Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210127
P. 29

                                                                                         world news Diaranson 27 Januari 2021

                        Navalny ally vows to press for his freedom despite crackdown

            (AP) — A top ally of Alex-   different regions in the after-  Voting”  that  is  designed  to  parliamentary vote, a key for  unknown.”
            ei  Navalny  vowed  Tues-    math of the protests, mostly  promote candidates who are  the Kremlin as it will deter-
            day  to  keep  up  the  fight  on  the  charges  of  violence  most  likely  to  defeat  those  mine who controls the State  She cited an example of po-
            to  free  the  jailed  Russian  against police, Russia's Inves-  from  the  dominant  ruling  Duma in 2024. That’s when  lice  officers  unexpectedly
            opposition leader and his  tigative Committee said.       party.                       Putin’s  current  term  expires  showing  up  at  her  home  10
            battle  to  influence  this                                                            and he is expected to seek re-  minutes  before  the  news
            year's parliamentary elec-   Dozens  of  Navalny  associ-  In  2019,  the  project  helped  election,  thanks  to  constitu-  conference.
            tion despite a government  ates  in  various  cities  were  candidates backed by Naval-  tional reforms last year.
            crackdown on nationwide  detained before the protests,  ny win 20 of 45 seats on the                                Almost proving her point, an
            protests  and  its  attempts  including Sobol, his spokes-  Moscow city council, and re-  On  Thursday,  a  court  is  official interrupted the event
            to create a climate of fear.  woman  Kira  Yarmysh  and  gional elections last year saw  scheduled  to  hear  an  appeal  minutes later, trying to serve
                                         longtime  ally  Georgy  Al-  United Russia lose its major-  on the ruling to jail Navalny.  a subpoena to a Navalny ally
            U.S.  officials  said  President  burov.  Sobol  was  released  ity in legislatures in three cit-  When asked about a possible  who wasn't there.
            Joe  Biden  raised  concerns  within hours and ordered to  ies.                        outcome, Sobol said that “we
            about Navalny's arrest in his  pay a fine, while Yarmysh and                           do  live  in  an  unpredictable  “I (didn't do it) on purpose,
            call  Tuesday  with  Russian  Alburov were jailed for nine  Analysts  believe  Navalny  is  country;  what  will  happen  they come on their own,” So-
            President  Vladimir  Putin,  and 10 days each.            capable  of  influencing  the  next and tomorrow is literally  bol said with a chuckle.
            and the G7 foreign ministers
            also  criticized  the  jailing  of  “Putin is trying to stop people
            Navalny and the demonstra-   from protesting and fighting
            tors demanding his release.  for  their  rights  through  fear
                                         and  criminal  probes,”  Sobol
            Lawyer and politician Lyubov  said.  “We  can  only  continue
            Sobol told a news conference  our  work  in  these  circum-
            that  Navalny's  Foundation  stances.”
            for Fighting Corruption and
            his  team's  regional  offices  The crackdown continued to
            will continue to operate even  bring  international  outrage.
            amid the “arrests of our fol-  The  top  diplomats  of  the
            lowers and allies, open crimi-  United  States,  Britain,  Can-
            nal  probes  (and)  criminal  ada,  France  Germany,  Italy
            probes that are yet to come."  and Japan, as well as the high
                                         representative  of  the  Euro-
            Sobol, herself under investi-  pean Union, condemned the
            gation on criminal charges of  “politically  motivated  arrest
            trespassing that she insists are  and  detention”  of  Navalny
            bogus,  said  she  is  not  afraid  and  said  they  were  “deeply
            of being arrested and doesn't  concerned  by  the  detention
            plan to leave the country.   of thousands of peaceful pro-
                                         testers and journalists.”
            “It would be hard to say that
            I'm  prepared  for  it,  but  si-  The Kremlin had earlier dis-
            lence,  fear  and  indifference  missed  Western  criticism  as
            are more dangerous," she told  interfering  with  Russia’s  in-
            reporters.                   ternal affairs.

            Navalny,  President  Vladimir  Navalny's team has called for
            Putin's fiercest critic, was ar-  more demonstrations on Jan.
            rested  and  jailed  earlier  this  31 and Feb. 2, when a court
            month after returning to Rus-  is scheduled to consider mo-
            sia from Germany, where he  tions to convert his suspend-
            had spent nearly five months  ed sentence into a real prison
            recovering from a poisoning  term.
            with a deadly nerve agent that
            he  blames  on  the  Kremlin.  Even if he is sent to prison,
            Russian authorities deny the  his  supporters  won't  be  de-
            accusations.                 terred, Sobol said, citing the
                                         political goals of stopping the
            The politician faces a prison  Kremlin's party, United Rus-
            term,  with  authorities  ac-  sia,  in  the  upcoming  parlia-
            cusing  him  of  violating  the  mentary balloting.
            terms  of  a  2014  conviction
            for fraud, a prosecution that  “There are lots of plans and
            he says was politically moti-  tasks  for  the  nearest  future,
            vated.                       (as  well  as)  midterm  and
                                         longterm  (ones),  and  every-
            On  Saturday,  nearly  4,000  one understands what needs
            people  were  detained  across  to  be  done  both  tomorrow,
            Russia  during  nationwide  and a month from now, and
            protests  that  drew  tens  of  half a year from now," Sobol
            thousands  demanding  Na-    said. “One of the main goals
            valny's  release,  according  to  is to ... destroy the monopoly
            OVD-Info,  a  human  rights  of United Russia in the par-
            group that monitors political  liamentary  election  that  will
            arrests.                     take place this September.”

            Authorities   launched   20  Navalny  has  launched  a
            criminal  investigations  in  campaign  known  as  “Smart
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