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A30     world news
                  Diamars 2 augustus 2022

                           1st ship carrying Ukrainian grain leaves the port of Odesa

            (AP) — The first ship car-
            rying Ukrainian grain  set                                                                                          Ukrainian  authorities  have
            out Monday from the port                                                                                            been  calling  on  civilians  in
            of  Odesa  under  an  inter-                                                                                        that region, which was over-
            nationally  brokered  deal                                                                                          run  by  Russian  troops  early
            to unblock the embattled                                                                                            in the war, to evacuate ahead
            country's  agricultural  ex-                                                                                        of  a  planned  counteroffen-
            ports  and  ease  the  grow-                                                                                        sive.
            ing global food crisis.                                                                                             More  shelling  was  reported
                                                                                                                                in  Kharkiv  in  the  northeast
            The  Sierra  Leone-flagged                                                                                          and Mykolaiv in the south.
            cargo  ship  Razoni  sounded                                                                                        Analysts  warned  that  the
            its  horn  as  it  departed  with                                                                                   continuing  fighting  could
            over 26,000 tons of corn des-                                                                                       still upend the grain deal.
            tined for Lebanon.                                                                                                  "The  departure  of  the  first
            "The  first  grain  ship  since                                                                                     vessel doesn't solve the food
            Russian  aggression  has  left                                                                                      crisis;  it's  just  the  first  step
            port," Ukrainian Minister of                                                                                        that could also be the last if
            Infrastructure Oleksandr Ku-                                                                                        Russia  decides  to  continue
            brakov declared on Twitter.                                                                                         attacks  in  the  south,"  said
                                                                                                                                Volodymyr  Sidenko,  an  ex-
            Russia  and  Ukraine  signed  that Russia will simply refrain  nies  are  not  yet  rushing  to  Olena  Vitalievna,  an  Odesa  pert with the Kyiv-based Ra-
            agreements  in  Istanbul  with  from trying to disrupt Ukrai-  export food across the Black  resident.              zumkov Center think tank.
            Turkey  and  the  U.N.  on  nian exports," Zelenskyy said.  Sea  as  they  assess  the  dan-  "Finally,  life  begins  to  move
            July 22, clearing the way for                             ger of mines and the risk of  forward  and  there  are  some  In other developments:
            Ukraine to export 22 million  In Moscow, Kremlin spokes-  Russian rockets hitting grain  changes  in  a  positive  direc-  — In Washington, President
            tons of grain and other agri-  man  Dmitry  Peskov  hailed  warehouses and ports.      tion,"  she  said.  "In  general,  Joe Biden approved an addi-
            cultural  products  that  have  the  ship's  departure  as  "very  U.N. Secretary-General An-  the port should live its own  tional  $550  million  in  mili-
            been stuck in Black Sea ports  positive,"  saying  it  would  tonio  Guterres,  who  pro-  life  because  Odesa  is  a  port  tary aid to Ukraine, including
            because  of  Russia's  invasion  help test the "efficiency of the  posed the grain deal in April,  city.  We  live  here.  We  want  more ammunition for howit-
            of  Ukraine  more  than  five  mechanisms that were agreed  said  the  Razoni  was  "loaded  everything  to  work  for  us,  zers and for the new Ameri-
            months  ago.  The  deals  also  to  during  the  talks  in  Istan-  with  two  commodities  in  everything to bustle."  can-supplied multiple rocket
            allow  Russia  to  export  grain  bul."                   short supply: corn and hope."                             launchers  that  are  making  a
            and fertilizer.              Under the agreements, ships  "Hope for millions of people  The resumption of the grain  difference on the battlefield.
                                         going  in  and  out  of  Ukrai-  around  the  world  who  de-  shipments  came  as  fighting  The package brings total U.S.
            As part of the agreements, safe  nian ports will be subject to  pend on the smooth running  raged  elsewhere  in  Ukraine,  military assistance to Ukraine
            corridors through the mined  inspection to make sure that  of  Ukraine's  ports  to  feed  with  Russia  pressing  its  of-  to approximately $8.7 billion
            waters  outside  Ukraine's  incoming vessels are not car-  their families," he said.   fensive  in  the  east  while  since  the  start  of  the  Biden
            ports were established.      rying weapons and that out-                               Ukraine tries to retake terri-  administration.
            Ukraine and Russia are ma-   going  ones  are  bearing  only  Lebanon, the corn's destina-  tory in the Russian-occupied  —  Ukraine's  human  rights
            jor global suppliers of wheat,  grain,  fertilizer  or  related  tion, is in the grip of a severe  south.           ombudsman  said  he  had
            barley,  corn  and  sunflower  food  items,  not  any  other  financial crisis. A 2020 explo-  Ukraine's  presidential  office  written to his Russian coun-
            oil, with the fertile Black Sea  commodities.             sion at its main port in Beirut  said  at  least  three  civilians  terpart suggesting a joint visit
            region  long  known  as  the                              shattered  its  capital  city  and  were killed and 16 wounded  to the Olenivka prison, where
            breadbasket  of  Europe.  The  The Razoni was scheduled to  destroyed  grain  silos.  Leba-  by  Russian  shelling  in  the  dozens  of  Ukrainian  POWs
            holdup of shipments because  dock early Wednesday in Is-  non  imports  mostly  wheat  Donetsk region over the past  were  killed  in  an  explosion
            of the war has worsened ris-  tanbul, where teams of Rus-  from  Ukraine  but  also  buys  24 hours. Donetsk Gov. Pav-  Friday.  Dmitry  Lubets  said
            ing  food  prices  worldwide  sian, Ukrainian, Turkish and  its  corn  for  making  cooking  lo  Kyrylenko  repeated  a  call  the Russian side indicated it
            and  threatened  hunger  and  U.N.  officials  were  set  to  oil and animal feed.     for  all  residents  to  evacuate,  would consider it.
            political  instability  in  devel-  board it for inspection.                           emphasizing the need to re-  Both sides have blamed each
            oping nations.                                            Kubrakov said the shipments  move  about  52,000  children  other for the blast at the pris-
            President  Volodymyr  Zel-   More  ships  are  expected  to  will also help Ukraine's war-  still there.            on, which is in Russian-con-
            enskyy  sounded  a  cautious  leave  from  Ukraine's  ports  shattered economy.                                     trolled  territory.  Ukrainian
            note.  Calling  the  shipment  through  the  safe  corridors.  "Unlocking  ports  will  pro-  Two civilians were killed and  officials  maintain  the  explo-
            "the  first  positive  signal  that  At Odesa, 16 more vessels, all  vide at least $1 billion in for-  two seriously wounded when  sion  was  caused  by  a  bomb
            there is a chance to stop the  blocked  since  Russia's  inva-  eign exchange revenue to the  Russian  forces  fired missiles  set off inside the building.
            spread of a food crisis in the  sion  on  Feb.  24,  were  wait-  economy and an opportunity  at  a  bus  evacuating  people  The  International  Commit-
            world,"  he  also  urged  inter-  ing their turn, with others to  for the agricultural sector to  from a village in the southern  tee of the Red Cross has also
            national  partners  to  closely  follow, Ukrainian authorities  plan for next year," he said.  Kherson region, according to  requested access to the pris-
            monitor  Moscow's  compli-   said.                                                     Oleksandr Vilkul, head of the  on, but so far has been turned
            ance with the deal.                                       Hearing  the  ship  sound  its  military administration in the  down.
            "We cannot have the illusions  But  some  shipping  compa-  horn as it left port delighted  city of Kryvyi Rih.

