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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 2 augustus 2022

                           Brittney Griner's trial resumes amid intensified diplomacy

            (AP)  —  Since  Brittney  Gri-  more  than  five  months  ago.
            ner last appeared in her trial  The direct outreach risks un-
            for  cannabis  possession,  the  dermining a core message to
            question  of  her  fate  has  ex-  U.S. allies that isolating Rus-
            panded from a tiny, cramped  sia  could  force  the  eventual
            courtroom on Moscow's out-   withdrawal  of  troops  from
            skirts to the highest level of  Ukraine.
            Russia-U.S. diplomacy.
                                         It  also  underlines  the  pub-
            The  WNBA  star  and  two-   lic  pressure  that  the  White
            time  Olympic  gold  medalist  House has faced to get Griner
            returns to court on Tuesday, a  released,  which  has  brought
            month after the beginning of  some backlash. Former Pres-
            the  trial  in  which  she  could  ident Donald Trump strongly
            face 10 years in prison if con-  criticized  the  proposal  that
            victed.  As  the  trial  has  pro-  people  familiar  with  it  have
            gressed,  the  Biden  adminis-  said envisions trading Griner
            tration  has  faced  rising  calls  and Whelan for the notorious
            for action to win her release.  arms trader Viktor Bout.

            In  an  extraordinary  move,  "He's  absolutely  one  of  the
            Secretary  of  State  Antony  worst in the world, and he's
            Blinken  last  week  spoke  to  going to be given his freedom
            his Russian counterpart Ser-  because a potentially spoiled
            gey  Lavrov,  urging  him  to  person goes into Russia load-  for  a  Russian  women's  bas-  conclusion, it would also po-  The Associated Press.
            accept  a  deal  under  which  ed  up  with  drugs,"  Trump  ketball  team  in  the  WNBA  tentially  be  a  step  forward.
            Griner  and  Paul  Whelan,  said.                         off-season.                  Russian officials have said no  He  also  said  that,  given  the
            an  American  imprisoned  in  White  House  Press  Secre-                              release of Griner could occur  Biden administration's public
            Russia on an espionage con-  tary  Karine  Jean-Pierre  told  To  bolster  her  case,  her  de-  until  the  judicial  process  is  commitment to securing the
            viction, would go free.      reporters  Monday  that  Rus-  fense  lawyers  have  called  completed.                release  of  Whelan  and  Gri-
                                         sia  has  made  a  "bad  faith"  character witnesses from her  However,  a  Washington  at-  ner, Russia "may want to let
            Although details of the offer  response to the U.S. govern-  Russian team, UMMC Ekat-  torney  who  formerly  was  this play out a little bit longer
            remain  shrouded,  Blinken's  ment's  offer,  a  counteroffer  erinburg, and presented testi-  legal adviser at the U.S. Em-  and try to extract more con-
            public  announcement  of  a  that American officials don't  mony from doctors that she  bassy  in  Moscow  said  there  cessions."
            proposal  was  at  odds  with  regard  as  serious.  She  de-  was prescribed cannabis as a  is no formal requirement for
            the  convention  of  keeping  clined to elaborate.        treatment  for  pain.  Medical  a  conviction  before  an  ex-  Russian  officials  have  given
            prisoner-release  negotiations                            marijuana  treatment  is  not  change.                    no  public  hint  of  whether
            tightly  under  wraps.  When  Griner,  speaking  from  the  legal in Russia.                                        Blinken made headway in his
            American Trevor Reed, serv-  defendant's  cage  in  a  court-  Her  lawyers  say  they  hope  "If  she  is  in  fact  being  used  call with Lavrov, only issuing
            ing time for assaulting a po-  room  that  barely  holds  a  such testimony will bring le-  as a political bargaining chip  a statement urging the Amer-
            lice officer, was freed in April  dozen  people,  has  acknowl-  niency from  the  judge,  who  —  and  the  administration  icans  to  pursue  the  matter
            in  exchange  for  a  Russian  edged  there  were  vape  can-  they  say  under  Russian  law  has  already  designated  her  though  "quiet  diplomacy
            drug trafficker, no clues of an  isters containing cannabis oil  has leeway to consider miti-  as  wrongfully  detained,  pre-  without  releases  of  specula-
            imminent swap had emerged.   in her luggage when she was  gating factors.              sumably  because  they  think  tive information."
                                         arrested at a Moscow airport  Acquittals are rare in Russian  she is being used as a political
            The Lavrov-Blinken call also  in February. But she says she  criminal prosecutions — less  pawn — they may impose a  Russia  has  repeatedly  ex-
            was the highest-level known  had  no  criminal  intent  and  than  1%  of  cases.  Sentences  very significant sentence as a  pressed   annoyance   with
            contact  between  Washing-   that the canisters ended up in  can be suspended.         way to maximize their lever-  American  statements  on  the
            ton and Moscow since Rus-    her luggage because she was                               age  in  negotiations,"  the  at-  case, saying they show a dis-
            sia  sent  troops  into  Ukraine  packing hastily. Griner played  If a conviction is a foregone  torney,  Tom  Firestone,  told  respect for Russian law.

                                 Barcelona sells part of its production hub for $102M

            (AP)  —  Barcelona  has  newly signed players right  sold a 25% stake of Barça Stu-    spender in the offseason de-  debt of more than 1.3 billion
            sold part of its production  away.                        dios to, a block-  spite being mired in financial  euros ($1.3 billion).
            hub for 100 million euros                                 chain  provider  in  the  sports  difficulties until recently.
            ($102 million) to boost its  Club president Joan Laporta  and entertainment business.                               The  team  struggled  on  the
            finances in a bid to use its  announced Monday the club  The  club  said  the  sale  will  Laporta  has  been  criticized  field as well, failing to win a
                                                                      "accelerate" the club's strate-  for  burdening  the  club's  fu-  major  title  last  season  after
                                                                      gies  related  to  audiovisual,  ture with its current tactics to  not being able to hold on to
                                                                      blockchain and online prod-  find new cash. Barcelona had  Lionel Messi.
                                                                      ucts.                        already sold 25% of its Span-
                                                                                                   ish  league  TV  rights  for  the  France  defender  Koundé,
                                                                      The money should also allow  next 25 years for 667 million  who  had  also  been  sought
                                                                      Barcelona  to  meet  Spanish  euros ($682 million).       after  by  Chelsea,  praised
                                                                      league financial requirements                             Barcelona's new approach to
                                                                      and sign the players it has ac-  "The  risk  is  under  control,"  keep thriving.
                                                                      quired  recently,  including  Laporta  said.  "We  need  to
                                                                      Robert Lewandowski, Raph-    save  the  club  and  have  the  "I  chose  Barça  because  it's
                                                                      inha and Jules Koundé, who  possibility of bringing in new  clear to me that the club has
                                                                      was  officially  introduced  on  players."                a very ambitious project," the
                                                                      Monday.                                                   former Sevilla player said.
                                                                                                   The mismanagement blamed
                                                                      The  club  spent  more  than  on  previous  president  Josep  Barcelona will make its Span-
                                                                      160 million euros ($163 mil-  Bartomeu,  combined  with  ish league debut on Aug. 13
                                                                      lion)  on  the  three  players,  the impact of the COVID-19  against Rayo Vallecano.
                                                                      becoming  Europe's  leading  pandemic, left the club with a
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