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A32 sports
Diamars 4 Januari 2022
Arians: No regrets about giving AB chance to revive career
claimed he was too injured to conduct policy. At the time, with a fake card, and had 10
play, Arians replied: "We had Brown was also facing a civil catches for 101 yards in a win
a conversation and he left the lawsuit filed by a woman who over Carolina.
field." accused him of sexual assault. He had three reception for 26
yards against the Jets, finish-
Asked what specifically was "I took a lot of time off from ing the season with 42 catch-
said that might move Brown the game to re-evaluate my- es for 545 yards and four Tds.
to react the way he did, the self, to look within, to get a
coach added: "You have to ask better perspective of myself An impressive streak of six
him, brother. I don't have a and work on myself within consecutive seasons with at
clue." and without," Brown said in least 100 catches and 1,000
November 2020. yards receiving ended when
"I just hope the best for him," Brady welcomed Tampa Bay's Brown forced his way out of
Arians said, while shedding decision to give Brown a Pittsburgh and then almost
little light on what led to chance and allowed the four- immediately fell out of favor
Brown taking off his jersey, time All Pro to stay with him in Oakland, which acquired
shoulder pads, undershirt in a home the quarterback him in a trade in March 2019.
and gloves before walking off was renting from baseball
during the third quarter of Hall of Famer Derek Jeter. The receiver signed with
Sunday's 28-24 victory. "I won't say I'm a different New England after a tumul-
person, but I'm a better per- tuous short stay with the
(AP) — Antonio Brown's fusing to go back in because Arians added he has no re- son," the receiver said then. Raiders ended with Brown
latest messy departure of an ankle injury that side- grets about giving the often- "Learning a lot about myself, demanding and being grant-
from an NFL team, the lined him for several weeks. troubled receiver an op- working on myself for a year ed his release during training
Buccaneers, did not in- portunity to play with Tom and a half, I think I'm a better camp. By that time, the Raid-
clude the wide receiver Twice, Arians was asked Brady and revive a career person." ers had voided guaranteed
telling coaches he was too about Brown claiming he derailed by on- and off-the- money in Brown's contract
injured to re-enter the was hurt. Both times, the field issues — even though it Several members of Arians' after an eventful summer
game Sunday at the Jets, coach answered "No," that ended in such a bizarre fash- staff in Tampa Bay, including with the team began with
coach Bruce Arians said Brown didn't tell him he was ion. Tampa Bay was Brown's offensive coordinator Byron Brown, among other things,
Monday. injured. third team since his last full Leftwich, also worked with missing a number of prac-
season in the NFL with the Brown early in the receiver's tices because of frost-bitten
Yes, the Buccaneers are mov- "It's pretty obvious what hap- Pittsburgh Steelers in 2018. career. Brown said he felt feet attributed to not wear-
ing on from Brown, whose pened. He left the field and those relationships would ing proper footwear during a
NFL career is on hold yet that was it," Arians said, de- The 33-year-old Brown also help him make the most of cryotherapy session.
again. Arians dispelled the clining to elaborate on an had messy departures from the opportunity.
notion that Brown might exchange the coach said he Oakland and New England For a while, it worked. He also tangled with the
have stormed away — toss- had with the receiver on the — released before ever play- Brown had 45 receptions NFL and threatened to retire
ing some of his gear into the sideline. ing a game for the Raiders for 483 yards and four TDs if forced to wear a new hel-
stands and waving to fans at Pressed for details on what and then suiting up just once over the final eight games of met. He later was fined by
MetLife Stadium — after re- was said and whether Brown during a brief stay with the last season. He also contrib- the Raiders for what the team
Brady-led Patriots in 2019. uted during the playoffs and said were unexcused absenc-
"I wish him well. I hope if he caught a TD pass in the Bucs' es during camp.
needs help, get some," said Super Bowl win over Kansas Brown also had an ugly de-
Arians, who was Pittsburgh's City. parture from New England
offensive coordinator when after catching four passes for
the Steelers drafted Brown in He signed another one-year 56 yards and a touchdown in
the sixth round in 2010. "It's deal last May and was off to his only game with the Patri-
very hard because I do care a strong start when he was ots, who released him after
about him." sidelined with an ankle in- an ex-trainer accused the re-
jury at Philadelphia in mid- ceiver of sexual assault.
Brown hadn't played in the October.
NFL in more than 13 months Over 12 NFL seasons, Brown
when he signed with the Bucs Brown returned to the lineup has 928 receptions for 12,291
in October 2020 as he neared two weeks ago after serving yards and 83 touchdowns.
the end of an eight-game sus- a three-game suspension for He's caught a pass in his last
pension for multiple viola- misrepresenting his CO- 144 games, the longest active
tions of the NFL's personal VID-19 vaccination status streak in the league.
Sky Sports News off US television due to
NBCSN shutdown
(AP) — Sky Sports News cast rights to England's Pre- 1, 2019, after Comcast, the
has been dropped from mier League from Fox. SSN parent company of NBCU-
U.S. television following returned on March 1, 2019. niversal, took control of Sky.
the shutdown of the NBCUniversal shut down
NBC Sports Network. Premier League highlights the NBC Sports Network
are often broadcast on SSN, on Saturday, shifting many
SSN, the leading outlet of and Fox no longer had the Premier League broadcasts to
British and European soc- rights to show those clips. the USA Network.
cer news on U.S. television,
was broadcast on Fox Soc- NBC started airing simul- NBC Sports said Monday
cer Channel for many years, casts for one or two hours that SSN is not currently on
then was dropped when on most weekdays at 11 a.m. its broadcast or streaming
NBC took over U.S. broad- Eastern time starting March schedule.