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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diamars 2 augustus 2022

                                                                          Harris cites climate 'crisis,' pushes

                                                                                       $1B for floods, storms

                                                             (AP)  —  Vice  President  Ka-
                                                             mala  Harris  called  climate
                                                             change  an  "immediate"  and
                                                             "urgent" crisis Monday as she
                 “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada   detailed  more  than  $1  bil-
                Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.   lion  in  federal  spending  to
                        E ta hibami na awa trankil,
                         Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.            respond  to  disasters  such  as
                               Salmo: 23                     deadly flooding in Kentucky
                                                             and  wildfires  ravaging  her
                  Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa   home state of California.
                      fayecimento di nos Tanta stima:
                                                             On a visit to Miami, Harris an-

                                                             nounced a series of grants being
                                                             made available to states to help
                                                             communities  across  the  nation
                                                             prepare  for  and  respond  to  cli-
                                                             mate-related disasters.
                                                             Touring  the  National  Hurri-
                                                             cane Center before the grant an-
                                                             nouncement,  Harris  said  disas-
                                                             ters such as the Kentucky floods
                                                             and  California  wildfires    show
                                                             "how  immediate,  how  current
                        Veronica Tromp                       and how urgent'' it is to address
                 Cariñosamente yama “Jonka”                  extreme  weather  being  experi-
                   *28-05-1936 - †29-07-2022                 enced in the United States and
                                                             around the world.               only  after  disaster  strikes,  but  hundreds  of  millions  of  dollars
                Entiero lo tuma lugar na Aurora Funeral Home   "Climate  change  has  become  a  before  disaster  strikes,  and  that  ultimately  going  directly  to  the
                diamars 2 di augustus 2022 di 9’or pa 11’or di   climate  crisis,  and  a  threat  has  is why we are here today.''  communities that need it most,''
              mainta. Despues lo sali pa Santana Central Sabana   now become a reality,'' she said                           she said.
                                Basora.                      in  a  speech  at  Florida  Interna-  The billion-dollar grant program
                Disculpa nos pero despues di entiero nos no ta   tional University.          announced  by  Harris  doubles  A total of $1 billion will be made
                     ricibi bishita di condolencia na cas.                                   spending from last year on pro-  available through the BRIC pro-
                                                             Harris  cited  deadly  floods  that  grams to defend against extreme  gram, with another $160 million
                                                             have  swept  through  Kentucky  weather events across the coun-  to be offered for flood mitigation
                                                             and  Missouri,  "washing  away  try. Biden announced last month  assistance, officials said.
                                                             entire  neighborhoods,''  leaving  that  the  administration  will  Jacksonville, Florida, was among
                                                             at least 35 dead, including chil-  double spending yet again in the  cities that received money under
                                                             dren.  At  least  two  people  were  budget year that begins in Octo-  the BRIC program last year. The
                                                             killed in a wildfire in Northern  ber, spending $2.3 billion to help  city was awarded $23 million for
                                                             California  that  was  among  sev-  communities cope with soaring  flood mitigation and stormwater
                                                             eral fires menacing thousands of  temperatures through programs  infrastructure.  Jacksonville,  the
                                                             homes in the western U.S. Hot  administered by FEMA, the De-    largest  city  in  Florida,  sits  in  a
                                                             and gusty weather and lightning  partment of Health and Human  humid, subtropical region along
                                                             storms  threatened  to  boost  the  Services and other agencies.  the St. Johns River and Atlantic
              Laga tur loke ta spera mi ta bunita            danger  that  the  fires  will  keep                            Ocean,  making  it  vulnerable  to
              Laga tur locual cu mi encontra na caminda ta   growing,                        The  Building  Resilient  Infra-  flooding  when  stormwater  ba-
              Laga tur locual cu mi laga atras keda bunita y   "The  devastation  is  real.  The  structure  and  Communities,  or  sins reach capacity.
              Laga esakinan termina den tur buniteza.        harm is real. The impact is real,''  BRIC, program, supports states,
              Cado Wever.                                    Harris  said.  "And  we  are  wit-  local  communities,  tribes  and  The South Florida Water Man-
                                                             nessing it in real time.''      territories on projects to reduce  agement  District  in  Miami-
              Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta anuncia fayecimento                            climate-related hazards and pre-  Dade County received $50 mil-
              di:                                            In  2021,  the  United  States  ex-  pare for natural disasters such as  lion  for  flood  mitigation  and
                                                             perienced 20 climate-related di-  floods  and  wildfires.  The  pro-  pump station repairs. The mon-
                                                             sasters that each caused over $1  gram is funded through FEMA's  ey will protect low-lying neigh-
                                                             billion  in  damage,  Harris  said,  Disaster  Relief  Fund  and  the  borhoods from sea-level rise and
                                                             citing  a  report  by  the  National  bipartisan  infrastructure  law  storm surge, Harris said.
                                                             Oceanic  and  Atmospheric  Ad-  signed by Biden last year.
                                                             ministration.  There were  about                                Kern  County,  California  re-
                                                             six such disasters per year in the  "Communities across our nation  ceived  nearly  $40  million  for
                                                             1990s.                          are  experiencing  first-hand  the  underground water storage to al-
                                                             "The  frequency  has  accelerated  devastating  impacts  of  the  cli-  low access to clean water during
                                                             in  a  relatively  short  period  of  mate change and the related ex-  droughts,  while  Austin,  Texas
                                                             time," Harris said. "The science  treme weather events that follow  received millions to upgrade its
                                                             is  clear.  Extreme  weather  will  —  more  energized  hurricanes  power  grid  "so  that  homes  and
                                                             only get worse, and the climate  with  deadlier  storm  surges,  in-  businesses  and  houses  of  wor-
                                                             crisis will only accelerate.''  creased  flooding  and  a  wildfire  ship  can  keep  on  the  electric-
                                                             The  White  House  is  leading  a  season that's become a year-long  ity  during  summer  and  winter
              Martin Cohen de Aguas                          government-wide  response  to  threat," said FEMA head Deanne  storms,'' Harris said.
              *11-11-1962 - †31-07-2022                      climate disasters that "recognizes  Criswell.                   The  grant  program  is  among  a
                                                             the urgency of this moment and                                  series  of  Biden  administration
                                                                                                                             actions intended to reduce heat-
              Acto di despedida lo wordo                     our ability to do something about  The  grants  announced  Mon-
                                                                                             day  will  "help  to  ensure  that  related  illness  and  protect  pub-
                                                             it," Harris said, adding that lead-
              anuncia despues.                               ers such as herself and President  our  most  vulnerable  commu-  lic health, including a proposed
                                                             Joe Biden "have a duty to act, not  nities  are  not  left  behind,  with  workplace heat standard.
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