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A30     world news
                    Dialuna 10 Januari 2022
                          This will be South Sudan’s hungriest year ever, experts say

            (AP)  —  Nyayiar  Kuol  “2021  was  the  worst  year  across  South  Sudan  have
            cradled  her  severely  mal-  since independence in the 10  been  affected  by  the  floods,
            nourished        1-year-old  years of the life of this coun-  according to the United Na-
            daughter  as  they  traveled  try  and  2022  will  be  worse.  tions, which last year had to
            for 16 hours on a crowded  Food insecurity is at horrific  reduce  food  aid  by  half  in
            barge to the nearest hospi-  levels,”  said  Matthew  Hol-  most places because of fund-
            tal to their home in rural  lingworth,  country  repre-   ing  constraints,  affecting
            South Sudan. For months  sentative for the World Food  some 3 million people.
            she  had  been  feeding  her  Program in South Sudan.
            four  children  just  once  a                             Two years of floods have pre-
            day, unable to cultivate be-  While  the  latest  food  secu-  vented  people  from  farming
            cause  of  disastrous flood-  rity report by aid groups and  and killed more than 250,000
            ing  and  without  enough  the government has yet to be  livestock  in  Jonglei  state
            food  assistance  from  the  released,  several  aid  officials  alone, according to the U.N.
            government or aid groups.  familiar  with  the  situation  Food  and  Agriculture  Orga-  ers said the number of mal-  sions  is  ongoing  fighting
            She  worries  her  daughter  said  preliminary  data  show  nization.                  nourished  children  coming  between  government  and
            might die.                   that  nearly  8.5  million  peo-                          into  the  medical  center  rose  opposition-aligned militias in
                                         ple  —  out  of  the  country’s  Some  displaced  families  in   from  10  between  January  the  country’s  breadbasket  in
            “I don’t want to think about  12 million — will face severe  Old  Fangak  said  ground-up   and  July  to  26  between  Au-  the southwest.
            what could happen,” she said.  hunger, an 8% increase from  water  lilies  were  their  only   gust  and  December,  accord-
                                         last year. The officials spoke  daily meal. “We eat once a day
            Seated on her hospital bed in  on  condition  of  anonymity  in the morning and then sleep   ing to Christina Dak, a health  Government spokesman Mi-
                                                                                                   worker with the International  chael  Makuei  said  some  re-
            Old Fangak town in hard-hit  because  they  weren’t  autho-  without food,” said Nyaluak   Medical Corps.           lief  such  as  medical  services
            Jonglei state, the 36-year-old  rized to speak to the media.  Chuol. The 20-year-old like                           continues  but  there  is  only
            Kuol tried to calm her daugh-                             some  others  lost  her  fishing   While  flooding  is  the  main  so  much  help  that  national
            ter  while  blaming  the  gov-  Aid officials say worst affect-  net in the floods. When she   driver  of  hunger,  it’s  com-  authorities  can  give.  “The
            ernment for not doing more.  ed  Fangak  county  is  now  as  has enough money, she pays a   pounded  by  government  floods have destroyed crops,
            Nearly two years have passed  bad as Pibor county was this  boy to fish for her.       deadlock as the country’s two  what can the government do
            since  South  Sudan  formed  time  last  year,  when  global                           main  political  parties  try  to  in that case?” he said.
            a  coalition  government  as  food  security  experts  said  Many  residents  from  Jon-  share power.
            part of a fragile peace deal to  some 30,000  Pibor residents  glei  have  fled  to  neighbor-                      Observers’   frustration   is
            end a five-year civil war that  were likely in famine.    ing states for food and shel-  Local  officials  in  Malakal  growing.  In  a  speech  to  the
            plunged pockets of the coun-                              ter  but  have  found  little  re-  aligned  with  the  opposition  U.N.  Security  Council  in
            try into famine, and yet Kuol  During  trips  to  three  South  spite. In Malakal town, some   accused  members  of  long-  December,  the  head  of  the
            said nothing has changed.    Sudan  states  in  December,  3,000  displaced  people  were   time  President  Salva  Kiir’s  U.N.  mission  in  South  Su-
                                         some  civilians  and  govern-  crammed  into  abandoned   party  of  undermining  them  dan,   Nicholas   Haysom,
            “If  this  country  was  really  ment officials expressed con-  buildings or sheltered under   by blocking political appoin-  warned  of  a  collapse  in  the
            at  peace,  there  wouldn’t  be  cern to The Associated Press  trees with nothing to eat.  tees and not letting them fire  country’s peace deal if all par-
            hunger like there is now,” she  that  people  were  beginning  “We’re eating leaves and look   corrupt staff, making it hard  ties didn’t renew their politi-
            said.                        to starve to death.          like skeletons,” Tut Jaknyang   to  govern  and  provide  ser-  cal will.
                                                                      told the AP. The 60-year-old
            More people will face hunger  In October, a mother and her  has  received  food  assistance   vices.                Jill  Seaman,  who  works  in
            this year in South Sudan than  child  died  in  Pulpham  vil-  just once since fleeing floods   “We’re  not  working  as  one  Old  Fangak  with  the  South
            ever,  said  aid  groups.  That’s  lage because they didn’t have  in Jonglei in July, he said. He   team.  No  one’s  looking  out  Sudan  Medical  Relief  and
            because  of  the  worst  floods  food,  said  Jeremiah  Gatmai,  and others said a sack of do-  for  the  people,”  said  Byinj  has more than 30 years of lo-
            in 60 years, as well as conflict  the  humanitarian  represen-  nated  rice  had  to  be  shared   Erngst, the health minister in  cal  experience,  concluded:
            and  the  sluggish  implemen-  tative for the government in  among 20 people.          Upper Nile state.            “There are no resources, no
            tation of the peace agreement  Old Fangak.                                                                          harvest, and no cows, there’s
            that has denied much of the                               North of Malakal in the town   Adding  to  the  political  ten-  no place to look for food.”
            country basic services.      Nearly  1  million  people  of Wau Shilluk, health work-

