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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 4 Januari 2022

                             Man United labors to worrying first loss under Rangnick

            (AP)  —  Ralf  Rangnick  is  stitute  Mason  Greenwood
            beginning  to  understand  just before the hour.
            just how big a job he has  "I didn't feel when I was on
            taken  on  at  Manchester  the  pitch  that  we  were  all
            United.                      there  together,"  said  United
                                         left  back  Luke  Shaw,  who
            His  players  are  already  be-  complained  of  a  lack  of  op-
            coming dispirited, too.      tions on the ball and aggres-
            Rangnick fell to his first loss  sion off it.
            as United manager after Joao
            Moutinho's     82nd-minute  Shaw went on to paint a bleak
            strike  earned  Wolverhamp-  picture of life in a squad that
            ton a 1-0 win in the English  includes   world-renowned
            Premier League on Monday,  players  Cristiano  Ronaldo,
            and his team's first victory at  Marcus  Rashford  and  Bru-
            Old Trafford since 1980.     no  Fernandes,  the  latter  of
                                         whom started on the bench.
            Outplayed  for  much  of  the  "You  look  at  our  team,  the
            game, United's players looked  players  we  have,  we  have
            like they would survive for a  unbelievable  quality,"  Shaw
            point  until  Moutinho  met  a  said. "Sometimes quality isn't
            defensive  headed  clearance  enough. We need to bring the
            by controlling the ball at the  intensity, be more aggressive,
            edge of the area and driving  and bring more motivation.
            in a volley that rolled just in-  "Maybe  from  the  outside  it
            side the post.               didn't look like we had any of  ley. Wolves was the first team  made  his  first  clearance  and  a big ambition."
                                         them three."                 from  the  top  half  to  play  he barely put a foot wrong.
            This  was  the  toughest  test  United  stayed  in  seventh  Rangnick's United and there  Jones  couldn't  mark  his  re-  Fernandes had been the play-
            of  Rangnick's  opening  six  place,  22  points  off  leader  was a gulf in class and team  turn  with  a  clean  sheet,  er to come on for Greenwood
            matches in charge and Unit-  Manchester City and four off  shape.                      though, and it was his clear-  and,  within  minutes,  struck
            ed at times couldn't get near  the  top  four  after  the  most  United's new coach was sup-  ance that was pounced on by  the  crossbar  with  United's
            Wolves,  whose  passing  and  worrying  display  yet  under  posed to bring a better press-  Moutinho for the goal, which  best chance. Cristiano Ronal-
            movement was sharper in its  Rangnick.                    ing  game  to  the  team,  but  made him the oldest visiting  do, making his 1,100th senior
            first game in two weeks fol-                              that isn't apparent yet.     player at 35 to score a winner  career appearance, also had a
            lowing  COVID-19  issues  "We  didn't  play  well  at  all,                            in the Premier League at Old  goal  for  United  disallowed
            in the squad. Wolves had 19  individually  or  collectively,"  "We didn't press at all," Rang-  Trafford.           for offside.
            shots in total, with the 15 in  said  the  German,  adding:  nick said. "We weren't able to
            the  first  half  the  most  by  a  "The  game  showed  we  still  get  in  pressing  situations  ...  Wolves  goalkeeper  Jose  Sa  "We  have  time  to  refocus
            visiting team at Old Trafford  have a lot of work to do."  this is the big issue."     preserved  his  shutout  with  back," Shaw said, referring to
            since  the  league's  statistic  Rangnick  has  had  a  benign  A  positive  for  United  was  a  a  diving  save  to  his  right  to  the gap to United's next game
            supplier, Opta, began record-  start  on  paper  after  arriv-  first start in nearly two years  keep  out  Bruno  Fernandes'  — at home to Aston Villa in
            ing stats in 2003.           ing as a replacement for the  in  all  competitions  for  Phil  free kick with one of the last  the  FA  Cup  next  Monday.
                                         fired  Ole  Gunnar  Solskjaer,  Jones, a former England cen-  acts of the game.        "We've  got  a  long  training
            There  were  murmurings  of  with three of his four previ-  ter  back  who  has  struggled  "We  came  here  with  a  big  week. And maybe the manag-
            discontent  from  the  home  ous  league  opponents  being  with  a  longstanding  right  personality," Wolves manager  er can bring some more ideas
            fans,  too,  with  some  jeering  the  bottom  three  of  Nor-  knee  injury.  He  was  given  Bruno Lage said. "Credit for  that he wants on the pitch."
            Rangnick's  decision  to  sub-  wich,  Newcastle  and  Burn-  a  rousing  ovation  when  he  my team. We came here with

                             Shiffrin returns to World Cup after recovering from virus

                                                                      (AP)  —  Mikaela  Shif-      Mike Day.                    lom  and  a  slalom  in  Lienz
                                                                      frin is set to return to the                              last week but remained in the
                                                                      women's  World  Cup  at  a  However,  Shiffrin's  Ameri-  lead of the overall World Cup
                                                                      slalom  on  Tuesday,  eight  can teammate, Nina O'Brien,  standings,  93  points  ahead
                                                                      days  after  she  announced  is  among  a  group  of  racers  of  Sofia  Goggia.  The  Italian
                                                                      she  tested  positive  for  missing Tuesday's race as the  speed specialist, who has not
                                                                      COVID-19 and was forced  coronavirus  is  increasingly  competed  in  slalom  for  five
                                                                      out of two technical races  affecting the women's circuit,  years, is absent in Croatia.
                                                                      in Austria last week.        less  than  five  weeks  before
                                                                                                   the Beijing Olympics.        Petra Vlhova, who is Shiffrin's
                                                                      Shiffrin had a negative test on                           main rival in slalom, won the
                                                                      Monday afternoon before the  The  group  sidelined  for  race in Austria last week and
                                                                      American's  name  appeared  Tuesday's  race  also  includes  increased  her  lead  over  the
                                                                      on the official start list for the  at  least three  Swiss  skiers  --  American  in  the  discipline
                                                                      race released by the Interna-  Camille Rast, Aline Danioth  standings to 120 points after
                                                                      tional Ski Federation.       and  Mélanie  Meillard  --  as  four of nine races.
                                                                      "See you tomorrow, Zagreb,"  well as two Austrians, a Nor-  Vlhova,  who  will  open  the
                                                                      Shiffrin wrote on Instagram.  wegian, and an Italian.     slalom  on  Tuesday,  has  won
                                                                                                   One of the Austrians, Franzis-  the floodlit race in Zagreb for
                                                                      Shiffrin,  who  has  won  the  ka Gritsch, said in November  the past two years.
                                                                      event four times since 2013,  it was her "personal decision"
                                                                      will wear bib No. 7. The first  not to get vaccinated against  No spectators will be allowed
                                                                      run starts at 12:30 p.m. local  the coronavirus. She was not  at the race on the outskirts of
                                                                      time  (1130  GMT);  the  sec-  allowed to travel to the Nov.  the  Croatian  capital,  which
                                                                      ond  run  at  4:05  p.m.  (1505  27-28  tech  races  in  Killing-  usually  is  among  the  best-
                                                                      GMT),  and  this  course  will  ton, Vermont, for that reason.  visited races on the women's
                                                                      be  set  by  Shiffrin's  coach,  Shiffrin  missed  a  giant  sla-  calendar.
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