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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 10 Januari 2022
                           Prospects dim as US, Russia prepare to meet over Ukraine

            (AP)  —  With  the  fate  of                                                                                        tervention  in  Ukraine  and
            Ukraine  and  potentially                                                                                           Georgia  to  chemical  weap-
            broader  post-Cold  War                                                                                             ons  attacks  on  Putin  critics
            European     stability   at                                                                                         to election interference in the
            stake,  the  United  States                                                                                         U.S.  and  elsewhere,  cyber-
            and  Russia  are  holding                                                                                           crime and support for dicta-
            critical strategic talks that                                                                                       tors.
            could shape the future of
            not  only  their  relation-                                                                                         Despite several conversations
            ship  but  the  relationship                                                                                        between President Joe Biden
            between  the  U.S.  and  its                                                                                        and  Putin,  including  an  in-
            NATO  allies.  Prospects                                                                                            person meeting last summer,
            are bleak.                                                                                                          Blinken  said  such  behavior
                                                                                                                                continues,  at  increasing  risk
            Though  the  immediacy  of                                                                                          to  the  post-World  War  II
            the threat of a Russian inva-                                                                                       global order.
            sion of Ukraine will top the
            agenda  in  a  series  of  high-                                                                                    Thus,  the  intensified  U.S.
            level  meetings  that  get  un-                                                                                     and  allied  effort  to  forge
            derway on Monday, there is a                                                                                        common  positions  on  both
            litany of festering but largely                                                                                     the warnings and the “severe
            unrelated  disputes,  ranging   pening  when  there’s  an  on-  gation at the Geneva talks, re-  ing  about  Ukraine  without   costs”  to  Russia  if  it  moves
            from arms control to cyber-  going  escalation  when  Rus-  sponded harshly to Blinken’s  Ukraine” and “nothing about   against  Ukraine.  While  ex-
            crime and diplomatic issues,   sia has a gun to the head of  statment.                 Europe  without  Europe”     pressions of unity have been
            for Washington and Moscow    Ukraine with 100,000 troops                               have become almost cliche in   forthcoming,  Blinken  was
            to overcome if tensions are to   near its borders, the possibil-  “Demands  of  the  United  Washington in recent weeks,   not  optimistic  about  pros-
            ease. And the recent deploy-  ity  of  doubling  that  on  very  States  and  other  NATO  and senior U.S. officials have   pects for success in the talks.
            ment  of  Russian  troops  to   short order,” Blinken said on  countries  that  we  carry  out  gone so far as to say they ex-
            Kazakhstan may cast a shad-  ABC’s “This Week.”           some de-escalation measures  pect  Russia  to  lie  about  the   “To  the  extent  that  there  is
            ow over the entire exercise.                              on our territory are excluded  content of Monday’s meeting   progress  to  be  made  —  and
                                         U.S.  officials  on  Saturday  from  the  discussion.  This  to try to stoke divisions.  we hope that there is — actu-
            With much at risk and both   unveiled  some  details  of  is a non-starter in the literal                           al progress is going to be very
            warning of dire consequences   the  administration’s  stance,  sense of the word,” Ryabkov  “We  fully  expect  that  the   difficult to  make, if not  im-
            of failure, the two sides have   which seem to fall well short  said in an interview with the  Russian side will make pub-  possible,  in  an  environment
            been  positioning  themselves   of Russian demands. The of-  Tass news agency.         lic  comments  following  the   of  escalation  by  Russia,”  he
            for what will be a nearly un-  ficials said the U.S. is open to                        meeting on Monday that will   said.
            precedented  flurry  of  activ-  discussions on curtailing pos-  Russia wants the talks initial-  not  reflect  the  true  nature
            ity  in  Europe  this  week.  Yet   sible  future  deployments  of  ly to produce formally bind-  of  the  discussions  that  took   Russia, meanwhile, has spun
            the wide divergence in their   offensive missiles in Ukraine  ing security guarantees for it-  place,”  said  one  senior  U.S.   a narrative that it is a threat-
            opening  positions  bodes  ill   and putting limits on Ameri-  self with a pledge that NATO  official  who  will  participate   ened  victim  of  Western  ag-
            for any type of speedy resolu-  can  and  NATO  military  ex-  will  not  further  expand  in the talks. The official was   gression  and  wants  quick
            tion, and levels of distrust ap-  ercises  in  Eastern  Europe  if  eastward  and  the  removal  not authorized to speak pub-  results  from  the  meetings
            pear higher than at any point   Russia  is  willing  to  back  off  of  U.S.  troops  and  weapons  licly and spoke on condition   despite  what  appear  insur-
            since the collapse of the So-  on Ukraine.                from parts of Europe. But the  of anonymity.              mountable differences.
