Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220104
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A30 world news
Diamars 4 Januari 2022
British govt rushing tests to schools so classes can reopen
problem as schools prepare Thuringia, which had Ger-
to reopen. many's highest infection rate The government is also en-
"The availability of teachers in recent weeks, children will couraging local authorities,
and support staff is also a key start off the new term learn- in charge of financing public
pressure point for schools ing from home for at least schools, to buy carbon diox-
this term as the number of two days. From Wednesday ide monitors which provide
COVID cases continue to in- onward, schools will decide an alert when classrooms
crease," Roach said. themselves whether to stick need to get ventilated.
to online learning, bring chil- Italian schools are not sched-
Zahawi addressed the issue dren back to the classroom or uled to reopen until next
Monday, saying the govern- work with a mixture of the week, but already local lead-
ment continues to moni- two. ers are mulling possible de-
tor staff absences amid the lays given the surge in cases
pandemic. He told Sky that Over 12 million French in Italy.
absenteeism was around 8% children returned to school
last year. "If that rises further Monday, with new rules The governor of southern
then we look at things like aimed at slowing the spread Campania, Vincenzo De
(AP) – Schoolchildren re- necessary," he said. merging classes, teaching in of the virus. French children Luca, suggested Monday
turned to classes Monday British Education Secretary bigger numbers," he said. from the age of 6 have been that a 20-30 day delay to the
in parts of Europe, while Nadhim Zahawi told Sky Across Europe, schools were required to wear a face mask resumption of in-person
the British government News: "The priority is to reopening or preparing for in classrooms since Novem- schooling would allow for
pledged to rush ventila- keep schools open." another new term overshad- ber. the next peak in cases - ex-
tion units and enough He said testing, ventilation owed by the global pandemic. pected by the end of this
COVID-19 test kits to and other measures being If a child tests positive, all month - to pass, while giving
schools to ensure they, too, put in place would "make a Children returned to class other children in the same more time to increase vacci-
can reopen later this week big difference to schools this on Monday in several parts class must test negative three nations among students.
despite soaring infection year." of Germany, where patchy times in the next four days to "It isn't an ideal measure but
rates in the UK. testing and reporting over the stay at school. The first anti- it would allow us to resume
The highly transmissible holiday period means that the gen or PCR test must be per- in-person lessons quickly,
Secondary school students in omicron variant has caused level of infections was some- formed by a health profes- with greater serenity for stu-
England also will be required Britain's daily new caseload what uncertain. sional, followed by self-tests dents, families and school
to wear face masks when they to soar over Christmas and In Berlin, one of the states every two days, which are to staff," De Luca said. It wasn't
return to classes after the the New Year, with 157,758 where schools reopened, the be provided for free by phar- immediately clear if his sug-
Christmas holidays and they infections reported for Eng- local education minister said macies. gestion was a trial balloon or
could also face merged class- land and Scotland on Mon- daily testing for children will a real proposal.
es amid staffing shortages. day. Figures for Wales and be carried out this week. But The move comes amid re-
Northern Ireland were not Astrid-Sabine Busse told cord high infection numbers Caretaker Dutch Educa-
Prime Minister Boris John- released. RBB Inforadio that current fueled by the omicron vari- tion Minister Arie Slob said
son said the mask guidance is plans call for that to be re- ant, prompting a massive de- Monday that elementary and
intended to rein in transmis- Patrick Roach, general sec- duced to three tests per week mand for self-tests across the high school children will be
sion of the virus. retary of the British teachers' after that. country. allowed back to classrooms
"We don't want to keep them. union NASUWT, welcomed next Monday after a holiday
I don't like the idea of hav- news that more ventilation Testing "is already an abso- Pharmacists expressed con- that was extended to three
ing face masks in (the) class- units and testing kits would lute routine at school, before cerns Monday over possible weeks as part of a nationwide
room any more than anybody be available, but warned Sun- classes, and we want to keep shortages caused by the new lockdown that is set to con-
else does, but we won't keep day that the education in- it," she said. testing regime unveiled on tinue until Jan. 14.
them on a day more than is dustry has another pressing In the eastern state of Sunday.
Turkey's inflation hits a 19-year high of 36%
(AP) — Turkey's yearly regret that our citizens are savings. Addressing a group of ex- Inflation Research Group,
inflation climbed by the faced with such a picture," porters in a televised speech, made up of academics and
fastest pace in 19 years, Erdogan said in reference to Last month, Erdogan an- Erdogan said the figure former government officials,
jumping to 36.08% in Monday's inflation rate. "We nounced measures to safe- amounted to a 7.8% narrow- put the yearly inflation rate
December, official data are determined to break the guard lira deposits against ing of Turkey's trade deficit. at a much higher 83%. It
showed on Monday. neck of inflation and bring it volatility after the Turkish Turkey would revise its ex- said consumer prices rose by
back to single digits as soon as currency hit an all-time low port target for 2022 to $250 19.35% in December com-
The Turkish Statistical Insti- possible." of 18.36 against the dollar. billion, he added. pared with November.
tute said the consumer price The lira rebounded follow-
index increased by 13.58% in Inflation has been rising in ing the announcement but Meanwhile, the independent
December from the previous the country while the Turkish has since lost some of those
month, further eroding peo- lira has been slumping to re- gains. The lira depreciated by
ples' purchasing power. The cord lows after the country's around 44% against the dollar
yearly increase in food prices central bank — under pres- last year.
was 43.8%, the data showed. sure from Erdogan — cut a
key interest rate by 5 percent- Erdogan insists on lower-
The yearly inflation rate was age points in September. ing borrowing costs to boost
the highest since September growth, even though econo-
2002. President Recep Tayyip The weakened lira has made mists argue that higher inter-
Erdogan's ruling party came imports, fuel and everyday est rates is the way to tame
to power two months later, in items more expensive and soaring prices.
November 2002. has left many in the country Earlier on Monday, Erdo-
Speaking after a Cabinet of some 84 million strug- gan announced that Turkey's
meeting, Erdogan promised gling to buy food and other exports increased by 32.9%
a return to single-digit infla- basic goods. Many have been in 2021, to reach "a record"
tion. purchasing foreign curren- $225.4 billion.
"Whatever the reason, we cies and gold to protect their