Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210127
P. 30

A30     world news
                 Diaranson 27 Januari 2021

                          Lebanon surpasses record daily virus deaths amid protests

                                                                                                   ished, for the second straight  demic  and  restrictions  im-
                                                                                                   day demanding an end to the  posed to combat it.
                                                                                                   lockdown  and  questioning
                                                                                                   the  government’s  manage-   The  country's  currency  has
                                                                                                   ment  of  what  some  called  a  tumbled,  losing  over  80%
                                                                                                   contrived health crisis.     of its value. Banks have im-
                                                                                                                                posed controls on withdraw-
                                                                                                   Protesters  pelted  govern-  als  and  transfers  to  protect
                                                                                                   ment offices with stones and  dwindling  foreign  reserves.
                                                                                                   blocked  a  main  square.  The  Unemployment  and  infla-
                                                                                                   army  was  deployed  to  con-  tion have skyrocketed.
                                                                                                   tain the rioters, who torched
                                                                                                   a vehicle parked in the area,  Lebanon’s  ruling  class  has
                                                                                                   according  to  Lebanon’s  Na-  faced  rising  popular  anger
                                                                                                   tional News Agency .         since  Lebanese  took  to  the
                                                                                                                                streets in the largest-ever na-
                                                                                                   Dozens also gathered in cen-  tionwide protests in October
                                                                                                   tral Beirut, blocking two ma-  2019. Demonstrators accused
                                                                                                   jor thoroughfares in the city's  them  of  mismanaging  and
                                                                                                   east  and  north.  Protesters  robbing  the  country  of  its
                                                                                                   also burned tires and blocked  resources and driving it into
                                                                                                   the highway between Beirut  poverty.  The  protests  died
                                                                                                   and the south.               down in part because of the
                                                                                                                                pandemic  but  also  because
            (AP)  —  Lebanon  hit  a                                  January  to  fight  the  virus'  In  the  eastern  Bekaa  region,  the political class held on to
            new daily record for CO-     Daily  infections  have  soared  spread  have  been  criticized  smoke and fire rose above the  power and divisions emerged
            VID-19  fatalities  Tues-    in  recent  weeks  and  hospi-  by many as coming too late,  highway  linking  the  area  to  among the demonstrators.
            day,  registering  73  deaths  tals have struggled with CO-  particularly after the govern-  the capital as dozens of pro-
            as  protesters  took  to  the  VID-19  patients,  reporting  ment  relaxed  previous  re-  testers burned tires and trash  Meanwhile,   the   cash-
            streets for a second day to  near  full  occupancy  in  ICU  strictions to allow for holiday  canisters.            strapped  government  wasn't
            denounce strict lockdown  beds.  Nearly  286,000  infec-  season  spending  from  visit-                            prepared  to  provide  assis-
            measures  put  in  place  to  tions  have  been  recorded  ing expats. Many saw the re-  “The  street  is  exploding  tance  for  struggling  busi-
            curb  an  exhausting  surge  since last February.         laxation as the reason for the  again,” read the lead into the  nesses or the unemployed. A
            in infections.                                            worsening of a surge in infec-  evening news bulletin on the  massive  explosion  last  sum-
                                         To respond to the crisis, the  tions already in full swing in  private LBC TV station.  mer  in  Beirut  Port  killed
            The  health  ministry  said  government imposed a near-   December.                                                 over 200 people and injured
            the  number  of  virus-relat-  ly  month-long  nationwide                              Lebanon, a country of nearly  thousands,  causing  severe
            ed  deaths,  which  in  a  day  lockdown, the strictest since  On  Tuesday,  dozens  of  pro-  5 million and over 1 million  destruction  in  the  city  and
            climbed above 60 for the first  the virus hit Lebanon.    testers  took  to  the  streets  in  refugees,  is  going  through  worsening  economic  condi-
            time, reached nearly 2,500 in                             Tripoli,  Lebanon’s  second  an  unprecedented  economic  tions.
            the small country.           Measures in place since mid-  largest city and most impover-  crisis that preceded the pan-

                               Israeli military chief warns of new plans to strike Iran

            (AP)  —  Israel's  military  nuclear weapon. It welcomed  ing  ones,”  he  said.  “We  are
            chief   Tuesday    warned  the  Trump  administration's  taking care of these plans and  Tensions  around  Iran  have  Iran  has  also  increased  its
            the  Biden  administration  withdrawal  from  the  agree-  will develop them during the  steadily  increased.  During  military  drills,  including  fir-
            against rejoining the 2015  ment in 2018.                 coming year. Those who de-   Trump’s  final  days  as  presi-  ing cruise missiles as part of
            Iran  nuclear  deal,  even  if                            cide on carrying them out, of  dent,  Tehran  seized  a  South  a  naval  drill  in  the  Gulf  of
            it toughens its terms, add-  Biden  has  said  he  will  seek  course, are the political lead-  Korean oil tanker and begun  Oman this month.
            ing he's ordered his forces  to revive the deal, with some  ers.  But  these  plans  have  to  enriching  uranium  closer  to
            to  step  up  preparations  changes.                      be on the table."            weapons-grade  levels,  while  Iran has missile capability of
            for  possible  offensive  ac-                                                          the U.S. has sent B-52 bomb-  up to 2,000 kilometers (1,250
            tion  against  Iran  during  In  his  address  to  the  Insti-  Just  hours  before  Kohavi  ers, the USS Nimitz aircraft  miles),  far  enough  to  reach
            the coming year.             tute  for  National  Security  spoke  against  a  deal,  Iran  carrier and a nuclear subma-  Israel and U.S. military bases
                                         Studies,  Kohavi  said  a  re-  prodded Biden to rejoin the  rine into the region.     in the region.
            The  comments  by  Lt.  Gen.  turn  to  the  deal,  even  with  atomic  accord.  “The  win-
            Aviv  Kohavi  came  as  Israel  some improvements, "is bad  dow of opportunity will not
            and  Iran  both  seek  to  put  operationally  and  it  is  bad  be open for long,” said Iran’s
            pressure  on  President  Joe  strategically.” He said allow-  Cabinet  spokesman  Ali  Ra-
            Biden ahead of his expected  ing  Iran  to  proceed  with  a  biei.
            announcement  on  his  ap-   nuclear  program  would  be
            proach  for  dealing  with  the  “an  unacceptable  threat  and  Israeli officials, including Ko-
            Iranian  nuclear  program.  In  will lead to nuclear prolifera-  havi, say that Iran is in a much
            Iran, leaders said they would  tion  across  the  region.”  Iran  weaker position than in 2015
            not  wait  indefinitely  for  says its nuclear program is for  after years of sanctions by the
            Biden to act.                peaceful purposes only.      Trump administration. They
                                                                      say that any new deal should
            The 2015 deal put curbs on  Kohavi  said  that  given  the  eliminate “sunset” provisions
            Iran's nuclear program in ex-  threat posed by Iran, Israel's  that  phase  out  certain  limits
            change for the easing of crip-  military  would  be  prepared  on  Iran's  nuclear  activities,
            pling  economic  sanctions.  to attack on its own if needed.  address  Iran's  long-range
            Israel  strongly  opposed  the                            missile program and its mili-
            deal, saying it did not include  “I instructed the army to pre-  tary involvement and support
            sufficient  safeguards  to  pre-  pare a number of operational  for Israel's enemies across the
            vent Iran from developing a  plans in addition to the exist-  region.
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