Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200602
P. 32

a32    local
                       Tuesday 2 June 2020
            Small Aruban Industries of the 19th century                                                            Episode XLIV

            Continued from Page 31              ten than not two harvests could be
                                                gathered in.
            It is called seven weeks’ maize be-  Besides  maize,  beans  were  also
            cause when the water is favorable  grown  in  the  agricultural  sea-
            it  can  be  harvested  within  seven  son.  There  are  numbers  of  differ-
            weeks of having been planted.       ent  native  kinds,  as  for  instance:
             The priests acted as distributors of  Janchikok,  Jaes  prinses,  karanxu,
            the  seeded  plants.  In  1911,  when  bonofees,  marins,  yenye,  wowo-
            Aruba did not yet knew of import-   preto, bonchi corra, wandu, bochi
            ed canned of food, many worries  shinishi, etc. It is odd that on neither
            of  the  Arubans  about  their  maize  of the other islands, Curacao or Bo-
            crops. In most cases the crops are  naire, is bean-growing so produc-
            exposed  to  many  dangers  which  tive  and  varied  as  on  Aruba  and
            cause them to partly or completely  mainly  attributed  to  the  Native
            miscarry. When the seed needs a  American heritage and traditions.
            long time to develop owing to lack  Maize  and  bean  crops  served  for
            of  rain,  it  dies  underground,  or  is  nourishment,  the  peanut-crops  to
            devoured by earth-worms or ants.    buy  clothes,  shoes,  and  other  ne-
            When the plant has risen to a cer-  cessities, and to pay off debts.
            tain  height,  maybe  one  or  two  The work did not proceed without
            feet, there is a possibility that, ow-  plan,  it  was  given  serious  thought
            ing to a prolonged drought or too  beforehand  how  the  cunucu
            much  humidity,  a  liquid  is  formed  could best be divided into lots suit-
            inside the plant, a sort of oil turning  able  for  planting  the  various  spe-
            from  bright  yellow  into  black  and  cies. Everything was duly weighed:
            becoming as thick as molasses. This  this soil is good for maize, the low
            pest named maba, greatly injures  lot  carries  off  the  water  well  and
            the plant, hampering or paralyzing  should be planted with pindas, the
            its  vegetative  force.  As  this  liquid  corner there is for beans, etc.
            arises  from  a  long  drought  or  too  However,  no  too  optimistic  view
            much humidity it is washed off the  should be taken of Aruban agricul-
            plant by heavy rains or dried out by  tures.  In  1827  commander  Simon
            the fierce sun or hard wind.        Plats reported “the condition of the
            Cultivation  methods  were  more  holdings planted by the residents is
            advanced on Aruba than at other  still  the  same  as  twenty  five  years
            places.  Maize-harvests  very  rarely  ago.” Real plantations, with the ex-
            completely  failed,  and  more  of-  ception of Fontein, did not exist.q

                   5-Native Family harvest of maish rabo, plantation in Noord, Aruba

                                                                                             4-“Maish” native Aruban corn “Zae mays” art by Etnia Nativa
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