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A26    U.S. NEWS
                    Saturday 25 april 2020
            U.S. states build stockpiles of malaria drug touted by Trump

            By  BRADY  McCOMBS  and  Ohio also received a large  Klein  said  it's  understand-    ment said earlier this week it  warning  against  using  the
            LINDSAY WHITEHURST           donation from a local com-   able   that   government  planned to spend $8 million  drug, or hoarding it.
            Associated Press             pany.                        and health officials looked  more to buy 200,000 addi-    "We were seeing a flood of
            SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — State  Several  states  including  into    hydroxychloroquine  tional  treatments  from  the  inappropriate  prescribing
            and  local  governments  New York, Connecticut, Or-       —  which  is  approved  for  company,  but  said  Thurs-  and  hoarding,  quite  frank-
            across  the  United  States                                                                                         ly,"  Health  Commissioner
            have  obtained  more  than                                                                                          Lisa Piercey told reporters.
            30 million doses of a malar-                                                                                        Kansas  health  director  Dr.
            ia drug touted by President                                                                                         Lee Norman said the state
            Trump to treat patients with                                                                                        has  no  intention  of  buying
            the  new  coronavirus,  de-                                                                                         the  drug  because  there's
            spite  warnings  from  doc-                                                                                         not  enough  evidence  it
            tors  that  more  research  is                                                                                      helps treat COVID-19.
            needed.                                                                                                             Most  states  aren't  paying
            At least 22 states and Wash-                                                                                        for  the  drug,  and  it's  not
            ington,  D.C.  secured  ship-                                                                                       clear why Utah didn't get it
            ments of the drug, hydroxy-                                                                                         from the federal reserve or
            chloroquine,  according  to                                                                                         a donation from a business
            information compiled from                                                                                           like  Amneal  Pharmaceu-
            state  and  federal  officials                                                                                      tical.  News  releases  from
            by  The  Associated  Press.                                                                                         state  governments  show
            Sixteen of those states were                                                                                        the   New    Jersey-based
            were won by Trump in 2016,                                                                                          company  has  sent  millions
            although  five  of  them  in-                                                                                       of  doses  of  the  drug  free
            cluding North Carolina and                                                                                          of  cost  to  states,  including
            Louisiana  are  now  led  by                                                                                        2 million to New York and 1
            Democratic governors.                                                                                               million to Texas.
            Supporters say having a sup-                                                                                        A  company  spokesperson
            ply on hand makes sense in   This Monday, April 6, 2020, file photo shows an arrangement of Hydroxychloroquine pills in Las   declined to provide a list of
            case  the  drug  is  shown  to   Vegas.                                                                             donations  or  answer  other
            be  effective  against  the                                                                       Associated Press.  questions  from  The  Associ-
            pandemic  that's  devas-                                                                                            ated Press
            tated the global economy  egon, Louisiana, North Car-     treating  malaria,  rheuma-  day  after  media  inquiries  Pharmaceutical      com-
            and  killed  nearly  200,000  olina  and  Texas  received  toid arthritis and lupus — as  about  the  deal  that  those  panies  can  often  manu-
            people  worldwide,  and  to  donations  of  the  medica-  a possible remedy during a  plans  are  on  hold  as  the  facture  pills  they  already
            ensure a steady supply for  tion  from  a  private  com-  frightening  pandemic,  but  state  researches  FDA  re-  make  fairly  cheaply  and
            people who need it for oth-  pany based in New Jersey  the  time  and  energy  has  quirements for compound-        the  donations  may  have
            er conditions like lupus.    called  Amneal  Pharma-      been misspent. The poten-    ing  and  distribution  of  the  been  done  to  earn  good
            But  health  experts  worry  ceutical. Florida was given  tial  side  effects  are  worri-  drugs.                  publicity while setting it up
            that  having  the  drug  eas-  1  million  doses  from  Israeli  some,  especially  because  South Dakota, with a popu-  to  make  future  sales  if  hy-
            ily  available  at  a  time  of  company  Teva  Pharma-   many  coronavirus  patients  lation  of  885,000  people,  droxychloroquine  ends  up
            heightened    public   fear  ceutical.                    already  have  underlying  received  1.2  million  doses  being  a  reliable  treatment
            could  make  it  easier  to  And the Federal Emergen-     health conditions, he said.   from  the  federal  govern-  for the virus, Klein said.
