fish  related  to                                                                                       "We  can  decrease  water
            salmon  that's  been  at  the                                                                                       temperatures  despite  the
            center  of  a  long-running                                                                                         fact that air temperature is
            legal dispute, citing conser-                                                                                       increasing," Boyd said.
            vation  efforts  that  officials                                                                                    Arctic  grayling  are  native
            say  have  increased  Arctic                                                                                        to  river  drainages  around
            grayling numbers in a Mon-                                                                                          the  Arctic  Ocean,  Hudson
            tana river.                                                                                                         Bay  and  the  northern  Pa-
            The  Associated  Press  ob-                                                                                         cific  Ocean.  A  population
            tained  details  of  the  de-                                                                                       in  Michigan  was  wiped
            cision    not  to  protect  the                                                                                     out last century, but scien-
            fish under the Endangered                                                                                           tists  are  seeking  to  reintro-
            Species Act in advance of                                                                                           duce the fish to parts of the
            a public announcement.                                                                                              state.q
            The  move  comes  almost
            two  years  after    a  federal
            appeals  court  faulted  the
            U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Ser-
            vice  for  arbitrarily  dismiss-
            ing threats to grayling from   This photo provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shows an Arctic grayling captured in a U.S.
            climate change and other     Fish and Wildlife Service fish trap at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge near Lima, Montana.
            pressures.                                                                                         Associated Press
            While some of those threats
            will persist, government of-  cized  Wednesday's  deci-   firm  that  represented  wild-  ficials  determined  in  1994
            ficials  said  conservation  sion  and  said  the  worsen-  life  advocates  in  a  lawsuit  and again in 2010 that pro-
            measures  have  improved  ing climate crisis leaves the  over the fish.                tections were needed. But
            the  fish's  habitat  and  will  grayling's survival in doubt.  Montana  Tech  professor  they  were  never  imposed
            lessen  future  temperature  Even  with  a  commitment  Pat  Munday,  a  plaintiff  in  because   other   species
            increases in the cold waters  from ranchers along the Big  the  lawsuit  who  fishes  the  were  given  a  higher  prior-
            where they reside.           Hole to reduce the amount  Big  Hole  regularly,  said  ity.
            Known  for  their  iridescent  of water withdrawn to grow  grayling  have  become  in-  The Fish and Wildlife Service
            appearance      and    sail-  hay, flows drop sharply dur-  creasingly scarce over the  in  2014  determined  that
            shaped  dorsal  fins,  Arctic  ing dry periods and imperil  past  three  decades.  Mun-  protections  were  no  lon-
            grayling  are  members  of  grayling, they said.          day  alleged  government  ger  needed  because  the
            the salmon family that can  Despite  recent  habitat  im-  biologists  were  "cooking  landowner     conservation
            reach  30  inches  (76  centi-  provements,  Arctic  gray-  the books" by inflating pop-  agreement had helped the
            meters)  in  length  and  are  ling occupy only a fraction  ulation  estimates  to  justify  fish rebound. Wildlife advo-
            prized by many anglers.      of  the  streams  across  the  their decision.            cates then sued in federal
            Officials  credited  a  con-  upper  Missouri  River  basin  "The  biologists  and  techni-  court and prevailed before
            servation  agreement  in-    where  they  were  histori-  cians get better and better  the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of
            volving  landowners  and  cally widespread. The spe-      at  knowing  where  to  an-  Appeals in 2018.
            government  agencies  for  cies declined over the past  ticipate  grayling  and  they  The  appeals  court  faulted
            recent  improvements  to  century  because  of  com-      get better at finding them,  the  government  for  not
            the  grayling's  river  habitat  petition  from  non-native  but that doesn't mean the  taking  into  account  data
            in  southwestern  Montana's  fish  and  after  their  habitat  numbers  are  increasing,"  that showed the fish's pop-
            Big Hole Valley.             was  significantly  altered  said  Munday,  a  professor  ulation in the Big Hole River
            The  Big  Hole  River  and  its  by dams and high summer  of science and technology  was then declining and for
            tributaries  —  home  to  one  water temperatures.        studies and author of "Mon-  dismissing  the  potential  for
            of  the  few  native  popula-  "The  commitment  of  land-  tana's  Last  Best  River:  The  climate  change  to  cause
            tions of the fish in the Lower  owners  along  the  Big  Hole  Big Hole and Its People."  lower  water  flows  and
            48  states  —  saw  grayling  River   is   commendable  Efforts  to  protect  Arctic  warmer temperatures.
            numbers  roughly  double  and  absolutely  essential  grayling  date  to  at  least  Federal wildlife officials said
            during  the  last  decade  to  for  the  survival  of  grayling.  1991,  when  wildlife  advo-  steps  already  taken,  such
            about 1,500 adult fish, said  We  question  whether  it's  cates  petitioned  the  gov-  as  more  shade  trees  on
            Fish and Wildlife Service bi-  enough," said attorney Jen-  ernment to add the fish to  stream  banks  and  the  re-
            ologist Jim Boyd. The popu-  ny  Harbine  with  Earthjus-  its  list  of  threatened  and  duced  water  withdrawals,
            lation  figure  was  derived  tice, the environmental law  endangered  species.  Of-   have decreased the dura-
            from  an  estimate  of  the
            number of breeding fish.
            "If  you  can  increase  the
            number  of  breeding  indi-
            viduals,  you  can  start  to
            feel really good about the
            conservation  efforts  and
            know  they  are  truly  work-
            ing," he said.
            Wildlife  advocates  criti-
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