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                                                                                         world news Diamars 4 Januari 2022

                        Hong Kong news site to shut; pro-Beijing lawmakers sworn in

            (AP)  —  A  group  of  law-                               have fled.
            makers  loyal  to  China's  The  outlet  is  the  third  to
            Communist  Party  were  close  in  recent  months,  fol-  Meanwhile,  new  laws  have
            sworn  in  to  Hong  Kong's  lowing the shuttering of the  changed how Hong Kongers
            Legislature  on  Monday  territory's last pro-democracy  vote for their representatives,
            following    an    election  print newspaper, Apple Dai-  including a requirement that
            without  opposition  can-    ly, and the online site Stand  any who seek office must be
            didates,  as  yet  another  News.                         "patriots,"  effectively  bring-
            pro-democracy news out-      Citizen  News  was  founded  ing the body under Beijing's
            let  announced  it  could  in 2017 by a group of veteran  control.
            no  longer  operate  amid  journalists. The small site fo-  "What  we  understood  about
            a  growing  crackdown  on  cused  on  political  news  and  press freedom has changed a
            freedoms in the territory.   analysis pieces, as well as in-  lot," said Chris Yeung, found-
                                         vestigations — and in recent  er and chief writer at Citizen
            The  former  British  colony  months became a refuge for  News.
            that  was  returned  to  China  many  journalists  who  had
            in  1997  was  once  known  as  lost  their  jobs  when  other  Yeung said at a news confer-  Kwong, the project manager  for 50 years following Hong
            a haven for dissent and free-  outlets closed or faced other  ence on Monday that the trig-  at  the  Committee  for  Free-  Kong's 1997 handover.
            doms of the press and expres-  pressures.                 ger for their decision to shut  dom in Hong Kong.
            sion  not  seen  on  the  main-                           down was what happened to  She  said  that  although  Citi-  Hong  Kong  leader  Carrie
            land. But the central govern-  "With  Apple  Daily's  sudden  Stand  News. Last  week, au-  zen  News  had  not  been  Lam last week defended the
            ment in Beijing has clamped  closure  in  the  past  summer,  thorities  raided  Stand  News  contacted by authorities, she  raid  on  Stand  News,  tell-
            down in the last year, leading  the  journalism  majors  who  and arrested seven people —  views the closure as forced.   ing  reporters  that  "inciting
            to the closure of independent  were  originally  supposed  to  including editors and former                         other people ... could not be
            news outlets, the removal of  intern  with  them,  Citizen  board members — for alleg-  "I  think  in  general  the  clo-  condoned under the guise of
            monuments  to  dissent,  and  News made arrangements to  edly conspiring to publish se-  sures  …  are  basically  invol-  news reporting."
            a  poorly  attended  election  take them in, so that students  ditious material. Stand News  untarily  because  there's  this  The  only  remaining  inde-
            swept  by  pro-Beijing  politi-  wouldn't  lose  this  intern-  announced on the same day  fear that they cannot do real  pendent  news  media  with
            cians.                       ship opportunity," said Vivian  that it would cease to operate.  and  genuine  journalism  in  reach  in  the  city  are  Hong
                                         W.W.  Tam,  a  senior  lecturer                           the  current  political  envi-  Kong Free Press, an English-
            The founders of news outlet  at  the  Chinese  University  Two of Stand News' former  ronment  in  Hong  Kong,"  language  news  outlet,  and
            Citizen News said the news  of  Hong  Kong's  journalism  editors  who  were  arrested  said Kwong, an activist from  Initium,  a  Chinese-language
            site  will  stop  publishing  on  school, in a public Facebook  were  later  formally  charged  Hong Kong who now lives in  news outlet which moved its
            Tuesday. While they have re-  post. Tam declined to be in-  with sedition.             Germany.                     headquarters to Singapore in
            ceived no order to close, they  terviewed.                In  the  summer,  authorities                             August,  but  still  has  staff  in
            said Monday that deteriorat-                              forced  the  closure  of  Apple  The  Society  of  Publish-  the city.
            ing  media  freedoms  in  the  But a new sweeping National  Daily, the newspaper owned  ers in Asia, a group based in
            financial hub put them in an  Security Law — imposed on  by media tycoon and democ-    Hong Kong that hosts an an-  Citizen  News  likened  itself
            impossible position.         Hong Kong by China's cen-    racy  activist  Jimmy  Lai.  Lai  nual  journalism  award,  also  to  a  small  dinghy  in  rough
            "We all love this place, deeply.  tral Legislature — has made  is  currently  in  jail  and  was  said Monday it is concerned  waters.
            Regrettably,  what  was  ahead  independent  reporting  in-  newly charged with sedition  about pressures against inde-  "At  the  center  of  a  brewing
            of us is not just pouring rains  creasingly  dangerous.  Jour-  last week.             pendent media in the city.   storm, we found (ourselves)
            or blowing winds, but hurri-  nalists  and  political  activists                       The  U.S.  and  other  West-  in a critical  situation.  In the
            canes and tsunamis," Citizen  have been arrested under the  "I  fear  that  this  will  turn  ern  governments  have  con-  face of a crisis, we must en-
            News said in a statement on  law,  and  it  has  forced  civil  Hong  Kong  into  a  black  demned  the  limits  on  me-  sure  the  safety  and  well-be-
            Sunday,  when  it  announced  rights  groups  and  unions  to  box, that no one will be in-  dia  and  civil  freedoms  that  ing  of  everyone  who  are  on
            the closure.                 disband. Many more activists  formed,"  said  Chung  Ching  Beijing  promised  to  uphold  board," it said.

