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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 26 September 2022

                             Texas vow to 'eliminate all rapists' rings hollow at clinics

            (AP) — When Texas' new                                                                                              of  Public  Safety.  That  was
            abortion law made no ex-                                                                                            slightly  down  from  the  year
            ceptions  in  cases  of  rape,                                                                                      before and consistent with a
            Republican Gov. Greg Ab-                                                                                            decline in other violent crime
            bott  defended  it  with  an                                                                                        figures across the state.
            assurance:  Texas  would
            get  to  work  eliminating                                                                                          Crisis  centers  in  Texas  say
            rapes.                                                                                                              the  number  of  rape  victims
                                                                                                                                they've accompanied to hos-
            One year later, Lindsey LeB-                                                                                        pitals for  exams is rebound-
            lanc  is  busy  as  ever  helping                                                                                   ing  since  the  pandemic  re-
            rape victims in a college town                                                                                      strictions   kept   advocates
            outside Houston.                                                                                                    from entering. The Women's
                                                                                                                                Center  in  Fort  Worth  has
            The  constant  caseloads  in                                                                                        made more than 650 visits to
            Texas  are  another  example                                                                                        counsel  victims  undergoing
            of  how  Republicans  have                                                                                          exams in the past year com-
            struggled to defend zero-ex-                                                                                        pared to about 340 in the year
            ception abortion bans that are                                                                                      prior,  said  Alisha  Mathenia,
            unpopular  in  public  polling,                                                                                     the assistant director of crisis
            have caused uproar in high-                                                                                         services at the center.
            profile cases and are inviting
            political  risk  heading  into                                                                                      The  majority  of  sexual  as-
            November's  midterm  elec-                                incest or if the health of the  tions  were  banned  in  Texas  saults  are  never  reported  to
            tions. A year since Texas' law  Republican  U.S.  Sen.  Lind-  pregnant  person  is  endan-  except  if  it  would  save  a  police,  making  any  available
            went into effect in September  sey  Graham,  also  of  South  gered. Even Republicans are  mother's life.           data  an  incomplete  picture.
            2021,  at  least  a  dozen  states  Carolina, allowed exceptions  seeing it as a line with some                     And about 8 out of 10 sexual
            also have bans that make no  under the proposed national  voters.                      Asked what Abbott has done  assaults  are  committed  by  a
            exceptions in cases of rape or  abortion  ban  he  introduced                          in the past year to eliminate  person known to the victim,
            incest.                      last  week.  The  proposal  has  In  Texas,  the  blowback  was  rape,  spokeswoman  Renae  according to the Rape, Abuse
                                         virtually  no  chance  of  pass-  swift  when  Abbott  said  last  Eze  highlighted  older  mea-  & Incest National Network.
            The  absence  of  exceptions  ing,  with  even  GOP  leaders  September: "Texas will work  sures  to  clear  rape  test  kit
            has  caused  divisions  among  not  immediately  backing  it,  tirelessly  to  make  sure  that  backlogs, a law signed in June  At  The  SAFE  Alliance  in
            Republicans,  including  in  reflecting  how  Republicans  we eliminate all rapists from  aimed  at  coordinating  and  Austin,  where  sexual  as-
            West  Virginia,  where  a  new  have  broadly  struggled  to  the  streets."  Critics  called  it  expanding  sexual  assault  re-  sault  victims  can  get  exams
            law signed this month allows  navigate the issue of abortion  detached from reality. A sexu-  sources  and  a  task  force  his  and medical care at its Eloise
            a brief window for rape and  with  voters  since  the  U.S.  al assault hotline in Houston  office  launched  in  2019  to  House,  senior  director  Juli-
            incest victims to obtain abor-  Supreme  Court  overturned  has  answered  almost  4,800  address the issue.        ana Gonzales said it's admira-
            tions only if they report to law  Roe v. Wade this summer.  calls  through  August  this                            ble for Texas to work on rape
            enforcement  first.  Recently,                            year — putting it on track to  More than 14,000 rape crimes  prevention. "But I also think
            South  Carolina  Republicans  Overwhelming  majorities  of  exceed  last  year's  volume  of  have  been  reported  in  Tex-  it's important for the state to
            scuttled a proposed ban after  voters think their state should  4,843.                 as  since  the  law  took  effect  live in the reality that we have
            failing  to  get  enough  GOP  generally  allow  abortion  in                          last  year,  according  to  data  to respond to sexual assault,"
            support.                     specific cases, including rape,  As of this summer, all abor-  from  the  Texas  Department  she said.

                          Tropical Storm Ian strengthens as it heads to Cuba, Florida

            (AP)  —  Authorities  and                                                              coordinate disaster relief and
            residents  in  Florida  were                                                           provide  assistance  to  protect  John  Cangialosi,  a  senior
            keeping  a  cautious  eye                                                              lives and property. The presi-  hurricane  specialist  at  the
            on  Tropical  Storm  Ian                                                               dent  postponed  a  scheduled  Miami-based  center,  said  in
            as  it  rumbled  ominously                                                             Sept. 27 trip to Florida due to  an  interview  Sunday  that  it
            through the Caribbean on                                                               the storm.                   is not clear exactly where Ian
            Sunday,  likely  to  become                                                                                         will  hit  hardest  in  Florida.
            a  major  hurricane  on  its                                                           A  hurricane  warning  was  in  Residents should begin prep-
            path toward the state.                                                                 effect Sunday for Grand Cay-  arations, including gathering
                                                                                                   man and the Cuban provinc-   supplies  for  potential  power
            Gov.  Ron  DeSantis  has  de-                                                          es of Isla de Juventud, Pinar  outages, he said.
            clared  a  state  of  emergency                                                        del Rio and Artemisa.
            throughout    Florida   and
            urged residents to prepare for
            the storm to lash large swaths
            of the state with heavy rains,
            high winds and rising seas.  or early Monday and eventu-  United States later this week.
                                         ally  become  a  major  hurri-  The  agency  advised  Florid-
            Forecasters are still unsure of   cane before reaching western  ians  to  have  hurricane  plans
            exactly where Ian could make   Cuba.                      in place and monitor updates
            landfall, with current models                             of the storm’s evolving path.
            plotting  it  toward  Florida’s   Flash  and  urban  flooding
            west  coast  or  panhandle  re-  is  possible  in  the  Florida  President Joe Biden also de-
            gions, he said.              Keys  and  Florida  peninsula  clared  an  emergency,  autho-
                                         through  midweek  and  then  rizing  the  Department  of
            The  National  Hurricane     heavy  rainfall  was  possible  Homeland  Security  and  the
            Center said the tropical storm   for north Florida, the Florida  Federal Emergency Manage-
            was  expected  to  strengthen   panhandle and the southeast  ment  Agency,  or  FEMA,  to
            into a hurricane late Sunday
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