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                                                                                                       sports Dialuna 10 Januari 2022

                          With CFP title on line, Georgia gets another crack at ’Bama

            (AP)  —  Georgia  coach  No.  3  Georgia  gets  another
            Kirby  Smart  got  an  in-   shot  to  take  down  the  king                                                       Georgia  had  stomped  ev-
            side look at what it takes  Monday  night.  The  Bull-                                                             erything  in  its  path  behind
            to build a college football  dogs face the top-ranked and                                                          a  defense  that  was  smother-
            juggernaut  working  for  defending  national  cham-                                                               ing  opponents  at  an  histori-
            Nick  Saban  at  Alabama  pion Tide in all-Southeastern                                                            cally stingy pace before Bryce
            for eight seasons.           Conference College Football                                                           Young  and  the  Tide  picked
                                         Playoff  title  game  played  in                                                      the  Bulldogs  apart  41-24  in
            Blueprint  in  hand,  Smart  the heart of Big Ten country.                                                         Atlanta.
            took over at his alma mater in
            2016, and the Bulldogs have  Five  weeks  after  Alabama                                                           “He is elite at what he does,”
            been  ascending  ever  since,  once again asserted its domi-                                                       Smart  said.  “We’ve  talked
            going  57-10  in  the  last  five  nance  over  Georgia  in  the                                                   about  him  as  Houdini  be-
            seasons.                     SEC title game, the Bulldogs                                                          cause  he  can  he  can  make
                                         drag  the  weight  of  a  seven-                                                      people miss.”
            “I  think  the  University  of  game losing streak against the
            Georgia,  Kirby’s  program  is  Tide  and  a  41-year  national                                                    Young adeptly avoided Geor-
            probably one of the elite pro-  title  drought  into  a  rematch                                                   gia’s pass rush while throw-
            grams in the country,” Saban  at Lucas Oil Stadium.                                                                ing for 421 yards in a perfor-
            said Sunday.                                                                                                       mance  that  essentially  won
                                          “I mean, it’s definitely mo-                                                         him the Heisman Trophy.
            But  to  truly  be  like  ’Bama  tivation,”  Georgia  tackle  Ja-
            you  have  to  beat  ’Bama.  maree Salyer said of the los-                             SEC  championship  favored  “He’s slippery,” Georgia All-
            Smart  and  the  Bulldogs  are  ing  streak  to  Alabama.  “It’s  The  last  meeting  was  espe-  and  undefeated,  the  unani-  America  nose  tackle  Jordan
            0-4 against the Tide.        the truth. You can’t really run  cially  painful  for  Georgia.  mous  No.  1  team  in  the  Davis said.
                                         away from the truth.”        The  Bulldogs  entered  the  country.