                                  Serbia praises another arms shipment from Russia

            (AP) — Serbia's president  recent  military  buildup  President  Aleksandar  Vucic                                  Vucic  said  on  Monday  that
            on Monday praised anoth-     could  lead  to  more  ten-  attended  a  training  exercise  Serbia  is  widely  blamed  for  Serbia  "remains  on  the  Eu-
            er shipment of arms from  sions  in  the  war-scarred  at  a  military  base  near  Bel-  triggering  a  bloody  breakup  ropean path," but also added
            Russia despite fears in the  European region.             grade  that  included  recently  of  Yugoslavia  in  the  1990s  that it will continue to "nour-
            Balkans that the country's                                purchased  anti-tank  Kornet  with  its  nationalist  policies.  ish" its friendly ties with Rus-
                                                                      guided missiles.             The country lately has armed  sia and China.
                                                                                                   itself mostly with Russian and
                                                                      "I am pleased that our soldiers  Chinese  warplanes,  drones  To join the EU, Serbia needs
                                                                      are happy about the purchase  and anti-aircraft systems.  the support of all EU mem-
                                                                      of Kornets from Russia," Vu-                              ber nations, but the govern-
                                                                      cic said. "It is one of probably  In  recent  months,  Russia  ment  has  maintained  frosty
                                                                      the best anti-tank weapons in  has handed over to Serbia 30  relations  with  fellow  Balkan
                                                                      the world."                  battle  tanks  and  30  armored  country Croatia, the last new
                                                                      "The Kornet is an important  personnel carriers. Serbia has  member  admitted  into  the
                                                                      defensive  tool  to  deter  any-  also  recently  purchased  so-  bloc.
                                                                      one  from  potential  aggres-  phisticated  Russian  Pantsir
                                                                      sion  against  our  country,  "  air defense systems, as well as  Croatia,  which  is  also  a
                                                                      Vucic said.                  attack and transport helicop-  member  of  NATO,  is  in  a
                                                                                                   ters and Chinese drones.     mini  arms  race  with  Serbia,
                                                                      Serbia  has  frequently  been                             which  has  recently  received
                                                                      accused of saber-rattling and  Although  formally  seeking  six used MiG-29 fighter jets
                                                                      working with Slavic ally Rus-  European  Union  member-   from  Russia  and  four  more
                                                                      sia  to  destabilize  neighbor-  ship,  Serbia  has  refused  to  of  the  type  from  Belarus.
                                                                      ing Bosnia, Montenegro and  align its foreign policies with  In  November,  the  Croatian
                                                                      Kosovo,  a  former  Serbian  the  27-nation  bloc  and  has  government  announced  the
                                                                      province  which  declared  in-  instead  strengthened  its  alli-  purchase of 12 Rafale fighter
                                                                      dependence in 2008.          ance with Russia and China.  jets from France.
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