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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 10 Januari 2022

                            Hate crimes trial in Arbery killing will put racism up front

                                                                      shotgun.                     at a technical college and was  victim was killed with malice
                                                                                                   preparing to study to become  or during the commission of
                                                                      The  Feb.  23,  2020,  killing  an electrician like his uncles.  another felony.
                                                                      just  outside  the  port  city  of
                                                                      Brunswick  became  part  of  a  “They killed him because he  Regardless,  issues  of  race
                                                                      greater national reckoning on  was  a  Black  man,”  Arbery’s  loomed  large  in  the  mur-
                                                                      racial injustice when the vid-  father,  Marcus  Arbery,  told  der trial over Arbery’s death.
                                                                      eo leaked online two months  reporters  outside  the  Glynn  The  McMichaels  and  Bryan
                                                                      later.  Though  an  investiga-  County courthouse Friday.  weren’t charged with crimes
                                                                      tor testified at a pretrial court                         in the Black man’s killing un-
                                                                      hearing  that  Bryan  said  he  Lee  Merritt,  an  attorney  for  til the shooting video became
                                                                      heard  Travis  McMichael  ut-  Arbery’s  mother,  said  it’s  public two month later.
                                                                      ter a racist slur as Arbery lay  important for federal case to
                                                                      dying in the street, state pros-  expose racist motives behind  Defense attorneys during the
                                                                      ecutors never presented that  the  killing  because  “there  is  trial contended the men pur-
            (AP) — Sentenced to life  uled  jury  selection  to  begin  information to the jury dur-  an issue of race taking place  sued Arbery because they rea-
            in  prison  for  murder,  the  in  the  three  men’s  second  ing the murder case.     in  this  country.  It  has  come  sonably believed he had been
            three  white  men  who  trial  in  U.S.  District  Court.                              front and center and it needs  committing burglaries in the
            chased  and  killed  Ah-     And evidence of racism that  That evidence should be key  to be discussed.”            neighborhood. Travis McMi-
            maud  Arbery  will  soon  state prosecutors chose not to  in the federal trial, where the                           chael took the witness stand
            stand trial on federal hate  present at the murder trial is  McMichaels  and  Bryan  are  Georgia Bureau of Investiga-  to testify that he opened fire
            crimes  charges  in  which  expected to be front and cen-  charged  with  targeting  Ar-  tion Agent Richard Dial testi-  in  self-defense  after  Arbery
            jurors will have to decide  ter.                          bery because he was Black.   fied in June 2020, more than a  ran at him and tried to grab
            whether the slaying of the                                                             year before the state trial, that  his shotgun.
            running  Black  man  was  An  indictment  last  year  At  a  hearing  Friday,  Supe-   Bryan  told  investigators  he
            motivated by racism.         charged father and son Greg  rior  Court  Judge  Timothy  heard  Travis  McMichael  say  Defense  attorneys  said  they
                                         and  Travis  McMichael  and  Walmsley  sentenced  both  “f----ing n---er” after shoot-  planned to appeal the convic-
            The  sentences  imposed  by  their   neighbor,   William  McMichaels to life in prison  ing Arbery. Attorneys for Tra-  tions  for  murder  and  other
            a  judge  Friday  in  Glynn  “Roddie”  Bryan  with  vio-  with no chance of parole. The  vis  McMichael  have  denied  state crimes within 30 days.
            County Superior Court con-   lating  Arbery’s  civil  rights  judge sentenced Bryan to life  he made the statement.
            cluded the state of Georgia’s  when they pursued the run-  with  a  possibility  for  parole                        Superior Court Judge Timo-
            criminal case in the slaying of  ning  man  in  pickup  trucks  once he’s served 30 years.  State  prosecutors  and  inves-  thy Walmsley called the kill-
            25-year-old Arbery, in which  and  cut  off  his  escape  from                         tigators  never  mentioned  ing  “callous”  and  noted  that
            a jury returned guilty verdicts  their  neighborhood.  Bryan  Despite  those  severe  penal-  that during the murder trial.  when  Arbery  fell  bleeding
            the day before Thanksgiving.  recorded  cellphone  video  of  ties, Arbery’s family said the  Georgia  law  doesn’t  require  in the street the McMichaels
                                         the chase’s deadly end, when  hate crimes case remains im-  establishing  motive  to  con-  “turned  their  backs,  to  give
            A month from now, on Feb.  Travis  McMichael  blasted  portant.  At  the  time  of  his  vict  someone  of  murder.  It  a disturbing image, and they
            7, a federal judge has sched-  Arbery at close range with a  death,  Arbery  had  enrolled  merely  requires  proving  a  walked away.”A