                        Dutch mom gets 3 years in US for supporting Somali militants

            (AP)  —  A  Dutch  woman  was  a jury at U.S. District Court in Alex-                                       should have been charged in the first
            sentenced to three years in pris-   andria of conspiring to provide mate-  Hassan,  a  Somali  native  and  moth-  place. They said it was overreach for
            on  Monday  for  donating  several  rial support to terrorists.         er of six, was granted asylum in the  the  U.S.  to  charge  a  Dutch  woman
            hundred  dollars  to  a  group  that                                    Netherlands as a teenager and settled  for supporting Somali militants when
            supported the militant group al-    Prosecutors said she was one of about  in  the  city  of  Terneuzen.  She  was  she had no connection whatsoever to
            Shabab in Somalia.                  15 women who gathered in an online  initially charged in 2014, but fought  the U.S.
                                                chatroom  and  regularly  committed  extradition for seven years before she
            The  sentenced  imposed  on  Farhia  small amounts of money to support  was brought to the U.S. to face trial.  While al-Shabab has been designated
            Hassan,  38,  was  far  less  than  the  al-Shabab  militants  in  Somalia  and                             a  terrorist  organization  by  the  U.S.,
            8-year  sentence  sought  by  prosecu-  Kenya. In all, prosecutors say she do-  Two leaders of the group have already  it carried no such designation in the
            tors.                               nated  about  $300  over  a  three-year  been  convicted  and  sentenced  to  Netherlands or the European Union
                                                period,  though  they  admitted  diffi-  terms of 12 and 11 years, respectively.  at the time the group was active, from
            She was convicted earlier this year by  culty tracking payments.        Hassan's  lawyers  argued  she  never  2011 to 2014.
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