            viet Union.                                               U.S.  and  its  allies  say  those
                                         But they also said Russia will  are  non-starters  intention-  That official and others have   Putin has repeatedly warned
            Secretary  of  State  Antony   be  hit  hard  with  economic  ally  designed  by  Moscow  urged allies to view with “ex-  that Moscow will have to take
            Blinken said bluntly Sunday   sanctions should it intervene  to  distract  and  divide.  They  treme  skepticism”  anything   unspecified  “military-tech-
            that  he  doesn’t  expect  any   in  Ukraine.  In  addition  to  insist  that  any  Russian  mili-  Moscow  says  about  the  so-  nical  measures”  if  the  West
            breakthroughs  in  the  com-  direct  sanctions  on  Russian  tary intervention in Ukraine  called Strategic Stability Talks   stonewalls Russia’s demands,
            ing  week.  Instead,  he  said  a   entities, those penalties could  will prompt “massive conse-  and wait until they are briefed   and  affirmed  that  NATO
            more likely positive outcome   include  significant  restric-  quences”  that  will  dramati-  by the American participants   membership  for  Ukraine  or
            would  be  an  agreement  to   tions  on  products  exported  cally disrupt Russia’s econo-  to form opinions.      the  deployment  of  alliance
            de-escalate  tensions  in  the   from the U.S. to Russia and  my  even  if  they  have  global                      weapons  there  is  a  red  line
            short term and return to talks   potentially   foreign-made  ripple effects.           Blinken has accused Russia of   for Moscow that it wouldn’t
            at an appropriate time in the   products  subject  to  U.S.  ju-                       “gaslighting”  and  mounting   allow the West to cross.
            future.  But  the  U.S.  will   risdiction.               In a bid to forestall efforts by  a  full-scale  disinformation
            have to see a de-escalation for                           Russia to sow discord in the  campaign designed to blame   “We  have  nowhere  to  re-
            there to be actual progress.  Russian   Deputy   Foreign  West,  the  Biden  administra-  Ukraine, NATO and partic-  treat,” Putin said last month,
                                         Minister  Sergei  Ryabkov,  tion has gone out of its way  ularly  the  United  States  for   adding that NATO could de-
            “It’s very hard to see that hap-  who  will  lead  Russia’s  dele-  to stress that neither Ukraine  the current tensions and un-  ploy missiles in Ukraine that
                                                                      nor Europe more broadly will  dercut Western unity. He said   would  take  just  four  or  five
                                                                      be excluded from any discus-  Russian  President  Vladimir   minutes  to  reach  Moscow.
                                                                      sion of Ukraine’s or Europe’s  Putin is engaged in an all-out   “They  have  pushed  us  to  a
                                                                      security.                    war on the truth that ignores   line that we can’t cross. They
                                                                                                   Russia’s own provocative and   have  taken  it  to  the  point
                                                                      Biden  administration  offi-  destabilizing actions over the   where  we  simply  must  tell
                                                                      cials allow that neither topic  course of the past decade.  them; ‘Stop!’”
                                                                      can be entirely ignored when
                                                                      senior  American  and  Rus-  “Russia  seeks  to  challenge   Ryabkov  and  Deputy  Secre-
                                                                      sian  diplomats  sit  down  in  the  international  system  it-  tary of State Wendy Sherman,
                                                                      Geneva in Monday ahead of  self and to unravel our trans-  who  will  lead  the  U.S.  del-
                                                                      larger,  more  inclusive  meet-  Atlantic  alliance,  erode  our   egation, were to meet over a
                                                                      ings  in  Brussels  and  Vienna  unity,  pressure  democracies   working dinner Sunday night
                                                                      on Wednesday and Thursday  into failure,” Blnken said on   to discuss the next day’s talks,
                                                                      that will explore those issues  Friday,  going  through  a  list   a U.S. official said.
                                                                      in perhaps more depth.       of  offending  Russian  activ-
                                                                      Still,  the  mantras  “noth-  ity ranging from military in-
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