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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 26 September 2022

                           Germany secures more gas shipments as Scholz visits Gulf

            (AP) — German Chancel-                                                                                              of  Prince  Mohammed's  al-
            lor Olaf Scholz planted a                                                                                           leged involvement in the kill-
            tree at a mangrove park in                                                                                          ing of Saudi journalist Jamal
            the United Arab Emirates                                                                                            Khashoggi.
            on Sunday, a token nod to
            environmentalism  during                                                                                            Scholz told reporters after the
            a two-day visit to the Gulf                                                                                         meeting that he had discussed
            region focused mainly on                                                                                            "all the questions around civil
            securing  new  fossil  fuel                                                                                         and  human  rights"  with  the
            supplies and forging fresh                                                                                          prince, but declined to elabo-
            alliances against Russia.                                                                                           rate.

            Germany is trying to wean it-                                                                                       German officials noted ahead
            self off energy imports from                                                                                        of the trip that Scholz is one
            Russia  in  response  to  the                                                                                       of several Western leaders to
            invasion  of  Ukraine,  while                                                                                       meet  with  the  Saudi  crown
            avoiding  an  energy  shortage                                                                                      prince in recent months, in-
            in the coming winter months.                                                                                        cluding  U.S.  President  Joe
                                                                                                                                Biden,  former  U.K.  Prime
            To  do  so,  the  German  gov-                                                                                      Minister  Boris  Johnson  and
            ernment has sought out new                                                                                          French President Emmanuel
            natural  gas  suppliers  while                                                                                      Macron.
            also  installing  terminals  to
            bring the fuel into the coun-                                                                                       German officials said all en-
            try by ship.                 RWE announced Sunday that  Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al  ues  for  the  tournament,  but  ergy  agreements  will  take
                                         it will receive a first shipment  Thani,  and  discuss  bilateral  left  open  whether  he  would  into  account  the  country's
            After visiting the Jubail Man-  of liquefied natural gas from  relations, regional issues such  attend any of the games him-  plans to become carbon neu-
            grove  Park  in  Abu  Dhabi,  the Abu Dhabi National Oil  as tensions with Iran and the  self.                      tral by 2045, requiring a shift
            Scholz met with UAE Presi-   Company this year. In a sepa-  Gulf nation's upcoming host-                            from natural gas to hydrogen
            dent Sheikh Mohammed bin  rate  deal,  RWE  will  partner  ing of soccer's World Cup.  The  German  leader's  first  produced with renewable en-
            Zayed Al Nahyan to sign an  with  UAE-based  Masdar  to                                stop  Saturday  was  Saudi  ergy in the coming decades.
            accord  on  energy  coopera-  explore further offshore wind  Speaking  to  reporters  in  Arabia,  where  he  met  with
            tion and discuss the country's  energy projects, the company  Doha,  Scholz  acknowledged  Crown  Prince  Mohammed  Saudi Arabia, which has vast
            hosting  of  next  year's  U.N.  said.                    that there had been progress  bin Salman.                 regions suitable for cheap so-
            climate talks.                                            on improving conditions for                               lar power generation, is seen
                                         From Abu Dhabi Scholz flew  foreign  workers  involved  in  Human  rights  groups  criti-  as a particularly suitable sup-
            German  utility  company  to  Qatar  to  meet  the  emir,  the construction of the ven-  cized  the  meeting  because  plier of hydrogen, they said.

                               Canada sends troops to help clear Fiona’s devastation

            (AP)  —  Hundreds  of                                                                  she couldn't count the num-  seemingly  beyond  anything
            thousands of people in At-                                                             ber of homes damaged in her  before seen in the province.
            lantic  Canada  remained                                                               own neighborhood.
            without  power  Sunday                                                                                              Entire   structures   were
            and officials tried to assess                                                          She said it was critical for the  washed  into  the  sea  as  rag-
            the  scope  of  devastation                                                            military  to  arrive  and  help  ing  surf  pounded  Port  Aux
            of from former Hurricane                                                               clear  debris,  noting  that  the  Basques, Newfoundland.
            Fiona,  which  swept  away                                                             road to the airport is inacces-
            houses,  stripped  off  roofs                                                          sible  and  the  tower  has  sig-  Much  of  the  town  of  4,000
            and  knocked  out  power                                                               nificant damage.             had been evacuated and But-
            across the country's Atlan-                                                                                         ton  said  officials  on  Sunday
            tic provinces.                                                                         McDougall said it is amazing  will  identify  areas  where
                                                                                                   there are no injuries.       people can safely go back to
            After  surging  north  from                                                                                         their homes. He asked for pa-
            the  Caribbean,  Fiona  came                                                           Prince  Edward  Island  Pre-  tience, noting some residents
            ashore before dawn Saturday                                                            mier  Dennis  King  said  few  are showing up at barricades
            as  a  post-tropical  cyclone,   firmed  fatalities  in  Canada,  More  than  415,000  Nova   communities  were  spared  angry  and  wanting  to  go  to
            battering Nova Scotia, Prince   authorities  on  Sunday  were  Scotia  Power  customers  —   damage, with the devastation  home.
            Edward  Island,  Newfound-   searching for a woman miss-  about 80% in the province of
            land  and  Quebec  with  hur-  ing in the hardest hit town of  almost  1  million  people  —
            ricane-strength winds, heavy   Channel-Port  Aux  Basques  had been affected by outages
            rains and huge waves.
                                         on  the  southern  coast  of  Saturday.
            Defense    Minister   Anita                               Utility companies say it could
            Anand  said  Canadian  troops   As of Sunday morning, more  be days before the lights are
            would  help  remove  fallen   than  256,000  Nova  Scotia  back on for everyone.
            trees  throughout  Eastern   Power  customers  and  over
            Canada,  restore  transporta-  82,000  Maritime  Electric  Cape  Breton  Regional  Mu-
            tion  links  and  do  whatever   customers  in  the  province  nicipality  Mayor  Amanda
            else  is  required  for  as  long   of  Prince  Edward  Island  —  McDougall said Sunday over
            as it takes. She didn't specify   about 95% of the total — re-  200  people  had  been  dis-
            how  many  troops  would  be   mained in the dark. So were  placed  and  were  in  tempo-
            deployed.                    more than 20,600 homes and  rary  shelters.  Over  70  roads
                                         businesses  in  New  Bruns-  are completely inaccessible in
            Fiona was blamed for at least   wick.                     her region, which declared a
            five deaths in the Caribbean,                             state  of  emergency.  She  said
            and while there were no con-
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