                       Watershed moment in NYC: New law allows noncitizens to vote

            (AP) — More than 800,000  now  begin  drawing  an  im-    never-passed  DREAM  Act
            noncitizens  and  “Dream-    plementation  plan  by  July,  or  the  Deferred  Action  for
            ers” in New York City will  including  voter  registration  Childhood Arrivals program,
            have  access  to  the  bal-  rules  and  provisions  that  which allows them to remain
            lot box — and could vote  would create separate ballots  in  the  country  if  they  meet
            in  municipal  elections  as  for  municipal  races  to  pre-  certain criteria.
            early  as  next  year  —  af-  vent  noncitizens  from  cast-
            ter Mayor Eric Adams al-     ing ballots in federal and state  The  first  elections  in  which
            lowed  legislation  to  au-  contests.                    noncitizens  would  be  al-
            tomatically  become  law                                  lowed to vote are in 2023.
            Sunday.                      It’s a watershed moment for
                                         the  nation’s  most  populous  “We build a stronger democ-
            Opponents     have   vowed  city, where legally document-  racy  when  we  include  the
            to  challenge  the  new  law,  ed,  voting-age  noncitizens  voices  of  immigrants,”  said
            which  the  City  Council  ap-  comprise nearly one in nine  former City Councilmember
            proved a month ago. Unless  of the city’s 7 million voting-  Ydanis  Rodriguez,  who  led   stop the bill from becoming  tive dialogue with colleagues.
            a  judge  halts  its  implemen-  age  inhabitants.  The  move-  the  charge  to  win  approval   law,  the  30-day  time  limit
            tation, New York City is the  ment to win voting rights for  for the legislation.      for the mayor to take action  Former Mayor Bill de Blasio
            first major U.S. city to grant  noncitizens  prevailed  after                          expired at the stroke of mid-  had similar concerns but did
            widespread municipal voting  numerous setbacks.           Rodriguez,  who  Adams  ap-  night.                       not move to veto the measure
            rights to noncitizens.                                    pointed as his transportation                             before  vacating  City  Hall  at
                                         The  measure  would  allow  commissioner,  thanked  the
            More than a dozen commu-     noncitizens  who  have  been  mayor  for  his  support  and   Adams  said  he  looked  for-  the end of the year.
                                                                                                   ward to the law bringing mil-
            nities across the U.S. already  lawful  permanent  residents  expects  a  vigorous  defense   lions  more  into  the  demo-  Opponents  say  the  council
            allow noncitizens to cast bal-  of the city for at least 30 days,  against any legal challenges.  cratic process.   lacks the authority on its own
            lots in local elections, includ-  as well as those authorized to                                                    to grant voting rights to non-
            ing  11  towns  in  Maryland  work  in  the  U.S.,  including  Adams  recently  cast  un-  “I  believe  that  New  York-  citizens and should have first
            and two in Vermont.          “Dreamers,”  to  help  select  certainty  over  the  legisla-
                                         the  city’s  mayor,  city  coun-  tion when he raised concern   ers should have a say in their  sought  action  by  state  law-
            Noncitizens still wouldn’t be  cil members, borough presi-  about  the  monthlong  resi-  government,  which  is  why  makers.
                                                                                                   I  have  and  will  continue  to
            able to vote for president or  dents, comptroller and public  dency standard, but later said   support  this  important  leg-  Some  states,  including  Ala-
            members of Congress in fed-  advocate.                    those concerns did not mean   islation,”  Adams  said  in  a  bama, Arizona, Colorado and
            eral races, or in the state elec-  “Dreamers”  are  young  im-  he would veto the bill.  statement  released  Saturday  Florida,  have  adopted  rules
            tions that pick the governor,  migrants  brought  to  the                              night. He added that his ear-  that  would  preempt  any  at-
            judges and legislators.      U.S.  illegally  as  children  While there was some ques-  lier concerns were put at ease  tempts  to  pass  laws  like  the
            The Board of Elections must  who would benefit from the  tion  whether  Adams  could
                                                                                                   after what he called produc-  one in New York City.
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