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A30     sports
                Dialuna 26 September 2022

                          Cards' Pujols hits 700th home run, 4th player to reach mark

            (AP)  —  Albert  Pujols                                                                                             surgent run for Pujols. This
            seemed  like  a  long  shot                                                                                         was his 14th home run since
            in  early  August  to  reach                                                                                        the start of August for the NL
            700 home runs, still more                                                                                           Central-leading   Cardinals,
            than a dozen swings from                                                                                            and his 21st of the season.
            the hallowed mark and his
            power stroke all but gone.                                                                                          Roberts marveled at the im-
                                                                                                                                probability  in  July  of  Pujols
            Or so it appeared.                                                                                                  making  history  in  late  Sep-
            Now  showing  the  pop  of
            his youth in the final weeks                                                                                        "I  wouldn't  doubt  him,  but
            of his career, the 42-year-old                                                                                      the stars seem to kind of have
            slugger  got  there  with  two                                                                                      to align for it to play out like
            long shots.                                                                                                         this,"  Roberts  said.  "I  don't
                                                                                                                                think Albert even thought it
            Pujols  hit  his  700th  home                                                                                       was a possibility."
            run,  connecting  for  his  sec-
            ond  drive  of  the  game  and                                                                                      Now, no one needs to won-
            becoming  the  fourth  player                                                                                       der whether Pujols would've
            in  major  league  history  to                                                                                      come  back  for  a  few  extra
            make  it  to  the  milestone  as                                                                                    swings next year had he fin-
            the St. Louis Cardinals rout-                                                                                       ished this season at 699 or so.
            ed the Los Angeles Dodgers
            11-0 Friday night.                                                                                                  Pujols took extra pleasure in
                                         more of sluggers, so to reach                                                          making  his  mark  at  Dodger
            Pujols  joined  Barry  Bonds   that 700-home run mark, it's                                                         Stadium,  where  he  said  he
            (762  homers),  Hank  Aaron   remarkable," Roberts said.                                                            regained his joy for the game
            (755) and Babe Ruth (714) in                                                                                        while  with  the  Dodgers  last
            one of baseball's most exclu-  A man wearing a blue Dodg-                                                           season.
            sive clubs.                  ers shirt with Hideo Nomo's
                                         No. 16 on the back snagged                                                             "It's  pretty  special,  especially
            "Don't get me wrong, I know   the 700th homer ball. He was                                                          with the Dodgers fans, to do
            where my places stand in this   whisked under the stands as                                                         it  here,"  Pujols  said.  "And,
            game,  but  since  Day  One   he clutched a black glove con-                                                        you get to see both sides, they
            when I made my debut, I was   taining  the  historic  souvenir                                                      get to enjoy this and to do it
            never  about  numbers,  never   ball  to  his  chest.  Prolonged                                                    in a Cardinals uniform is re-
            about chasing numbers," Pu-  negotiations  went  on  before                                                         ally special."
            jols said. "It was always about   the man was escorted out of
            winning  championships  and   Dodger  Stadium  flanked  by                                                          Pujols jogged around the bas-
            tried  to  get  better  in  these   10  security  personnel  and  ment of history."                                 es  smiling  all  the  way.  After
            games."                      into a waiting SUV.                                       A  37-year-old  Los  Angeles  crossing the plate and point-
                                                                      Stirring  up  images  of  his  man, Cesar Soriano, snagged  ing his fingers skyward, Pu-
            Dodgers manager Dave Rob-    "Souvenirs  are  for  the  fans,"  dominant  days  as  a  three-  No. 699. He turned the ball  jols went over to greet fellow
            erts gladly gushed about Pu-  Pujols said. "I don't have any  time  NL  MVP,  Pujols  hit  over  to  security  after  being  Dominican Republic and for-
            jols' accomplishment.        problem if they want to keep  No. 699 in the third inning,  told he could meet Pujols.  mer Dodgers star Adrian Bel-
                                         it. That's why the fans come  then launched No. 700 in the                             tre. They high-fived through
            "This is like the Mount Rush-  here,  to  have  a  special  mo-  fourth.               It's been a remarkable and re-  the protective netting.

                         Roger Federer retires after teaming with Nadal in last match

            (AP)  —  This  day,  this  4-6,  7-6  (2),  11-9)  did  not  entities’ farewells to Federer.  Nadal, then Tiafoe and Sock.  each  wearing  a  white  ban-
            match,  had  to  come,  of  matter, and were all so entire-                            And then Federer began cry-  danna,  blue  shirt  and  white
            course, for Roger Federer,  ly beside the point. The occa-  “It’s been a perfect journey,”  ing.  There  were  plenty  of  shorts  —  emerged  together
            and  for  tennis,  just  as  it  sion was, after all, about the  Federer  said.  “I  would  do  it  tears  to  go  around;  Nadal  from a tunnel leading out to
            inevitably  must  for  every  farewell itself. Or, better, the  all over again.”       wiped his own away, too.     the  black  court  for  the  last
            athlete in every sport.      farewells,  plural:  Federer’s                                                         match  on  Day  1  at  the  O2
                                         to tennis,  to the fans, to his  When the match and, with it,  As  cascades  of  clapping  and  Arena.  They  remained  on
            Federer  bid  adieu  Friday  competitors  and  colleagues.  his time in professional ten-  yells of affection came from  their feet for nearly 10 min-
            night  with  one  last  contest  And, naturally, each of those  nis  ended,  Federer  hugged  the  stands,  Federer  put  his  utes, through the pre-match
            before  he  heads  into  retire-                                                       hands  on  his  hips,  his  chest  warmup, holding aloft phone
            ment  at  age  41  after  a  su-                                                       heaving.  Then  he  mouthed,  cameras  to  capture  the  mo-
            perlative career that spanned                                                          “Thank you,” while applaud-  ment.
            nearly a quarter-century and                                                           ing  right  back  toward  the
            included  20  Grand  Slam                                                              spectators who had chanted,  Although this match amount-
            titles  and  a  statesman’s  role.                                                     “Let’s  go,  Roger!  Let’s  go!”  ed  to,  essentially,  a  glorified
            He  wrapped  up  his  days  as                                                         during  the  concluding  mo-  exhibition,  all  four  doubles
            a  professional  player  with  a                                                       ments of a match that lasted  participants played as if they
            loss in doubles alongside his                                                          more  than  two  hours  and  wanted to win. That was clear
            longtime  rival  Rafael  Nadal                                                         ended at about 12:30 a.m.    when Sock, a three-time ma-
            for Team Europe in the Laver                                                                                        jor champion in doubles who
            Cup  against  Frances  Tiafoe                                                          He  had  said  he  wanted  this  is  29,  leaped  and  screamed
            and Jack Sock of Team World.                                                           to feel more like a party than  after  one  particularly  terrific
                                                                                                   a  funeral,  and  the  crowd  volley  or  when  Tiafoe,  24,
            The truth is that the victors,                                                         obliged,  rising  for  a  loud  sent a couple of shots right at
            the  statistics  and  the  score                                                       and lengthy standing ovation  Federer and Nadal.
            (OK,  for  the  record  it  was                                                        when Federer and Nadal —
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