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A28    u.s. news
                  Diamars 2 augustus 2022

                          White House decries China rhetoric over Pelosi Taiwan visit

                                                                                                                        it and moved north, heading to their
                                                                                                                        homeport  in  Japan.  The  carrier  has
                                                                                                                        an array of aircraft, including F/A-18
                                                                                                                        fighter jets and helicopters, on board
                                                                                                                        as well as sophisticated radar systems
                                                                                                                        and other weapons.
                                                                                                                        Taiwan and China split in 1949 after
                                                                                                                        the Communists won a civil war on
                                                                                                                        the mainland. Both sides say they are
                                                                                                                        one country but disagree over which
                                                                                                                        government  is  entitled  to  national
                                                                                                                        leadership. They have no official re-
                                                                                                                        lations  but  are  linked  by  billions  of
                                                                                                                        dollars of trade and investment.

                                                                                                                        The  United  States  switched  diplo-
                                                                                                                        matic recognition from Taipei to Bei-
                                                                                                                        jing in 1979, but maintains informal
                                                                                                                        relations with the island. Washington
                                                                                                                        is obligated by the Taiwan Relations
                                                                                                                        Act, a federal law, to see that Taiwan
                                                                                                                        has the means to defend itself.

                                                                                                                        Washington's "One China policy" says
                                                                                                                        it takes no position on the status of
                                                                                                                        the two sides but wants their dispute
                                                                                                                        resolved peacefully. Beijing promotes
                                                                                                                        an alternative "One China principle"
                                                                                                                        that says they are one country and the
                                                                                                                        Communist Party is its leader.
                                                                                                                        "We expect to see Beijing continue to
                                                                                                                        use inflammatory rhetoric and disin-
            (AP)  —  The  White  House  on  Daily News, Liberty Times and Chi-      head of one of three branches of the  formation in the coming days," Kirby
            Monday  decried  Beijing's  rhet-   na  Times  —  Taiwan's  three  largest  U.S. government, would be the high-  said. "The United States, by contrast,
            oric  over  an  expected  visit  by  national newspapers — cited uniden-  est-ranking elected American official  will act with transparency."
            House  Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi  to  tified sources as saying she would ar-  to  visit  Taiwan  since  then-Speaker  On  Monday,  Pelosi  met  with  Sin-
            Taiwan, vowing the United States  rive  in  Taipei  after  visiting  Malaysia  Newt Gingrich in 1997.       gaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien
            "will not take the bait or engage  and spend the night.                                                     Loong, President Halimah Yacob and
            in  saber  rattling"  and  has  no  in-  Talk  of  such  a  visit  is  sparking  fury  The  Biden  administration  has  tried  other Cabinet members.
            terest in increasing tensions with  in  Beijing,  which  regards  Taiwan  as  to assure Beijing there was no reason
