P. 13
Tuesday 10 March 2020
‘Aruba DOET’ does it again!
ORANJESTAD — Receiv- to become the largest vol-
ing over 1,000,000 tourists unteer event on the island.
annually, Aruba has long At the mothering heart of
been the most popular hol- the foundation, are numer-
iday hub in the Caribbean. ous independent organi-
Famous for its long beach- zations and participating
es, colonial-style villages companies: We have seen
and ever-shining sun, Aru- banks paying their share by
ba remains the preferred scheduling flexible hours
destination for people from for their employees, while
around the world. Although hospitality venues service
serving the island well fi- the community by provid-
nancially, the tourist flux ing meals and drinks. Large
has a great environmental stock suppliers make sure
impact on the island and no volunteer is left on the
often oversees the lesser shelf by supplying free wa-
conditions of people liv- ter and juice, while super-
ing away from the beach markets offer their products
resorts. Thus, the volunteer at discount, keeping the
initiative Aruba DOET was cartwheels rolling. Waste ages and cultural back- up a local church or even nity as a whole.
created to unite the people containers are at our dis- grounds clasping their building an all-new educa-
from around the island and counted disposal, garden hands together to make a tion centre. Help a paw at Thanks to the high-spirited
all over the world with the companies have dug into difference, is the epitome an animal shelter, flip the volunteers and the gen-
community. In 2020, this our hearts by affordably of what our happy island meat on a barbecue for erosity of all participating
wonderful event will once renting out excavators, stands for. This is reflected the hearing-impaired or companies and organiza-
again put the ONE back in hardware stores give a by the thankful Aruban stimulate youngsters to ex- tions, every active year
our HAPPY ISLAND on Fri- huge amount of discount community on the receiv- press themselves through has painted the island with
day 13th and Saturday 14th on their materials and ing end, but never as much art. There is a job for every- a fresh layer of triumph. In
of March. thanks to transport services, as the joy that is shared by one, but if you find it impos- 2020, your help is needed
Aruba DOET have enough the generous participants. sible to choose much help to keep up the wonder-
The ‘Aruba DOET’ family busses available for their is needed as a life-lining all- ful work and be part of an
Aruba DOET was initiated social projects. Make a difference rounder. undertaking that will set an
by the Netherlands Oranje As a volunteer, you will not example for the Caribbean
Fonds in 2013, along with its What genuinely makes only contribute to the com- Working for the greater and the rest of the world.
sibling islands in the Carib- the event triumph are the munity, but will also get the good Being a part of Aruba DOET
bean. In the following eight thousands of volunteers chance to participate in a With the past years in mind, will give a positive impulse
years, in cooperation with that join the family each project that brings people Aruba has proven to care to the island and it gives a
CEDE Aruba, it quickly grew year. People from different together. Holidaymak- about its community like no deeper insight into the is-
ers and environmentalists, other island in the Caribbe- land. On top of that, it will
locals and entire families an Sea. Volunteers are the surely be an incredibly in-
come together to make heart and soul of commu- spiring and fun day! Plus
a difference. “This is my nity organizations. the participating organiza-
fifth year of participating Through CEDE Aruba and tions can reach their goals
in Aruba DOET, because it the Oranje Fonds, Aruba on that day, which they
creates projects that puts DOET emphasize how im- might not have been able
a smile on the face of our portant actively engaged to achieve without your
children,” says an Aruban citizens are for the commu- help.q
contributor. A Dutch volun-
teer notes: “With Turtuga-
ruba we cleaned up the
beaches, in order for the
sea turtles to safely enter
land and lay their eggs.
Thanks to the organization,
sea turtles are now abun-
dant on the beaches.”
You also may join in on the
fun! Visit www.arubadoet.
com, choose from 194 proj-
ects, to find a job that best
suits you and your sched-
ule. The activities vary
widely, from gardening for
the hospital to brushing