Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210127
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A28    u.s. news
                 Diaranson 27 Januari 2021

                             Tornado leaves path of destruction in Alabama, killing 1

                                                                                                   family was trapped for about
                                                                                                   20  minutes  until  neighbors  Police  blocked  intersections
                                                                                                   helped  free  them,  surviving  leading to the hardest hit ar-
                                                                                                   with only bumps and bruises.  eas  of  Fultondale,  a  suburb
                                                                                                   “Other  than  that,  God  had  that’s  home  to  about  9,000
                                                                                                   his mighty hands on us."     people. Downed power lines
                                                                                                                                and debris closed part of In-
                                                                                                   A broken pipe spewed water  terstate  65  while  workers
                                                                                                   into the air Tuesday morning  removed  the  obstacles,  said
                                                                                                   as Williams and some volun-  James Coker, the director of
                                                                                                   teers  helped  free  their  dog  the  Jefferson  County  Emer-
                                                                                                   Smokey  from  the  remains  gency  Management  Agency.
                                                                                                   of  the  basement  where  the  A  Hampton  Inn  hotel  also
                                                                                                   animal had been trapped. He  sustained  significant  struc-
                                                                                                   climbed  down  a  ladder  and  tural damage.
                                                                                                   was able to hoist the dog to
                                                                                                   safety.                      “The  people  of  Fultondale
                                                                                                                                took a hard hit last night —
                                                                                                   “I’m  just  so  proud  that  I’m  grieved  over  the  loss  of
                                                                                                   Smokey  is  OK.  One  of  my  life, injuries, homes & dam-
                                                                                                   daughters  had  some  guinea  aged  businesses,"  Alabama
                                                                                                   pigs and the other one had a  Gov. Kay Ivey said on Twitter.
                                                                                                   turtle. and I can't find them. I  “I offer my prayers & deepest
                                                                                                   just found part of the guinea  sympathies & pledge the full
                                                                                                   pig cage,” he said.          support & resources our state
                                                                                                                                has  to  offer.  I  am  with  you,
                                                                                                   Fultondale  Fire  Chief  Jus-  Fultondale!”
                                                                                                   tin McKenzie said 18 of the
                                                                                                   30  people  injured  had  to  go  Weather  service  crews  made
                                                                                                   to  hospital.  Six  others  were  a  preliminary  finding  that
                                                                                                   pulled uninjured from dam-   Monday night’s tornado was
                                                                                                   aged   structures   Tuesday  at  least  a  high  EF-2  with
                                                                                                   morning.                     135  mph  (217  k/ph)  winds
            (AP)  —  A  teenager  shel-  of  Matchbox  cars.  One  car  cherished belongings.                                   but emphasized that surveys
            tering in his basement was  landed  upside  down  against                              The  county's  emergency  were ongoing.
            killed  and  several  family  tree branches on a large pile  Across  the  street  from  the  management agency tweeted
            members  were  critically  of debris.                     Herrings,  the  tornado  de-  that several schools would be  Fultondale  also  caught  the
            injured  when  a  tornado                                 stroyed the home of the Wil-  closed Tuesday for both tra-  tail end of an EF- 4 tornado
            blew a tree onto their Ala-  The  teen  was  pronounced  liams family, and even dam-   ditional and remote students.  that  ripped  across  Alabama
            bama  home,  police  said  dead  at  the  scene  Tuesday  aged  part  of  the  basement                             from Tuscaloosa to northern
            Tuesday.                     morning,  and  several  of  his  tornado  shelter  where  Jason  The  school  superintendent  Jefferson  County  on  April
                                         family  members  were  criti-  Williams rode out the storm  said  the  system  is  trying  to  27,  2011,  killing  65  people
            Many  others  narrowly  es-  cally  injured  when  their  with  his  wife  and  two  teen  determine  how  many  stu-  and  injuring  1,500  along  a
            caped  with  their  lives.  At  home  collapsed,  trapping  daughters.  He  said  he  woke  dents may be homeless now.  damage  path  more  than  80
            least 30 people were injured  them  in  the  basement,  Ful-  them  up  after  hearing  the  Fultondale High School was  miles  (130  kilometers)  long,
            as  the  twister  carved  a  10-  tondale  police  Chief  D.P.  tornado  siren  and  they  felt  so  heavily  damaged  that  he  according  to  the  National
            mile  (16  kilometer)  path  of  Smith said.              their ears pop from the pres-  doubts students can return to  Weather Service.
            destruction Monday night in                               sure  change  as  they  rushed  classrooms this year.
            the northern suburbs of Bir-  “They were doing what they  inside.                                                   “Sadly,  here  in  Fultondale
            mingham,  an  area  severely  were supposed to be doing,’′                             “Every building on this cam-  we are very experienced with
            damaged  by  a  much  larger  the  chief  said.  The  14-year-  “As soon as we got in there it  pus had been touched,” Gon-  this kind of thing,” fire chief
            tornado a decade ago.        old  killed  was  in  the  ninth  hit, and it all came down on  soulin said.           McKenzie said.
                                         grade, according to Jefferson  top of us,” Williams said. The
            “We ran in the bathroom, got  County Schools Superinten-
            down in the tub and covered  dent Walter Gonsoulin.
            over  with  some  towels  and
            then in about two minutes it  Search  and  rescue  efforts
            was all over,” said Tim Her-  continued  in  neighborhoods
            ring,  who  said  he  and  his  where  it  was  difficult  to  tell
            wife Patti had just moments  where  houses  had  stood.
            to prepare.                  Across  the  wrecked  land-
                                         scape, every visible structure
            “I  had  to  push  a  bunch  of  was  damaged  or  destroyed.
            boards  off  of  me  and  some  Pieces of buildings and chil-
            sheetrock.  We  got  out  and  dren's toys and clothing were
            my wife said, ‘We don’t have  scattered across the hilly ter-
            a roof.’ I walked in the hall-  rain  littered  with  broken
            way  and  said,  ‘We  ain’t  got  trees. Utility lines had fallen
            no walls either.’ I said, ‘We’re  on  roads.  Some  houses  had
            lucky to be alive, Patti,’” Tim  entire  roofs  missing.  The
            Herring said.                sound  of  chainsaws  sliced
                                         through the air and a helicop-
            Pieces  of  buildings,  furni-  ter circled overhead.
            ture,  appliances  and  trees
            were  strewn  about  and  ve-  Patti Herring was shaken and
            hicles  came  to  rest  in  awk-  teary  as  she  picked  through
            ward  positions,  as  if  a  child  the debris looking for a miss-
            had  scattered  a  collection  ing cat and her late mother's
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