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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 2 June 2020
            Hong Kong blocks Tiananmen vigil; rush on for UK passports

            By ZEN SOO                                                                                                          act a national security law
            Associated Press                                                                                                    for Hong Kong.
            HONG KONG (AP) — Hong                                                                                               The  move  is  aimed  at
            Kong  police  rejected  an                                                                                          clamping  down  on  a  pro-
            application  Monday  by                                                                                             democracy      movement
            organizers  for  an  annual                                                                                         that  has  at  times  resulted
            candlelight  vigil  marking                                                                                         in violent clashes between
            the  anniversary  this  week                                                                                        protesters  and  the  police.
            of  the  1989  Tiananmen                                                                                            Critics  say  the  law  erodes
            Square crackdown, as resi-                                                                                          the  "one  country,  two
            dents  rushed  to  apply  for                                                                                       systems"  framework  that
            passports  that  could  allow                                                                                       promised  Hong  Kong  free-
            them to move to the United                                                                                          doms  not  found  in  main-
            Kingdom                                                                                                             land China for 50 years.
            It  would  be  the  first  time                                                                                     Protesters   demonstrated
            in  30  years  that  the  vigil,                                                                                    against the security law at
            which draws a huge crowd                                                                                            lunchtime  Monday  at  a
            to an outdoor space, is not                                                                                         luxury shopping mall in the
            held in Hong Kong. The vigil                                                                                        Central  business  district,
            commemorates        China's                                                                                         shouting   pro-democracy
            deadly military crackdown                                                                                           slogans.
            on pro-democracy protest-                                                                                           The  British  National  (Over-
            ers  in  Beijing's  Tiananmen                                                                                       seas)  passport,  which  was
            Square on June 4, 1989.      People queue up outside the DHL Express store in Hong Kong, Monday, June 1, 2020.      issued  to  Hong  Kongers
            The decision follows a vote                                                                        Associated Press  when  it  was  a  British  colo-
            by China's ceremonial par-                                                                                          ny, allows them to visit the
            liament  to  bypass  Hong  asset  management  and  coronavirus  social  distanc-       tor  for  East  and  Southeast  country  for  an  extended
            Kong's  legislature  and  en-  waited in line for more than  ing  rules  that  ban  gather-  Asia. "With this ban, and a  period but falls short of of-
            act  national  security  legis-  two  hours.  Chan  said  he  ings  of  more  than  eight  disastrous  national  security  fering   them   citizenship
            lation for the semi-autono-  was worried about political  people.                      law looming, it is not clear  rights. Currently, BNO pass-
            mous  territory.  Democracy  and security issues in Hong  Organizer  Lee  Cheuk-yan,  if  Hong  Kong's  Tiananmen  port  holders  can  remain
            activists  and  many  legal  Kong  stemming  from  the  chair  of  the  Hong  Kong  vigil will ever be allowed to  in  the  U.K.  as  visitors  for  six
            experts  worry  that  the  law  national security law as well  Alliance  in  Support  of  Pa-  take place again."   months  without  a  visa.  But
            could  curtail  free  speech  as  a  push  by  the  territory's  triotic  Democratic  Move-  Hong  Kong  has  reported  Britain's plan to allow them
            and opposition political ac-  legislature  to  enact  a  bill  ments of China, expressed  five  local  infections  of  the  to stay in the U.K. for a lon-
            tivities.    Throngs  of  people  that would make it illegal to  disappointment and urged  coronavirus  in  the  last  two  ger  period  could  include
            lined up on Monday at DHL  insult  the  Chinese  national  people to light candles in-  days,  breaking  a  nearly  options  that  offer  a  path
            courier  outlets  across  the  anthem. Even though there  dividually  and  observe  a  two-week  streak  of  no  to citizenship, according to
            city,  many  to  send  docu-  is rising anti-immigrant and  moment of silence.         new cases outside of those  British  Home  Secretary  Priti
            ments to the U.K. to apply  anti-Asian  sentiment  in  the  Amnesty  International  said  brought in from abroad.   Patel.
            for or renew what is known  U.K.,  "it's  still  better  than  authorities should facilitate  The rush to apply for pass-  In Hong Kong's eastern dis-
            as a British National (Over-  Hong Kong," he said.        a  socially  distanced  vigil  ports came after Britain said  trict of Quarry Bay, Vanessa
            seas) passport.              "In  Hong  Kong,  you  never  rather than ban it.         last week that it might allow  Tai was among more than
            "My BNO passport expired in  know what will happen to-    "COVID-19  must  not  be  holders  of  the  document  40  people  who  stood  in
            2004, but at the time I didn't  morrow," Chan said.       used as an excuse to stifle  to stay in the country for a  line at a DHL service point,
            renew  it  because  I  trusted  The police, in a letter to or-  freedom  of  expression,"  year or more. The proposal  many  holding  envelopes
            China,"  said  40-year-old  ganizers of the candlelight  said  Joshua  Rosenzweig,  came after China's legisla-     with   application   docu-
            Peter  Chan,  who  works  in  vigil,  said  it  would  violate  the  group's  deputy  direc-  ture  decided  it  would  en-  ments. q

              Trudeau says Russia won’t be

              included in the G7

              By ROB GILLIES              why  it  remains  outside  South  Korea  and  India.
              Associated Press            of  the  G7  and  why  it  will  Trump  told  reporters  that
              TORONTO  (AP)  —  Cana-     continue  to  remain  out,"  he feels the current make-
              dian  Prime  Minister  Justin  Trudeau said.            up  of  the  group  is  "very
              Trudeau said Monday that  Trump, meanwhile, called  outdated"  and  doesn't
              Russia will not be included  Russian  President  Vladi-  properly represent "what's
              in the Group of 7 nations,  mir  Putin  Monday  to  tell  going on in the world."'
              disagreeing with U.S. Presi-  him about his proposal to  The G7 members are Can-
              dent  Donald  Trump,  who  convene  an  international  ada,  France,  Germany,      Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arrives in the foyer of
              said he plans to invite Rus-  summit that would involve  Italy,  Japan,  the  United   the House of Commons on Parliament Hill for a meeting of the
              sia.  Trudeau  noted  Russia  Russia, the Kremlin said.   Kingdom  and  the  United   Special  Committee  on  the  COVID-19  Pandemic  in  Ottawa,
              was  excluded  from  the  Trump said Saturday he will  States.  The  group's  presi-  Ontario on Wednesday, May 27, 2020.   Associated Press
              group after it annexed the  postpone  until  the  fall  a  dency  rotates  annually
              Crimean  Peninsula  from  meeting of the G7 leading  among  member  coun-           ed Russia's previous expul-  vanced  economies  since
              Ukraine in 2014.            industrialized  nations  that  tries.  The  U.S.  House  of  sion from the annual gath-  1997,  but  was  suspended
              "Its  continued  disrespect  he  had  planned  to  hold  Representatives  passed  a  ering.  Russia  had  been  in  2014  following  its  inva-
              and  flaunting  of  interna-  next  month,  and  plans  bipartisan resolution in De-  included  in  the  gathering  sion of Ukraine and annex-
              tional  rules  and  norms  is  to  invite  Russia,  Australia,  cember 2019 that support-  of  the  world's  most  ad-  ation of Crimea. q
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