Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20210127
P. 32

A32    sports
                 Diaranson 27 Januari 2021

                             Barcelona reschedules presidential elections to March 7

                                                                      after the Catalan government  the  health  and  safety  of  the  team’s  poor  performances
                                                                      made a change in the legisla-  voters.”                   and the club’s financial situ-
                                                                      tion “to allow for postal vot-                            ation.
                                                                      ing for sporting bodies,” Bar-  “During this period the club
                                                                      celona said.                 will continue to work closely  Barcelona lost to Bayern Mu-
                                                                                                   with the Catalan government  nich 8-2 in the quarterfinals
                                                                      Members  who  are  over  65  and the health and local au-  of the Champions League in
                                                                      will be allowed to vote from  thorities to best organize the  August,  and  its  soaring  debt
                                                                      home.                        elections so that they can be  forced the club to practically
                                                                                                   carried  out  in  the  best  con-  give  away  veterans  like  Luis
                                                                      Polling stations outside Cata-  ditions  possible,”  Barcelona  Suárez to slash its salary bur-
                                                                      lonia,  with  the  exception  of  said.                   den. Lionel Messi later asked
                                                                      Andorra, will not be used as                              to leave the club but had his
                                                                      originally planned because of  The three presidential candi-  request denied.
                                                                      the restrictions prompted by  dates are Joan Laporta, Víctor
                                                                      the pandemic.                Font and Toni Freixa.        Barcelona  plays  against  sec-
            (AP)  —  Barcelona  re-      nally  scheduled  for  Jan.  24  The club reiterated that “the                         ond-division  club  Rayo  Val-
            scheduled  its  presidential  but  Barcelona  was  forced  to  elections  are  affected  by  the  Barcelona  has been led by  a  lecano in the round of 16 of
            elections  to  March  7  and  delay the vote because of mo-  exceptional   circumstances  caretaker board since former  the Copa del Rey on Wednes-
            members  will  be  allowed  bility restrictions imposed by  brought about by the COV-  president Josep Bartomeu re-  day.  It  trails  Spanish  league
            to  vote  by  mail  amid  the  the Catalan government dur-  ID-19 pandemic and for that  signed in October. He faced  leader Atlético Madrid by 10
            coronavirus     pandemic,  ing the pandemic.              reason they will be organized  the possibility of being oust-  points and is three points be-
            the club said Tuesday.                                    following at all times the rec-  ed in a no-confidence motion  hind  second-place  Real  Ma-
                                         Voting  will  take  place  at  six  ommendations of the health  supported  by  thousands  of  drid entering the second half
            The elections had been origi-  polling  stations  and  by  mail  authorities in order to protect  club members furious at the  of the season.

                       LeVert undergoes surgery to treat cancerous growth on kidney

            (AP)  —  Indiana  Pacers  diagnosed  with  renal  cell  each of the next three seasons
            guard Caris LeVert will be  carcinoma  and  had  surgery  and this season started as his
            out  indefinitely  after  un-  Monday at a local hospital.  best  yet.  He  was  averaging
            dergoing  surgery  to  treat                              18.5 points, 6.0 assists and 4.3
            a cancerous growth on his  “It’s definitely been some try-  rebounds.
            left kidney.                 ing times for myself and my
                                         family,"  LeVert  said  during  Indiana  expected  LeVert  to
            Team  officials  made  the  an-  his  introductory  news  con-  replace Oladipo in the start-
            nouncement  Tuesday  and  ference  last  week.  “I'm  just  ing lineup as well as provide
            said the 26-year-old LeVert is  very grateful for the support  some  scoring  punch  as  last
            expected to make a full recov-  I’ve  received  not  only  from  season's top scorer, T.J. War-
            ery. The Pacers said no addi-  the players but from the front  ren,  recovers  from  foot  sur-
            tional treatment is needed.  office and the fans. It’s going  gery.
                                         to be a crazy recovery as well,
            Doctors  found  the  small  but  I  think  myself  and  the  The  Pacers  have  again  been
            mass during a routine, post-  Pacers  are  really  optimistic  hit hard by injuries this sea-
            trade  physical  and  immedi-  about the future."         sosn.                        been playing with a fractured  “I  didn’t  have  any  symp-
            ately  conducted  additional                                                           right hand.                  toms. I was playing in games,
            tests.  LeVert  was  part  of  the  LeVert  spent  his  first  4  1/2  In addition to the absences of               hadn’t missed any games yet,"
            blockbuster  deal  that  sent  seasons  with  the  Nets  after  LeVert  and  Warren,  All-Star  While  getting  LeVert  back  LeVert  said.  “In  a  way,  this
            James Harden from Houston  the Pacers selected him in the  forward  Domantas  Sabonis  healthy certainly would help  trade  definitely  showed  and
            to  Brooklyn  then  was  dealt  first round of the 2016 NBA  sat  out  the  final  three  quar-  solidify  the  lineup.  neither  revealed  what  was  going  on
            by the Rockets to Indiana for  draft.                     ters of Monday's victory over  president  of  basketball  op-  in my body so I’m definitely
            Victor Oladipo.                                           Toronto with a bruised knee.  erations Kevin Pritchard nor  looking at it from that side of
                                         After  a  solid  rookie  season,  Center  Myles  Turner,  who  LeVert  has  established  a  po-  it  and  this  trade  could  have
            The  Pacers  said  LeVert  was  his scoring average increased  leads the NBA in blocks, has  tential timetable for a return.  saved me in the long run."

                          Nebraska backup QB Luke McCaffrey enters transfer portal

            (AP)  —  Nebraska  backup  quar-    tered  the  transfer  portal  after  returned as starter for the final four  the future.”
            terback Luke McCaffrey has en-      starting  two  games  and  appear-  games as the Huskers finished 3-5.
                                                ing in five others last season, the                                     Two  of  his  teammates  also  entered
                                                school's athletic department con-   McCaffrey completed 48 of 76 passes  the portal this week — backup offen-
                                                firmed Tuesday.                     for 466 yards and one touchdown and  sive lineman Will Farniok and receiv-
                                                                                    rushed  65  times  for  364  yards  and  er Kade Warner, son of Hall of Fame
                                                The  brother  of  NFL  star  Christian  three  TDs.  He  was  on  the  sideline  quarterback Kurt Warner.
                                                McCaffrey  nearly  beat  out  Adrian  in street clothes for the final game at
                                                Martinez for the Cornhuskers' start-  Rutgers.                          The Huskers' top playmaker, receiver
                                                ing job last fall, and coach Scott Frost                                Wan'Dale Robinson, entered the por-
                                                in  November  called  the  redshirt  “After  struggling  with  this  decision  tal after the season and announced his
                                                freshman "the future” at quarterback.  for  weeks,  I  have  decided  to  enter  transfer to Kentucky the same week.
                                                                                    the  transfer  portal  and  explore  my
                                                McCaffrey  replaced  an  ineffective  options,”  McCaffrey  tweeted.  “I  am  The  departure  of  McCaffrey  leaves
                                                Martinez as the starter for the third  thankful  for  the  support  Nebraska  Nebraska  with  three  scholarship
                                                game,  a  win  over  Penn  State,  but  fans have shown me. I have so much  quarterbacks, Martinez and freshmen
                                                committed  four  turnovers  in  a  loss  love  for  my  coaches  and  teammates  Logan Smothers and Heinrich Haar-
                                                to  Illinois  the  next  week.  Martinez  from my time here. I am excited for  berg.
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