Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20220926
P. 28

A28     world news
                Dialuna 26 September 2022

             Italians vote in election that could take far-                                            South Korea says North

                                         right to power                                                 Korea test-fired missile

                                                                                                                    toward sea

            (AP)  —  Italians  voted
            Sunday in an election that
            could move the country’s
            politics  sharply  toward
            the right during a critical
            time for Europe, with war
            in  Ukraine  fueling  sky-
            rocketing energy bills and
            testing  the  West’s  resolve
            to  stand  united  against
            Russian aggression.

            Polls  opened  at  7  a.m.
            (0500GMT)  and  by  noon
            turnout  was  equal  to  or
            slightly less than at the same
            time  during  Italy’s  last  gen-  Meloni is part of a right-wing  Early  voters  in  Rome  ex-
            eral  election  in  2018.  The  alliance  with  anti-migrant  pressed  concerns  about  Ital-
            counting of paper ballots was  League  leader  Matteo  Sal-  ian politics as a whole.
            expected to begin shortly af-  vini  and  Silvio  Berlusconi,
            ter they close at 11 p.m. (2100  the  three-time  premier  who  The  election  in  the  euro-
            GMT),     with   projections  heads  the  Forza  Italia  party  zone’s third-largest economy
            based on partial results com-  he created three decades ago.  is  being  closely  watched  in
            ing early Monday morning.    Italy’s  complex  electoral  law  Europe, given Meloni’s criti-
                                         rewards campaign coalitions,  cism  of  “Brussels  bureau-
            Publication  of  opinion  polls  meaning  the  Democrats  are  crats”  and  her  ties  to  other   (AP)  —  North  Korea  fired  a  short-range  ballistic
            is  banned  in  the  two  weeks  disadvantaged  since  they  right-wing  leaders  —  she   missile Sunday toward its eastern seas, extending a
            leading  up  to  the  election,  failed  to  secure  a  similarly  recently defended Hungary’s   provocative streak in weapons testing as a U.S. air-
            but polls before that showed  broad alliance with left-lean-  Viktor  Orban  after  the  Eu-  craft carrier visits South Korea for joint military ex-
            far-right   leader   Giorgia  ing populists and centrists.  ropean  Commission  recom-  ercises in response to the North’s growing nuclear
            Meloni  and  her  Brothers  of                            mended  suspending  billions   threat.
            Italy  party,  with  its  neo-fas-  Nearly  51  million  Italians  of euros in funding to Hun-
            cist  roots,  the  most  popular.  were  eligible  to  vote.  Poll-  gary  over  concerns  about   South  Korea’s  Joint  Chiefs  of  Staff  said  the  missile
            That suggested Italians were  sters, though, predicted turn-  democratic  backsliding  and   launched from the western inland town of Taechon flew
            poised to vote their first far-  out could be even lower than  the possible mismanagement   600 kilometers (370 miles) cross-country on a maximum
            right government into power  the record-setting low of 73%  of EU money.                altitude of 60 kilometers (37 miles) before landing in wa-
            since World War II. Close be-  in the last general election in                          ters off North Korea’s eastern coast.
            hind was former Premier En-  2018.  They  say  despite  Eu-  Elections  are  being  held  six
            rico Letta and his center-left  rope’s many crises, many vot-  months  early  after  Mario   The U.S. Indo-Pacific Command said the launch did not
            Democratic Party.            ers  feel  alienated  from  poli-  Draghi’s  pandemic  unity   pose an “immediate threat to U.S. personnel or territory,
                                         tics, since Italy has had three  government collapsed in late   or to our allies,” but still highlighted the destabilizing im-
            Letta, for his part, tweeted a  coalition  governments  since  July. Italy’s president, Sergio   pact of North Korea’s illicit nuclear weapons and missile
            photo of himself at the ballot  the  last  election  —  each  led  Mattarella, saw no alternative   programs.
            box. “Have a good vote!” he  by someone who hadn’t run  but to have voters elect a new
            wrote.                       for office.                  Parliament.                   The launch came as the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier
                                                                                                    USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group arrived in South
              Fire breaks out at world’s biggest produce                                            Korea for the two countries’ joint military exercises that
                                                                                                    aim to show their strength against growing North Korean
                                       market in Paris                                              South Korea’s Foreign Ministry said its nuclear envoy Kim

                                                                                                    Gunn held telephone calls with Sung Kim, U.S. President
            (AP)  —  A  billowing  column  of  dark  town unto itself, with more than 12,000 peo-   Joe Biden’s special representative for North Korea, and
            smoke  towered  over  Paris  on  Sunday  ple working there and warehouses filled with   Funakoshi Takehiro, director-general for Asian and Ocea-
            from a warehouse blaze at a massive pro-    fruit  and  vegetables,  seafood,  meats,  dairy   nian affairs at Japan’s Foreign Ministry, to discuss trilateral
            duce  market  that  supplies  the  French  products and flowers from across France and   cooperation in face of North Korean threats.
            capital  and  surrounding  region  with  around the world.
            much of its fresh food and bills itself as                                              Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said in a state-
            the largest of its kind in the world.                                                   ment Tokyo is “doing its utmost” to gather information
                                                                                                    on North Korea’s launch and confirm the safety of ships
            Firefighters urged people to stay away from                                             and aircraft, although there were no immediate reports of
            the area in Paris’ southern suburbs, as 100 of-                                         damages.
            ficers and 30 fire engines battled the blaze at
            the Rungis International Market.                                                        The North Korean threat is also expected to be a key agen-
                                                                                                    da when U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris visits South
            Capt. Marc Le Moine, a spokesman for the                                                Korea next week after attending the state funeral in Tokyo
            Paris  fire  service,  said  no  one  was  injured.                                     of slain former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
            The fire was brought under control and there
            was  no  risk  of  it  spreading  from  the  soccer                                     Sunday’s test could soon be followed with a more pro-
            field-sized  warehouse,  covering  an  area  of                                         vocative weapons demonstration as South Korean officials
            7,000 square meters (1.7 acres), he said.                                               said they detected signs that North Korea was preparing
                                                                                                    to test a missile system designed to be launched from sub-
            The cause of the blaze was unknown but will                                             marines. The office of South Korean President Yoon Suk
            be investigated, he added.                                                              Yeol said Saturday that he was briefed on such develop-
                                                                                                    ments before his flight back home from a visit to Canada.
            The sprawling wholesale market is a veritable
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