                          West African regional leaders impose new sanctions on Mali

                                         military pressure, the region-                            only targeted junta leadership  voters  in  a  referendum,  a
                                         al  bloc  known  as  ECOWAS  In a statement, regional lead-  with  travel  bans  and  asset  lengthy endeavor that would
                                         activated  its  standby  force,  ers called this timeframe “to-  freezes.              pave  the  way  for  new  local
                                         saying  it  “will  have  to  be  tally unacceptable” and said it                       and  legislative  elections  be-
                                         ready for any eventuality.”  “simply means that an illegit-  After  overthrowing  Mali’s  fore any presidential vote.
                                                                      imate military transition gov-  democratically elected presi-
                                         The  sanctions  mark  the  ernment will take the Malian  dent,  coup  leader  Goita  had  The  French  military,  which
                                         steepest  consequences  for  people  hostage  during  the  promised  to  swiftly  return  helped  push  the  militants
                                         Mali  to  date,  and  include  next five years.”          the  country  to  democratic  from  power  in  northern
                                         land  and  air  border  closures                          rule. Doubts deepened about  Mali  in  2013,  is  now  in  the
                                         with other countries belong-  The business sanctions won’t  his  intentions,  though,  after  process of drawing down its
                                         ing  to  ECOWAS,  according  apply to essentials like phar-  he effectively launched a sec-  troop presence in Mali. Many
                                         to a statement released after a  maceuticals,  and  medical  ond coup nine months later,  fear their departure will only
            (AP)  —  West  African  re-  day-long meeting in Ghana’s  supplies  and  equipment  to  forcing out the chosen tran-  deepen the crisis despite the
            gional  leaders  imposed     capital.                     fight COVID-19. Petroleum  sitional  civilian  leaders  and  presence of U.N. peacekeep-
            new  sanctions  Sunday  on                                products  and  electricity  are  becoming president himself.  ers  and  regional  forces  bol-
            Mali,  suspending  most      The junta led by Col. Assimi  also  excluded,  the  regional                           stering Malian troops’ efforts.
            commerce  and  financial     Goita  initially  had  agreed  to  bloc said.             Mali’s  junta  maintains  that
            aid to the country after its   hold  a  new  election  in  late                        elections  can’t  be  held  be-  Critics of the junta fear that
            military  rulers  said  they   February,  18  months  after  it  But  all  of  Mali’s  financial  cause  of  deepening  insecu-  the political turmoil will fur-
            would  stay  in  power  for   first seized power. The mili-  assets  held  in  the  regional  rity across the country, where  ther  undermine  the  Malian
            four more years instead of   tary leadership now says the  bloc’s central bank and other  Islamic extremists have been  military’s response to Islamic
            holding  an  election  next   next presidential election will  commercial  banks  will  be  fighting  a  decade-long  in-  extremist  attacks  at  a  time
            month as promised.           take  place  instead  in  2026,  blocked. And ECOWAS will  surgency.  They  also  say  it’s  when  they  will  increasingly
            In a veiled threat at possible   giving Goita four more years  suspend  its  financial  aid  to  essential to draft a new con-  be bearing the responsibility
                                         in power.                    Mali. Previous sanctions had  stitution  and  put  it  before  for fighting militants.
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