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A26    U.S. NEWS
                       Tuesday 2 June 2020
            Trump slams governors as ‘weak,’ urges crackdown on protests

            By JONATHAN LEMIRE,                                                                                                 Trump  said  that  "I  think  it's
            ZEKE MILLER and                                                                                                     time to review that again."
            ALAN SUDERMAN                                                                                                       He  continued  his  effort  to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    project  strength,  using  in-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            flammatory tweets and de-
            dent  Donald  Trump  on                                                                                             livering partisan attacks.
            Monday  derided  many                                                                                               As cities have burned night
            governors  as  "weak"  and                                                                                          after  night  and  images  of
            demanded tougher crack-                                                                                             violence  have  dominat-
            downs  on  burning  and                                                                                             ed  television  coverage,
            stealing among some dem-                                                                                            Trump's  advisers  have  dis-
            onstrations in the aftermath                                                                                        cussed the prospect of an
            of violent protests in dozens                                                                                       Oval  Office  address  in  an
            of American cities.                                                                                                 attempt  to  ease  tensions.
            Trump  spoke  to  governors                                                                                         The  notion  was  quickly
            on a video teleconference                                                                                           scrapped for lack of policy
            that  also  included  law  en-                                                                                      proposals  and  the  presi-
            forcement  and  national                                                                                            dent's  own  seeming  disin-
            security officials, telling the                                                                                     terest  in  delivering  a  mes-
            state leaders they "have to                                                                                         sage of unity.
            get much tougher."                                                                                                  Trump  did  not  appear  in
            "Most  of  you  are  weak,"                                                                                         public on Sunday and was
            Trump  said.  "You  have  to                                                                                        not  scheduled  to  on  Mon-
            arrest people."              In this Saturday, May 30, 2020, photo, President Donald Trump walks across the South Lawn of the   day either. The demonstra-
            The  days  of  protests  were   White House in Washington.                                         Associated Press  tions  in  Washington  ap-
            triggered  by  the  death  of                                                                                       peared to catch officers by
            George Floyd, a black man  in  cities  that  also  experi-  of  the  National  Guard  as  ages  of  fires  and  looting  surprise.  They  sparked  one
            who  died  when  a  white  enced  violence,  including  a  show  for  force  on  city  and clashes with police fill-  of the highest alerts at the
            Minneapolis  police  officer  New York, Philadelphia and  streets.                     ing  the  nation's  airwaves  White House complex since
            knelt on his neck for several  Los Angeles.               Attorney  General  Bill  Barr,  and  overshadowing  the  the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001.
            minutes.  The  demonstra-    "You've  got  to  arrest  peo-  who  was  also  on  the  call,  largely  peaceful  protests.  Trump has told advisers he
            tions  turned  violent  in  sev-  ple, you have to track peo-  told  governors  that  a  joint  The protests had grown so  worries  about  his  safety,
            eral cities, with looting and  ple, you have to put them  terrorist  task  force  would  heated  Friday  night  that  while  both  privately  and
            mayhem,  and  fires  ignited  in jail for 10 years and you'll  be  used  to  track  agitators  the  Secret  Service  rushed  publicly  praising  the  work
            in  historic  park  Lafayette  never  see  this  stuff  again,"  and  urged  local  officials  the president to an under-  of the Secret Service.
            Park across from the White  said Trump. "We're doing it  to  "dominate"  the  streets  ground  bunker  previously  Demonstrators      returned
            House. The president urged  in  Washington,  D.C.  We're  and  control,  not  react  to  used  during  terrorist  at-  Sunday  afternoon,  facing
            the  governors  to  deploy  going to do something that  crowds. He urged the gov-      tacks.                       off against police at Lafay-
            the National Guard, which  people  haven't  seen  be-     ernors to "go after trouble-  On  Monday,  Trump  also  ette Park into the evening.
            he  credited  for  helping  fore."                        makers."                     spoke of trying to criminal-  Trump  retweeted  a  mes-
            calm  the  situation  Sunday  The president told the gov-  Trump's  angry  exhortations  ize  flag-burning.  The  Su-  sage  from  a  conservative
            night  in  Minneapolis.  He  ernors  they  were  making  at  the  nation's  governors  preme Court has conserva-    commentator     encourag-
            demanded  that  similarly  themselves  "look  like  fools"  came after a Sunday night  tive  new  members  since  it  ing  authorities  to  respond
            tough  measures  be  taken  for  not  calling  up  more  of escalating violence, im-   last ruled on that issue, and  with greater force.q

            Gilead says drug helped moderately ill coronavirus patients

                                                                      be published in a medical  monia but did not need ox-     among  those  on  10  days,
                                                                      journal.  Remdesivir  is  the  ygen support. All were ran-  and  four  among  patients
                                                                      only treatment that's been  domly assigned to get five  getting     standard    care
                                                                      shown in a rigorous experi-  or 10 days of the drug plus  alone.  Nausea  and  head-
                                                                      ment to help fight the coro-  standard care, or standard  ache  were  a  little  more
                                                                      navirus.  A  large  study  led  care  alone.  Patients  and  common  among  those  on
                                                                      by  the  National  Institutes  their  doctors  knew  who  the drug.
                                                                      of  Health  recently  found  it  was  getting  what,  which  The  study  has  some  limi-
                                                                      could  shorten  average  re-  limits  the  objectivity  of  the  tations,  but  "there  was  a
                                                                      covery time from 15 days to  results.                     control  group  which  does
                                                                      11 days in hospitalized pa-  By the 11th day in the study,  help  verify  that  remdesivir
                                                                      tients with severe disease.   those on five days of rem-  has some benefits," said Dr.
                                                                      The  drug  is  given  through  desivir were 65% more likely  Radha Rajasingham, an in-
                                                                      an IV and is designed to in-  to improve by at least one  fectious  disease  specialist
                                                                      terfere with an enzyme the  on a seven-point scale that  at  the  University  of  Minne-
            This  is  an  April  30,  2020,  file  photo  showing  Gilead  Sciences   virus uses to copy its genet-  included measures such as  sota Medical Center in Min-
            headquarters in Foster City, Calif.                       ic material. It's approved for  needing  treatment  with  a  neapolis who had no role in
                                                     Associated Press  treating COVID-19 in Japan  breathing machine, Gilead  the work.
            By MARILYNN MARCHIONE        five days to moderately ill,  and is authorized for emer-  said. Ten days of treatment  Since there are limited sup-
            AP Chief Medical Writer      hospitalized  patients  with  gency  use  in  the  United  did  not  prove  better  than  plies  of  the  experimental
            A  California  biotech  com-  COVID-19.                   States  for  certain  patients.   standard care alone.    drug,  finding  benefit  from
            pany  says  its  experimental  Gilead Sciences gave few  The company-led study in-     There  were  no  deaths  five  versus  10  days  means
            drug  remdesivir  improved  details  on  Monday  but  volved  nearly  600  patients  among  patients  on  five  more people can be treat-
            symptoms  when  given  for  said  full  results  would  soon  who  had  moderate  pneu-  days  of  the  drug,  two  ed, she added.q
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