            misuse  it.  The  U.S.  Food  cy  Management  Agency  "The states and the federal  ment and is using the drug  Controversy  has  swirled
            and  Drug  Administration  has  sent  19  million  doses  government are reacting in  for a trial as well as doctor-  around  the  drug  since
            on  Friday  warned  doctors  of  hydroxychloroquine  to  light of that fear but it's not  approved   prescriptions  Trump  started  promoting
            against   prescribing   the  14  cities  including  Wash-  a  rational  response,"  Klein  for  COVID-19  positive  pa-  it  from  the  podium  in  the
            drug,  hydroxychloroquine,  ington,  D.C.,  Philadelphia  said.                        tients.  South  Dakota  Gov.  White  House  briefing  room
            for  treating  the  new  coro-  and  Baltimore  from  the  Doctors  can  already  pre-  Kristi  Noem,  a  Republican  on March 19.
            navirus  outside  of  hospi-  federal  government's  na-  scribe  the  malaria  drug  to  and  Trump  ally,  said  ear-  He  mentioned  the  drug  in
            tals  or  research  settings,  tional  stockpile,  a  source  patients  with  COVID-19,  a  lier  this  month  she  pushed  briefings  through  April  14,
            because  of  reports  of  seri-  that  also  provided  South  practice  known  as  off-la-  the  White  House  to  pro-  and the White House distrib-
            ous  side  effects,  including  Dakota and California with  bel  prescribing,  and  many  vide  enough  hydroxychlo-  uted press releases praising
            dangerous  irregular  heart  supplies.  The  U.S.  govern-  do.  Medical  and  pharma-  roquine  to  give  it  to  every  Trump's efforts to stockpile it
            rhythms, and death among  ment received a donation  cy  groups  have  warned  hospitalized  person,  others  for use in areas of the coun-
            patients.                    of  30  million  doses  from  against  prescribing  it  for  who  are  vulnerable  to  the  try hard-hit by the virus. But
            It's  the  latest  admonition  Swiss  drugmaker  Novartis  preventative purposes. The  coronavirus and "front line"  for the past week, as stud-
            against the drug that Trump  on March 29 to build up the  FDA has allowed it into the  health  care  workers.  As  ies  have  shown  mixed  or
            mentioned 17 times in vari-  stockpile,  which  does  not  national stockpile, but only  of  Tuesday,  200  people  in  even harmful results, Trump
            ous  public  appearances,  normally stock the drug.       for  narrowly  defined  pur-  South  Dakota  were  being  has gone silent on the drug.
            touting its potential despite  "If he (Trump) hadn't ampli-  poses as studies continue.   treated  with  the  drug,  ac-  Asked  about  it  Thursday,
            his own health advisors tell-  fied the early and inappro-  Utah  Gov.  Gary  Herbert,  cording to Sanford Health.   Trump said he hadn't heard
            ing him it is unproven.      priate  enthusiasm  for  the  a  Republican,  acknowl-    Many    states,   however,  of the a study done at U.S.
            Oklahoma  spent  $2  million  drug,  I  doubt  if  the  states  edged that the drug is "not  have  opted  to  steer  clear  veterans hospitals with pre-
            to buy the drugs and Utah  would  have  even  been  without  controversy,"  but  over  concerns  about  side  liminary results that showed
            and Ohio have spent hun-     aware  of  it,"  said  Dr.  Ken-  said an $800,000 purchase  effects and lingering ques-  no  benefit,  and  rejected
            dreds of thousands on pur-   neth  B.  Klein,  a  consultant  from a local company was  tions  about  the  effective-  the notion he had stopped
            chases. The rest of the cities  from outside of Seattle who  part of the state's effort to  ness. At least one of those  promoting  hydroxychloro-
            and  states  have  received  has  spent  the  last  three  make  rational  decisions  states  is  led  by  a  Republi-  quine as a cure.
            free  shipments  from  drug  decades  working  for  drug  based  on  "good  science  can  governor,  Tennessee,  "I haven't at all. I haven't at
            companies or the U.S. gov-   companies  to  design  and  and good data."               where  the  state's  Depart-  all,"  Trump  said.  "We'll  see
            ernment in the last month.  evaluate their clinical trials.  The  Utah  health  depart-  ment of Health sent a letter  what happens." q
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