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A30    business
                    Saturday 25 april 2020
            Trump signs $484 billion measure to aid employers, hospitals

            By ANDREW TAYLOR and                                                                                                reached  its  lending  limit
            ALAN FRAM and                                                                                                       after  approving  nearly  1.7
            KEVIN FREKING                                                                                                       million loans. That left thou-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    sands of small businesses in
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            limbo as they sought help.
            dent Donald Trump signed                                                                                            Pelosi  and  allies  said  the
            a  $484  billion  bill  Friday  to                                                                                  next  measure  will  distrib-
            aid  employers  and  hospi-                                                                                         ute more relief to individu-
            tals  under  stress  from  the                                                                                      als, extend more generous
            coronavirus pandemic that                                                                                           jobless benefits into the fall,
            has killed more than 50,000                                                                                         provide  another  round  of
            Americans    and    devas-                                                                                          direct  payments  to  most
            tated broad swaths of the                                                                                           people and help those who
            economy.                                                                                                            are laid off afford health in-
            The bill is the latest effort by                                                                                    surance through COBRA.
            the federal government to                                                                                           Democrats tried to win an-
            help  keep  afloat  business-                                                                                       other  round  of  funding  for
            es  that  have  had  to  close                                                                                      state  and  local  govern-
            or  dramatically  alter  their   In this image from video, the vote on approving the almost $500 billion coronavirus package is   ments  in  Thursday's  bill  but
            operations  as  states  try  to   displayed on the floor of the House of Representatives at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Thursday,   were  rebuffed  by  Senate
            slow the spread of the virus.   April 23, 2020.                                                                     Majority  Leader  Mitch  Mc-
            Over  the  past  five  weeks,                                                                     Associated Press.  Connell,  R-Ky.,  who  says
            roughly  26  million  people  Trump said.                 day. We come to the floor  billion  for  small  banks  and  he's going to try pump the
            have filed for jobless aid, or  The  measure  passed  Con-  with  nearly  50,000  deaths,  an  alternative  network  of  brakes  on  runaway  deficit
            about 1 in 6 U.S. workers.   gress  almost  unanimously  a  huge  number  of  people  community  development  spending.  McConnell  says
            Trump  thanked  Congress  Thursday      as   lawmakers  impacted,  and  the  uncer-    banks  that  focus  on  de-  he  doesn't  want  to  bail
            for  "answering  my  call"  to  gathered  in  Washington  tainty of it all."           velopment in urban neigh-    out  Democratic-governed
            provide  the  critical  assis-  as a group for the first time  Anchoring  the  bill  is  the  borhoods  and  rural  areas  states  for  fiscal  problems
            tance  and  said  it  was  "a  since  March  27.  They  fol-  Trump administration's $250  ignored  by  many  lenders.  that  predated  the  pan-
            tremendous  victory."  But  lowed  stricter  social  dis-  billion  request  to  replenish  There's  also  $60  billion  for  demic,  but  there's  plenty
            easy passage of this aid in-  tancing rules while seeking  a  fund  to  help  small-  and  small-business  loans  and  of  demand  for  state  fiscal
            stallment belies a potential-  to prove they can do their  medium-size     businesses  grants  delivered  through  relief  among  Republicans,
            ly bumpier path ahead for  work despite the COVID-19  with  payroll,  rent  and  oth-  the Small Business Adminis-  too.
            future legislation to address  crisis.                    er  expenses.  This  program  tration's existing disaster aid  After  the  Senate  passed
            the crisis.                  Lawmakers'  face  masks  provides  forgivable  loans  program.                         the bill Tuesday, McConnell
            Trump said most of the fund-  and  bandannas  added  a  so  businesses  can  con-      Passage  of  more  corona-   said  Republicans  would
            ing  in  the  bill  would  flow  somber tone to their effort  tinue  paying  workers  while  virus  relief  is  likely  in  the  entertain no more corona-
            to  small  business  through  to  aid  a  nation  staggered  forced  to  stay  closed  for  weeks  ahead.  Supporters  virus rescue legislation until
            the  Paycheck  Protection  by  the  health  crisis  and  social distancing and stay-   are  already  warning  that  the Senate returns to Wash-
            Program,  which  provides  devastating        economic  at-home orders.                the  business-backed  Pay-   ington in May. He promised
            money  to  small  businesses  costs of the pandemic.      The   legislation   contains  check  Protection  Program  rank-and-file  Republicans
            to  keep  workers  on  their  "Millions  of  people  out  of  $100  billion  demanded  by  will  exhaust  the  new  $250  greater  say  in  the  future
            payroll.                     work,"  said  House  Speaker  Democrats  for  hospitals  billion  almost  immediate-   legislation,   rather   than
              "Great  for  small  business-  Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. "This is  and  a  nationwide  testing  ly.  Launched  just  weeks  leaving it in the hands of bi-
            es,  great  for  the  workers,"  really a very, very, very sad  program,  along  with  $60  ago,  the  program  quickly  partisan leaders.q
              Trump: Postal Service must charge Amazon more, or no loan

                                                                      unless  the  agency  raises  package.  Under  the  res-  "If  they  don't  raise  the
                                                                      charges  for  Amazon  and  cue  package  legislation,  price  of  the  service  they
                                                                      other  big  shippers  to  four  Treasury  Secretary  Steven  give ... I'm not signing any-
                                                                      to five times current rates.  Mnuchin  must  approve  thing and I'm not authoriz-
                                                                      "The Postal Service is a joke  the  loan  before  the  Post-  ing you to do anything."
                                                                      because  they're  handing  al  Service  can  receive  Mnuchin  told  reporters
                                                                      out packages for Amazon  the  money.  Officials  at  that  he  had  Treasury  offi-
                                                                      and other internet compa-   the Postal Service had no  cials working with the Post-
                                                                      nies  and  every  time  they  immediate  reaction  to  al Service on the terms of
                                                                      bring  a  package,  they  Trump's comments.             the  loan  if  postal  officials
                                                                      lose  money  on  it,"  Trump  Trump  said  the  changes  decide  they  need  more
                                                                      told  reporters  in  the  Oval  the  administration  will  in-  money.
                                                                      Office.                     sist on will make it a "whole  "We are going to post cer-
                                                                      The  president  was  re-    new  ballgame"  at  the  tain  criteria  for  (a)  postal
                                                                      sponding  to  a  question  Postal  Service.  He  said  reform  program  as  part
              President Donald Trump speaks before signing a coronavirus
              aid package to direct funds to small businesses, hospitals, and   about  reports  his  admin-  the Postal Service did not  of  the  loan,"  Mnuchin
              testing, in the Oval Office of the White House, Friday, April 24,   istration  plans  to  force  want to make the chang-  said.  He  said  the  Postal
              2020, in Washington.                                    major  changes  in  postal  es  because  they  did  not  Service  board  is  already
                                                     Associated Press.  operations  as  the  price  want  to  offend  Amazon  conducting  a  search  for
              By  MARTIN  CRUTSINGER  ident  Donald  Trump  said  for approving a $10 billion  and other companies.           a  new  postmaster  gener-
              and DARLENE SUPERVILLE      Friday  that  he  won't  ap-  loan that was included in  Looking  at  Mnuchin,  who  al to run the agency and
              Associated Press            prove  a  $10  billion  loan  the  government's  $2  tril-  was  with  him  in  the  Oval  undertaking  reforms  of
              WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres-     for  the  U.S.  Postal  Service  lion   economic   rescue  Office, the president said,  operations.q
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