                        Knierim and Frazier join Cain-Gribble and LeDuc at Olympics

            (AP)  —  Like  most  young                                                             cluding  Hawayek’s  this  past  competition in Beijing.
            skaters,  Brandon  Frazier                                                             summer.
            had developed a carefully                                                                                           The  three  American  teams
            crafted picture in his mind                                                            “With  full  transparency,  I  plan to spend the next three
            of what it would be like to                                                            didn’t know what the course  weeks  in  Montreal,  putting
            learn  he  finally  realized                                                           of  the  injury  was  going  to  in the final work for Beijing.
            his Olympic dreams.                                                                    look  like  as  we  entered  the  But the biggest goal is not so
                                                                                                   Olympic season. There was a  much fine-tuning their mid-
            Reality  looked  a  whole  lot                                                         lot of doubt whether we’d be  line  step  sequence,  tighten-
            different.                                                                             able to get back to a compe-  ing their synchronized twiz-
                                                                                                   tition-ready  place,”  she  said.  zles or working on their lifts.
            There was no hugging fam-                                                              “I  think  we’ve  set  ourselves  It’s ensuring they stay healthy
            ily members. No tearful cel-                                                           up to continue to grow as the  with  COVID-19  running
            ebration  with  friends.  Only                                                         winter went on.”             rampant.
            a Facetime call with his pairs
            partner, Alexa Knierim, while                                                          All  three  American  teams,  “We’re  in  our  bubble,  do-
            Frazier  waited  for  the  nega-                                                       who are close friends as much  ing what we can control, and
            tive  COVID-19  tests  that                                                            as rivals and training partners,  right now the No. 1 concern
            would finally free him from  to his family’s Airbnb rental.  Pyeongchang;  and  Kaitlin  work under the watchful eyes  for  all  of  us  in  the  next  20
            his hotel quarantine.                                     Hawayek and Jen-Luc Baker  of  Marie-France  Dubreuil,  days is to be healthy,” Hub-
                                         As for Frazier, sitting alone in  give  the  Americans  a  third  Patrice  Lauzon  and  Romain  bell  said.  “We  all  have  to
            “I never imagined it like it ac-  his hotel room?         team that could stand on the  Haguenauer  at  the  Gadbois  travel and be on an airplane
            tually went down last night,”                             podium next month.           Centre in Montreal.          and  be  around  people,  and
            Frazier said Sunday, four days  “I  hugged  the  crap  out  of                                                      certainly COVID is our No.
            after  his  positive  test  forced  that  pillow,”  he  said  with  a  Their selection for the Olym-  Also  training  there  are  2018  1 concern. It’s the next thing
            the pair to withdraw from the  Cheshire cat-like grin.    pic team also was confirmed  Olympic silver medalists Ga-  that can stand in the way of
            U.S.  Figure  Skating  Cham-                              Sunday,  shortly  before  the  briella  Papadakis  and  Guil-  all  our  dreams.  We’re  going
            pionships  and  petition  for  a  The  women’s  team  of  U.S.  men’s free skate at nationals.  laume  Cizeron,  the  French  to be as diligent as we can be
            spot at the Winter Games.    champion  Mariah  Bell,  sil-                             ice dancers who had the high-  to do our best and represent
                                         ver  medalist  Karen  Chen,  “It’s the honor of a lifetime.  est scorer of the Grand Prix  Team USA with honor.”
            “But  that’s  when  I  knew  it  and Alysa Liu was announced  It’s  the  greatest  honor  we  season and likely their biggest
            meant the absolute world to  Saturday,   while   Nathan  can  achieve  in  our  sport,”
            me,” Frazier said, “because it  Chen and Vincent Zhou are  said Bates, who will make his
            meant just as much to me.”   expected  to  lead  the  three  fourth Olympic trip after go-
                                         men chosen for Beijing later  ing in 2010 with former part-
            Newly  minted  U.S.  cham-   Sunday.                      ner Emily Samuelson. “We’re
            pions  Ashley  Cain-Gribble                               fortunate  to  go  back  for  the
            and Timothy LeDuc will join  There  was  no  drama  in  the  third  time,  or  fourth  time,
            Knierim  and  Frazier  in  Bei-  three  dance  teams  picked  but it never gets old. It’s al-
            jing.                        for  Beijing:  Madison  Chock  ways special each time.”
                                         and Evan Bates will carry the
            Gain-Gribble    said    she  momentum  of  a  record-set-  Unlike their teammates, Ha-
            learned the news after finish-  ting win at nationals to their  wayek  and  Baker  will  expe-
            ing “a huge pizza and cookie  third  Olympics;  runners-up  rience  the  Olympics  for  the
            dough, so I was feeling pretty  Madison Hubbell and Zach-  first  time.  It’s  been  a  long
            good.” LeDuc, the first non-  ary Donohue will try to im-  and difficult road for the pair,
            binary  Olympic  athlete,  got  prove  on  their  fourth-place  both  of  whom  have  come
            the call just as he was arriving  finish  at  the  2018  Games  in  back  from  concussions,  in-
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