            China.                              its  own  territory  and  has  repeatedly  to "come to blows" and that if such  Singapore's  Foreign  Ministry  said
                                                warned  of  "serious  consequences"  if  a  visit  occurred,  it  would  signal  no  Lee welcomed a U.S. commitment to
            White  House  National  Security  the reported trip goes ahead.         change  in  U.S.  policy.  Administra-  strong  engagement  with  the  region,
            Council  spokesman  John  Kirby                                         tion  officials  on  Monday  called  on  and the two sides discussed ways to
            underscored  that  the  decision  on  "If  Pelosi  insists  on  visiting  Taiwan,  China to tone down the rhetoric, un-  deepen  U.S.  economic  involvement
            whether to visit the self-ruled island  China  will  take  resolute  and  strong  derscoring  that  there  was  no  reason  through initiatives such as the Indo-
            that China claims as its own was ulti-  measures  to  defend  its  sovereignty  for Beijing to escalate tensions in the  Pacific Economic Framework.
            mately Pelosi's. He noted that mem-  and  territorial  integrity,"  Chinese  Taiwan Strait over the potential visit.
            bers of Congress have routinely vis-  Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao  Members of the Senate Foreign Re-  Lee  and  Pelosi  also  discussed  the
            ited Taiwan over the years.         Lijian said in Beijing, without giving  lations Committee were to receive a  war  in  Ukraine,  tensions  surround-
                                                details.                            classified briefing on Taiwan from se-  ing Taiwan and mainland China, and
            Kirby said administration officials are  "Those who play with fire will per-  nior Pentagon and State Department  climate change, it said in a statement.
            concerned that Beijing could use the  ish by it," Zhao said. "We would like  officials on Monday evening.   Lee  "highlighted  the  importance  of
            visit as an excuse to take provocative  to once again admonish the U.S. that  "What  I  can  say  is  this:  this  is  very  stable  U.S.-China  relations  for  re-
            retaliatory  steps,  including  military  we are fully prepared for any eventu-  much  precedent  in  the  sense  that  gional  peace  and  security,"  it  added,
            action  such  as  firing  missiles  in  the  ality and the PLA will never sit idly  previous  speakers  have  visited  Tai-  in an apparent allusion to reports of
            Taiwan Strait or around Taiwan, fly-  by." The People's Liberation Army is  wan, many members of Congress go  Pelosi's visit to Taiwan.
            ing sorties into Taiwan's airspace and  China's military.               to Taiwan, including this year," Sec-  Pelosi  has  said  she  is  visiting  Sin-
            carrying out large-scale naval exercis-                                 retary of State Antony Blinken said.  gapore,  Malaysia,  South  Korea  and
            es in the strait.                   Chinese  President  Xi  Jinping  also  "And so, if the speaker does decide to  Japan  in  a  tour  to  discuss  trade,
            "Put  simply,  there  is  no  reason  for  warned the U.S. against meddling in  visit and China tries to create some  the  COVID-19  pandemic,  climate
            Beijing to turn a potential visit con-  Beijing's dealings with the island in a  kind  of  crisis  or  otherwise  escalate  change,  security  and  "democratic
            sistent with long-standing U.S. poli-  phone  call  last  week  with  President  tensions,  that  would  be  entirely  on  governance."
            cy into some sort of crisis or use it as  Joe Biden.                    Beijing."
            a pretext to increase aggressive mili-                                  Still, U.S. officials have signaled that  On Thursday, Pelosi is to meet with
            tary activity in or around the Taiwan  China  has  been  steadily  ratcheting  the military would be prepared to re-  South  Korean  National  Assembly
            Strait," Kirby said.                up  diplomatic  and  military  pressure  spond if needed in the event of any  Speaker  Kim  Jin  Pyo  in  Seoul  for
                                                on Taiwan. Threats of retaliation for  action  by  China  in  response  to  any  talks on security in the Indo-Pacific
            The  Biden  administration  pushed  a visit by Pelosi have driven concerns  possible stop in Taiwan by Pelosi.  region,  economic  cooperation  and
            back  on  Beijing  as  Pelosi  held  talks  of a new crisis in the Taiwan Strait,                           the climate crisis, Kim's office said in
            with officials in Singapore on Mon-  which  separates  the  two  sides,  that  On Monday, the Navy aircraft carrier  a statement.
            day at the start of her Asian tour.  could roil global markets and supply  USS  Ronald  Reagan  and  its  strike
                                                chains.                             group were in the Philippine Sea, ac-  It declined to provide further details
            While there have been no official an-                                   cording to the officials who spoke on  about  her  itinerary,  including  when
            nouncements, local media in Taiwan  Beijing  sees  official  American  con-  the condition of anonymity to discuss  she  is  arriving  in  South  Korea  and
            reported that Pelosi will arrive Tues-  tact with Taiwan as encouragement to  military operations.          how long she'll stay. Pelosi's schedule
            day  night,  making  her  the  highest-  make the island's decades-old de facto  .The  Reagan,  the  USS  Antietam,  a  for  Wednesday  remains  unclear  and
            ranking  elected  U.S.  official  to  visit  independence permanent, a step U.S.  cruiser, and the USS Higgins, a de-  there  were  no  details  on  when  she
            in  more  than  25  years.  The  United  leaders say they don't support. Pelosi,  stroyer, left Singapore after a port vis-  will head to Japan.
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