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                       Tuesday 2 June 2020

            Zimbabwe summons U.S. envoy over White House adviser's comment

            By FARAI MUTSAKA                                                                                                    my body were not fully my
            Associated Press                                                                                                    own.  I  have  also  always
            HARARE,  Zimbabwe  (AP)                                                                                             known  that  America,  con-
            —  Zimbabwe  has  sum-                                                                                              ceived in liberty, has always
            moned  the  U.S.  ambassa-                                                                                          aspired  to  be  better  —  a
            dor in Harare to a meeting                                                                                          shining city on a hill — and
            over comments by a White                                                                                            that is why I have dedicat-
            House    official   suggest-                                                                                        ed  my  life  to  her  service."
            ing  Zimbabwe  is  among                                                                                            He  said  that  in  the  U.S.  a
            "foreign  adversaries"  that                                                                                        police  officer  has  already
            could  face  retaliation  for                                                                                       been charged with murder
            trying  to  foment  unrest  in                                                                                      for  Floyd's  death,  while  in
            the  U.S.  over  the  death  of                                                                                     Zimbabwe  there  are  gov-
            George Floyd, a black man                                                                                           ernment  critics  who  have
            who  pleaded  for  air  as  a                                                                                       disappeared.  He  named
            police  officer  pressed  a                                                                                         the  well-known  cases  of
            knee into his neck.                                                                                                 three  Zimbabwean  men
            The  U.S.  ambassador  to                                                                                           who  disappeared  with  no
            Zimbabwe,  Brian  Nichols,                                                                                          arrests made.
            has  met  with  Zimbabwe's                                                                                          "Americans will continue to
            foreign  minister  over  com-                                                                                       speak out for justice wheth-
            ments  Sunday  by  U.S.  na-                                                                                        er at home or abroad," said
            tional security adviser Rob-                                                                                        Nichols. "We can meet the
            ert O'Brien.                                                                                                        ideals  of  our  founding,  we
            In  an  interview  on  ABC's   In this file photo dated Wednesday, Aug, 15, 2018, United States Ambassador to Zimbabwe Brian   can  change  this  world  for
            "This  Week,"  O'Brien  sug-  Nichols, left, during a courtesy call with Zimbabwean President elect Emmerson Mnangagwa at   the better."
            gested,  without  citing  any   his official State House in Harare.                                                 After  meeting  the  U.S  am-
            evidence,  that  Zimbabwe                                                                          Associated Press  bassador,  Zimbabwe's  for-
            is  one  of  several  "foreign  pressed his knee into Floyd's  ment on the current crisis in  "I again urged Zimbabwe's  eign affairs minister Sibusiso
            adversaries"  —  including  neck  even  as  he  cried  he  the U.S., but his spokesman  government  to  end  state-  Moyo  said  his  government
            China and Russia — he sug-   couldn't breathe. One offi-  George  Charambsa  and  sponsored violence against  noted  "with  astonishment
            gested were taking advan-    cer has been charged with  other government support-      peaceful  protesters,  civil  and concern," the U.S. na-
            tage  of  the  protests  in  the  murder.                 ers  have  criticized  the  U.S.  society,  labor  leaders  and  tional   security   adviser's
            U.S. to "sow discord and to  The  Trump  administration  on their personal social me-  member  of  the  opposition  statement  describing  Zim-
            try  and  damage  our  de-   has  portrayed  the  vio-    dia accounts.                in  Zimbabwe  and  to  hold  babwe  as  an  adversary.
            mocracy."                    lence  as  the  work  of  out-  Following  his  meeting  with  accountable   those   re-  Moyo  described  the  alle-
            "So there will be a response  side groups and extremists.  Zimbabwe's  foreign  minis-  sponsible  for  human  rights  gation as "false" and "with-
            and it will be proportional,  Officials  are  investigating  ter, the U.S ambassador is-  abuses," wrote Nichols in a  out  any  factual  founda-
            but  this  is  not  something  whether  foreign  adversar-  sued a statement Monday  letter  tweeted  by  the  U.S.  tion  whatsoever  and  that
            that -- that our adversaries  ies  are  behind  a  burgeon-  saying  he  used  the  occa-  embassy.                 they are deeply damaging
            are going to get away with  ing  disinformation  cam-     sion  to  ask  Zimbabwe  to  In his unusually personal let-  to  a  relationship  already
            for free," O'Brien said.     paign on social media.       end  state-sponsored  vio-   ter, Nichols said that "as an  complicated  by  years  of
            Floyd was killed a week ago  Zimbabwean President Em-     lence  against  activists,  cit-  African-American  I  have  prescriptive   megaphone
            in  Minneapolis,  Minnesota,  merson  Mnangagwa  has  ing  recent  abductions  of  known as long as I can re-       diplomacy  and  punitive
            as  a  white  police  officer  not made any official com-  opposition officials.       member that my rights and  economic sanctions."q

            Israeli scientists dig up cannabis traces in ancient temple

                                                                      covery from an 8th-century  tars  from  the  shrine's  inner  tor  of  Iron  Age  archaeol-
                                                                      B.C. shrine at Tel Arad offers  sanctum — now located at  ogy  at  the  Israel  Museum
                                                                      the first proof for "the use of  the  Israel  Museum  in  Jeru-  in Jerusalem and lead au-
                                                                      mind-altering   substances  salem — were inconclusive.  thor  of  the  study,  said  the
                                                                      as  part  of  cultic  rituals  in  Chemical  analysis  of  the  discovery  was  "revolution-
                                                                      Judah,"  including  the  first  samples conducted at Isra-  ary,"  as  it  was  the  earliest
                                                                      Jewish  Temple  that  stood  el's  Hebrew  University  and  evidence  of  cannabis  use
                                                                      in  Jerusalem  at  the  same  Technion  Institute  found  in  the  ancient  Near  East
                                                                      time.  Archaeological  ex-   that  one  altar  contained  and  the  "first  time  we  see
                                                                      cavations  at  Tel  Arad,  lo-  the  psychoactive  com-   psychoactive  substances
                                                                      cated around 35  miles  (60  pounds found in marijuana,  in Judahite religion."
                                                                      kilometers)  south  of  Jeru-  and  the  other  had  traces  The  absence  of  cannabis
                                                                      salem, in the 1960s discov-  of  frankincense  —  one  of  pollen  or  seeds  from  the
                                                                      ered  a  stronghold  belong-  the  ingredients  mentioned  ancient Near East indicates
            This undated photo provided by the Israeli Antiquities Authority,   ing to the ancient kingdom  in the Bible for the incense  the cannabis was likely im-
            an ancient altar is on display at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.    of Judah, and at its core a  sacrifice  in  the  ancient  ported  over  long  distance
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      small shrine bearing striking  Jewish Temples, the authors  trade  routes,  possibly  in
            By ILAN BEN ZION             temple in southern Israel —  similarities  to  the  biblical  wrote. The researchers pub-  the  form  of  resin,  known
            Associated Press             providing the first evidence  Temple in Jerusalem.        lished their findings Friday in  colloquially as hashish. The
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Israeli  of the use of hallucinogen-  But  for  decades,  attempts  the  academic  journal,  "Tel  chemical analysis from the
            archaeologists  say  they've  ics  in  the  ancient  Jewish  to  determine  the  com-  Aviv: Journal of the Institute  Tel  Arad  altar  showed  it
            found cannabis residue on  religion.  In  a  research  pa-  position  of  black  deposits  of Archaeology of Tel Aviv  was burned atop dried ani-
            artifacts  from  an  ancient  per, the authors say the dis-  found on two limestone al-  University."  Eran  Arie,  cura-  mal dung.q
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