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WORLD NEWS Saturday 25 april 2020
In this file photo dated Friday, May 17, 2019, Air France planes
are parked on the tarmac at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, in
Roissy, near Paris, Friday, May 17, 2019.
Associated Press
At least $9.7 billion in
state bailouts for Air
The European Commission's Head of Task Force for Relations with the United Kingdom Michel
Barnier gestures after speaking at a media conference at EU headquarters in Brussels Friday April France, KLM
24, 2020.
Associated Press.
'Disappointing' week of divorce talks By ANGELA CHARLTON and nance Minister Bruno Le
Maire said on TF1 television
between EU and Britain Associated Press Friday.
PARIS (AP) — The French He said the government,
and Dutch governments the airline's largest single
By RAF CASERT coronavirus infection ear- year, while the UK is to be announced at least 9 bil- shareholder, is not currently
Associated Press lier this year, said Britain hit by a slump of 6.5 %. Bad lion euros ($9.7 billion) in considering nationalizing
BRUSSELS (AP) — Key play- refused to allow any lee- as it already is, a separation bailout money Friday to Air France.
ers and the economies way to extend a transition with no deal would only rescue Air France and KLM, In exchange for the bailout,
on both sides of the Brexit period beyond Dec. 31, compound the malaise. which are fighting for sur- Le Maire said the govern-
divide have been ham- despite the massive eco- Ever since the UK voted vival as most of their planes ment would set conditions
mered by the corona crisis. nomic problems that the to leave the EU in June are grounded by virus lock- of profitability and more
Yet, even this common en- pandemic has thrown up. 2016, it has been haggling downs around the world. environmentally sustain-
emy is not enough to bring "I am worried," Barnier said ever more bitterly with the The partner airlines had able, less polluting policies.
the European Union and after what he described EU over departure terms. been negotiating for In the Netherlands, Dutch
Britain closer together in as another week of "disap- Those simmering sentiments weeks with their respec- Finance Minister Wopke
talks about their post-Brexit pointing" video negotia- seem to extend now into tive governments, as carri- Hoekstra announced the
relationship. tions between both sides. the negotiations on a new ers worldwide are collaps- government will provide
After another week of The EU has indicated the partnership. ing or seeking government between 2 and 4 billion
deeply frustrating talks via 27-nation bloc would be In a tight time frame im- bailouts. The past several euros ($2.16-4.32 billion) to
video linkup, a chaotic and willing to extend the tran- posed by the UK, both sides weeks of travel restrictions help flag carrier KLM survive
costly breakup at the end sition by up to two years, now have only months to have upended the entire the devastating impact on
of the year was looming certainly considering the strike a deal. Similar ne- industry, and Air France its operations of the coro-
ever larger Friday. economic impact of the gotiations between the and KLM said earlier this navirus crisis. He said the
Britain left the EU on Jan. 31, ongoing health crisis. EU and external trading month that they expect money would likely be in
but remains closely aligned Barnier did take time to di- partners have taken years. their joint traffic to be down the form of guarantees
with the 27-nation bloc un- rectly address Prime Min- And, thanks to the corona- more than 90% in the com- and loans to the carrier.
til the end of the year. If no ister Boris Johnson, who virus, they have do so using ing months. KLM "is the first domino
deal on their future rela- spent several days in an in- video conferencing, which With no clear end to the at the start of a long row.
tionship is agreed by then, tensive care unit and is still both sides acknowledge is crisis in sight, Air France will If KLM falls, it doesn't just
a cliff-edge economic de- recovering from COVID-19. clunky. get 3 billion euros in direct have consequences for
parture would loom again "All the best in your recov- "I have to say, objectively, loans from the French state the company and its staff
for Britain, with uncertainly ery, Prime Minister," he said. that it is not the same thing," and a 4-billion-euro bank but for all the (dominoes)
over customs rules, airline The economic recovery will Barnier said. loan guaranteed by the that follow. For Schiphol,
slots, financial regulation take longer. According to Division, though, was easy state, the airline said in a for ground staff" and other
and other standards. the International Monetary to pick up in Barnier's com- statement. businesses reliant on in-
EU chief negotiator Michel Fund, the EU's GDP is set to ments after the week of "We have to save our na- ternational aviation links,
Barnier, who survived a shrink by 7.1 % over the next talks.q tional airline," French Fi- Hoekstra said. q