Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200602
P. 31
locAl Tuesday 2 June 2020
Small Aruban Industries of the 19th century Episode XLIV
ORANJESTAD — Small industries tried in Aruba such as the tobacco, cot-
ton and wool industry did not achieve an appreciable success.
However peanut-growing, imported too, proved unsuccessful. Throughout
to Curacao and Aruba by the Dutch the nineteenth century maize growing
West India Company grew into an developed in proportion as the popu-
important industry. In the nineteenth lation increased and according as
century the main harvest always took rains favored the success of the crops.
place at an earlier date than on Cu- This in a manner became traditional,
racao. The difference in soil and the work went on two plots: a piece of
knowledge of the natives made Aru- rich clay soil and a meagre sand-plot.
ba for a long time the peanut island. If because of an abundance of rain
At Noord and near Cero Cristal and the crop from the rich soil was disap-
Hooiberg in particular peanut-grow- pointing, this loss was made good by
ing was a favored means of existence. the crop from the sandy plot, and
For the growing of cotton, even with inversely. Different grades of maize
the support of the government, which from abroad, such as Jerusalem Corn,
offered the head of every family the Yellow Millow Corn, etc., have been
lease for an indefinite period of 2 1/2 tried here. In the long run a type of
acres of soil, to be extended to ten corn, originally from China, known as
acres on request, was of no avail. sorghum substituted the native Aru-
In 1866 the administration made an ban maize. This was called maishi
attempt at stimulating the growing of rabo or maishi di siete, produced best
cashew trees in connection with the results.
rise in gum-prices, but this endeavor, Continued on Page 32
Aruba’s Red Cross cooked 10.000 Aruba to me
hot meals for the needed ORANJESTAD — Aruba To-
day has reached out to
They arrived at the house you and still does. In these
with a delicious cake to difficult times we invite you,
surprise the family. The our friends abroad who
big smiles on the chil- were supposed to spend
dren’s faces were price- their tropical vacation on
less to the volunteers of Aruba or who had to break
the Red Cross. up their vacation due to
The foundation receives the COVID-19 situation, to
many requests for hot express yourselves. There-
meals or food vouch- fore you are most welcome
ers through their web- to send us your picture and
site www.redcrossaruba. words showing your mem- al purposes without com-
com. For more informa- ory of our island or your pensation.
tion please check the dream vacation for the fu-
ORANJESTAD — The Red they wanted them to website for their pro- ture. Today we received this
Cross Aruba celebrated have something special. grams. q Send us your picture(s) to- beautiful picture of Guido
a special day last Thurs- gether with completing the & Linda Tenuta. They say:
day when they delivered sentence: Aruba to me is “Aruba to us has been
hot meal number 10.000 …….. (Email: news@aru- our favorite destination for
to one of the families they Please do over 15 years to enjoy one
help out during the CO- note: By submitting photos, of the very best vacations
VID-19 crisis. text or any other materials, anywhere in the world. The
you give permission to The people, weather and res-
The team that delivered Aruba Today newspaper, taurants are excellent! We
the meal on a daily basis Caribbean Speed Print- can’t wait to return. But in
went to the family earlier ers and any of its affiliated the meantime, we pray ev-
that day because they companies to use said ma- erything will return to nor-
have small children and terials, as well as names, mal and even better than
likeness, etc. for promotion- before.”q